 * Name: Admin Controls
 * Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org>
 * Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/
 * License: GPLv2
 * Description: Various things to make admins' lives easier
 * Documentation:
 *  Various moderate-level tools for admins; for advanced, obscure, and
 *  possibly dangerous tools see the shimmie2-utils script set
 *  <p>Lowercase all tags:
 *  <br>Set all tags to lowercase for consistency
 *  <p>Recount tag use:
 *  <br>If the counts of images per tag get messed up somehow, this will
 *  reset them, and remove any unused tags
 *  <p>Database dump:
 *  <br>Download the contents of the database in plain text format, useful
 *  for backups.
 *  <p>Image dump:
 *  <br>Download all the images as a .zip file (Requires ZipArchive)

 * Sent when the admin page is ready to be added to
class AdminBuildingEvent extends Event
    /** @var \Page */
    public $page;

    public function __construct(Page $page)
        $this->page = $page;

class AdminActionEvent extends Event
    /** @var string */
    public $action;
    /** @var bool */
    public $redirect = true;

    public function __construct(string $action)
        $this->action = $action;

class AdminPage extends Extension
    public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
        global $page, $user;

        if ($event->page_matches("admin")) {
            if (!$user->can("manage_admintools")) {
            } else {
                if ($event->count_args() == 0) {
                    send_event(new AdminBuildingEvent($page));
                } else {
                    $action = $event->get_arg(0);
                    $aae = new AdminActionEvent($action);

                    if ($user->check_auth_token()) {
                        log_info("admin", "Util: $action");

                    if ($aae->redirect) {

    public function onCommand(CommandEvent $event)
        if ($event->cmd == "help") {
            print "\tget-page [query string]\n";
            print "\t\teg 'get-page post/list'\n\n";
            print "\tregen-thumb [hash]\n";
            print "\t\tregenerate a thumbnail\n\n";
        if ($event->cmd == "get-page") {
            global $page;
            send_event(new PageRequestEvent($event->args[0]));
        if ($event->cmd == "regen-thumb") {
            $image = Image::by_hash($event->args[0]);
            if ($image) {
                print("Regenerating thumb for image {$image->id} ({$image->hash})\n");
                send_event(new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($image->hash, $image->ext, true));
            } else {
                print("Can't find image with hash {$event->args[0]}\n");

    public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event)

    public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event)
        global $user;
        if ($user->can("manage_admintools")) {
            $event->add_link("Board Admin", make_link("admin"));

    public function onAdminAction(AdminActionEvent $event)
        $action = $event->action;
        if (method_exists($this, $action)) {
            $event->redirect = $this->$action();

    public function onPostListBuilding(PostListBuildingEvent $event)
        global $user;
        if ($user->can("manage_admintools") && !empty($event->search_terms)) {

    private function delete_by_query()
        global $page;
        $query = $_POST['query'];
        $reason = @$_POST['reason'];
        assert(strlen($query) > 1);

        $images = Image::find_images(0, 1000000, Tag::explode($query));
        $count = count($images);
        log_warning("admin", "Mass-deleting $count images from $query", "Mass deleted $count images");
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            if ($reason && class_exists("ImageBan")) {
                send_event(new AddImageHashBanEvent($image->hash, $reason));
            send_event(new ImageDeletionEvent($image));

        return false;

    private function set_tag_case()
        global $database;
            "UPDATE tags SET tag=:tag1 WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag2)"
        ), ["tag1" => $_POST['tag'], "tag2" => $_POST['tag']]);
        log_info("admin", "Fixed the case of ".html_escape($_POST['tag']), "Fixed case");
        return true;

    private function lowercase_all_tags()
        global $database;
        $database->execute("UPDATE tags SET tag=lower(tag)");
        log_warning("admin", "Set all tags to lowercase", "Set all tags to lowercase");
        return true;

    private function recount_tag_use()
        global $database;
			UPDATE tags
			SET count = COALESCE(
				(SELECT COUNT(image_id) FROM image_tags WHERE tag_id=tags.id GROUP BY tag_id),
        $database->Execute("DELETE FROM tags WHERE count=0");
        log_warning("admin", "Re-counted tags", "Re-counted tags");
        return true;

    private function database_dump()
        global $page;

        $matches = [];
        preg_match("#^(?P<proto>\w+)\:(?:user=(?P<user>\w+)(?:;|$)|password=(?P<password>\w*)(?:;|$)|host=(?P<host>[\w\.\-]+)(?:;|$)|dbname=(?P<dbname>[\w_]+)(?:;|$))+#", DATABASE_DSN, $matches);
        $software = $matches['proto'];
        $username = $matches['user'];
        $password = $matches['password'];
        $hostname = $matches['host'];
        $database = $matches['dbname'];

        switch ($software) {
            case 'mysql':
                $cmd = "mysqldump -h$hostname -u$username -p$password $database";
            case 'pgsql':
                $cmd = "pg_dump -h $hostname -U $username $database";
            case 'sqlite':
                $cmd = "sqlite3 $database .dump";
                $cmd = false;

        //FIXME: .SQL dump is empty if cmd doesn't exist

        if ($cmd) {

        return false;

    private function download_all_images()
        global $database, $page;

        $images = $database->get_all("SELECT hash, ext FROM images");
        $filename = data_path('imgdump-'.date('Ymd').'.zip');

        $zip = new ZipArchive;
        if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) === true) {
            foreach ($images as $img) {
                $img_loc = warehouse_path("images", $img["hash"], false);
                $zip->addFile($img_loc, $img["hash"].".".$img["ext"]);

        $page->set_redirect(make_link($filename)); //TODO: Delete file after downloaded?

        return false;  // we do want a redirect, but a manual one

    private function reset_image_ids()
        global $database;

        //TODO: Make work with PostgreSQL + SQLite
        //TODO: Update score_log (Having an optional ID column for score_log would be nice..)
        preg_match("#^(?P<proto>\w+)\:(?:user=(?P<user>\w+)(?:;|$)|password=(?P<password>\w*)(?:;|$)|host=(?P<host>[\w\.\-]+)(?:;|$)|dbname=(?P<dbname>[\w_]+)(?:;|$))+#", DATABASE_DSN, $matches);

        if ($matches['proto'] == "mysql") {
            $tables = $database->get_col("SELECT TABLE_NAME
			                              FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
			                              WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = :db
			                              AND REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = 'id'
			                              AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'images'", ["db" => $matches['dbname']]);

            $i = 1;
            $ids = $database->get_col("SELECT id FROM images ORDER BY images.id ASC");
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                $sql = "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;
				        UPDATE images SET id={$i} WHERE image_id={$id};";

                foreach ($tables as $table) {
                    $sql .= "UPDATE {$table} SET image_id={$i} WHERE image_id={$id};";

                $sql .= " SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;";

            $database->execute("ALTER TABLE images AUTO_INCREMENT=".(count($ids) + 1));
        } elseif ($matches['proto'] == "pgsql") {
            //TODO: Make this work with PostgreSQL
        } elseif ($matches['proto'] == "sqlite") {
            //TODO: Make this work with SQLite
        return true;