 * \page themes Themes
 * Each extension has a theme with a specific name -- eg. the extension Setup
 * which is stored in ext/setup/main.php will have a theme called SetupTheme
 * stored in ext/setup/theme.php. If you want to customise it, create a class
 * in the file themes/mytheme/setup.theme.php called CustomSetupTheme which
 * extends SetupTheme and overrides some of its methods.
 * Generally an extension should only deal with processing data; whenever it
 * wants to display something, it should pass the data to be displayed to the
 * theme object, and the theme will add the data into the global $page
 * structure.
 * A page should make sure that all the data it outputs is free from dangerous
 * data by using html_escape(), url_escape(), or int_escape() as appropriate.
 * Because some HTML can be placed anywhere according to the theme, coming up
 * with the correct way to link to a page can be hard -- thus we have the
 * make_link() function, which will take a path like "post/list" and turn it
 * into a full and correct link, eg /myboard/post/list, /foo/index.php?q=post/list,
 * etc depending on how things are set up. This should always be used to link
 * to pages rather than hardcoding a path.
 * Various other common functions are available as part of the Themelet class.

 * A data structure for holding all the bits of data that make up a page.
 * The various extensions all add whatever they want to this structure,
 * then Layout turns it into HTML
class Page {
	/** @name Overall */
	/** @private */
	var $mode = "page";
	/** @private */
	var $type = "text/html";

	 * Set what this page should do; "page", "data", or "redirect".
	public function set_mode($mode) {
		$this->mode = $mode;

	 * Set the page's MIME type
	public function set_type($type) {
		$this->type = $type;

	// ==============================================
	/** @name "data" mode */

	/** @private */
	var $data = "";
	/** @private */
	var $filename = null;

	 * Set the raw data to be sent
	public function set_data($data) {
		$this->data = $data;

	 * Set the recommended download filename
	public function set_filename($filename) {
		$this->filename = $filename;

	// ==============================================
	/** @name "redirect" mode */

	/** @private */
	var $redirect = "";

	 * Set the URL to redirect to (remember to use make_link() if linking
	 * to a page in the same site)
	public function set_redirect($redirect) {
		$this->redirect = $redirect;

	// ==============================================
	/** @name "page" mode */

	/** @privatesection */
	var $title = "";
	var $heading = "";
	var $subheading = "";
	var $quicknav = "";
	var $headers = array();
	var $blocks = array();
	/** @publicsection */

	 * Set the window title
	public function set_title($title) {
		$this->title = $title;

	 * Set the main heading
	public function set_heading($heading) {
		$this->heading = $heading;

	 * Set the sub heading
	public function set_subheading($subheading) {
		$this->subheading = $subheading;

	 * Add a line to the HTML head section
	public function add_header($line, $position=50) {
		while(isset($this->headers[$position])) $position++;
		$this->headers[$position] = $line;

	 * Add a Block of data
	public function add_block(Block $block) {
		$this->blocks[] = $block;

	// ==============================================

	 * Display the page according to the mode and data given
	public function display() {
		global $page;

		header("Content-type: {$this->type}");
		header("X-Powered-By: SCore-".SCORE_VERSION);

		switch($this->mode) {
			case "page":
				header("Cache-control: no-cache");
				usort($this->blocks, "blockcmp");
				$layout = new Layout();
			case "data":
				header("Content-Length: ".strlen($this->data));
				if(!is_null($this->filename)) {
					header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$this->filename);
				print $this->data;
			case "redirect":
				header("Location: {$this->redirect}");
				print "You should be redirected to <a href='{$this->redirect}'>{$this->redirect}</a>";
				print "Invalid page mode";

	protected function add_auto_headers() {
		$data_href = get_base_href();

		foreach(glob("lib/*.css") as $css) {
			$this->add_header("<link rel='stylesheet' href='$data_href/$css' type='text/css'>");
		$css_files = glob("ext/*/style.css");
		if($css_files) {
			foreach($css_files as $css_file) {
				$this->add_header("<link rel='stylesheet' href='$data_href/$css_file' type='text/css'>");

		foreach(glob("lib/*.js") as $js) {
			$this->add_header("<script src='$data_href/$js' type='text/javascript'></script>");
		$js_files = glob("ext/*/script.js");
		if($js_files) {
			foreach($js_files as $js_file) {
				$this->add_header("<script src='$data_href/$js_file' type='text/javascript'></script>");