<?php declare(strict_types=1); use function MicroHTML\BR; use function MicroHTML\BUTTON; use function MicroHTML\INPUT; class PrivateImageTheme extends Themelet { public function get_image_admin_html(Image $image) { if ($image->private===false) { $html = SHM_SIMPLE_FORM( 'privatize_image/'.$image->id, INPUT(["type"=>'hidden', "name"=>'image_id', "value"=>$image->id]), SHM_SUBMIT("Make Private") ); } else { $html = SHM_SIMPLE_FORM( 'publicize_image/'.$image->id, INPUT(["type"=>'hidden', "name"=>'image_id', "value"=>$image->id]), SHM_SUBMIT("Make Public") ); } return (string)$html; } public function get_help_html() { return '<p>Search for posts that are private/public.</p> <div class="command_example"> <pre>private:yes</pre> <p>Returns posts that are private, restricted to yourself if you are not an admin.</p> </div> <div class="command_example"> <pre>private:no</pre> <p>Returns posts that are public.</p> </div> '; } public function get_user_options(User $user, bool $set_by_default, bool $view_by_default): string { $html = " <p>".make_form(make_link("user_admin/private_image"))." <input type='hidden' name='id' value='$user->id'> <table style='width: 300px;'> <tbody> <tr><th colspan='2'>Private Images</th></tr> <tr> <td> <label><input type='checkbox' name='set_default' value='true' " .($set_by_default ? 'checked=checked': ''). " />Mark images private by default</label> </td> </tr><tr> <td> <label><input type='checkbox' name='view_default' value='true' " .($view_by_default ? 'checked=checked': ''). " />View private images by default</label> </td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td><input type='submit' value='Save'></td></tr> </tfoot> </table> </form> "; return $html; } }