* Link: http://atravelinggeek.com/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Report images as dupes/illegal/etc * Version 0.3a - See changelog in main.php * November 06, 2007 */ class RemoveReportedImageEvent extends Event { var $id; public function RemoveReportedImageEvent($id) { $this->id = $id; } } class AddReportedImageEvent extends Event { var $reporter_id; var $image_id; var $reason; public function AddReportedImageEvent($image_id, $reporter_id, $reason) { $this->reporter_id = $reporter_id; $this->image_id = $image_id; $this->reason = $reason; } } class ReportImage extends Extension { var $theme; public function receive_event($event) { if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object("report_image", "ReportImageTheme"); if(is_a($event, 'InitExtEvent')) { global $config; $config->set_default_bool('report_image_show_thumbs', true); if($config->get_int("ext_report_image_version") < 1) { $this->install(); } } if(is_a($event, 'PageRequestEvent') && ($event->page_name == "image_report")) { global $user; if($event->get_arg(0) == "add") { if(isset($_POST['image_id']) && isset($_POST['reason'])) { $image_id = int_escape($_POST['image_id']); send_event(new AddReportedImageEvent($image_id, $event->user->id, $_POST['reason'])); $event->page->set_mode("redirect"); $event->page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/$image_id")); } } else if($event->get_arg(0) == "remove") { if(isset($_POST['id'])) { if($event->user->is_admin()) { send_event(new RemoveReportedImageEvent($_POST['id'])); $event->page->set_mode("redirect"); $event->page->set_redirect(make_link("image_report/list")); } } } else if($event->get_arg(0) == "list") { if($event->user->is_admin()) { $this->theme->display_reported_images($event->page, $this->get_reported_images()); } } } if(is_a($event, 'AddReportedImageEvent')) { global $database; $database->Execute( "INSERT INTO image_reports(image_id, reporter_id, reason) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array($event->image_id, $event->reporter_id, $event->reason)); } if(is_a($event, 'RemoveReportedImageEvent')) { global $database; $database->Execute("DELETE FROM image_reports WHERE id = ?", array($event->id)); } if(is_a($event, 'DisplayingImageEvent')) { global $user; global $config; if($config->get_bool('report_image_anon') || !$user->is_anonymous()) { $this->theme->display_image_banner($event->page, $event->image->id); } } if(is_a($event, 'SetupBuildingEvent')) { $sb = new SetupBlock("Report Image Options"); $sb->add_bool_option("report_image_anon", "Allow anonymous image reporting: "); $sb->add_bool_option("report_image_show_thumbs", "
Show thumbnails in admin panel: "); $event->panel->add_block($sb); } if(is_a($event, 'UserBlockBuildingEvent')) { if($event->user->is_admin()) { $event->add_link("Reported Images", make_link("image_report/list")); } } if(is_a($event, 'ImageDeletionEvent')) { global $database; $database->Execute("DELETE FROM image_reports WHERE image_id = ?", array($event->image->id)); } } protected function install() { global $database; global $config; if($config->get_int("ext_report_image_version") < 1) { $database->Execute("CREATE TABLE image_reports ( id {$database->engine->auto_increment}, image_id INTEGER NOT NULL, reporter_id INTEGER NOT NULL, reason TEXT NOT NULL )"); $config->set_int("ext_report_image_version", 1); } } public function get_reported_images() { global $database; $all_reports = $database->get_all(" SELECT image_reports.*, users.name AS reporter_name FROM image_reports JOIN users ON reporter_id = users.id"); if(is_null($all_reports)) $all_reports = array(); $reports = array(); foreach($all_reports as $report) { global $database; $image_id = int_escape($report['image_id']); $image = $database->get_image($image_id); if(is_null($image)) { send_event(new RemoveReportedImageEvent($report['id'])); continue; } $report['image'] = $database->get_image($image_id); $reports[] = $report; } return $reports; } } add_event_listener(new ReportImage(), 29); // Not sure what I'm in before. // ===== Changelog ===== // * Version 0.3a / 0.3a_rc - 11/06/07 - I can no longer use the same theme.php file for both SVN and RCx. Sorry. // * Same deal with theme.php as it is with main.php // * Version 0.3 / 0.3_rc - 11/06/07 - Added the option to display thumbnails, moved the reported image list to it's // own page, and checked to make sure the user is an admin before letting them delete / view reported images. // * Version 0.2c_rc2 - 10/27/07 - Now (really!) supports Shimmie2 RC2! // * Version 0.2b - 10/27/07 - Now supports Shimmie2 RC2! // * Version 0.2a - 10/24/07 - Fixed some SQL issues. I will make sure to test before commiting :) // * Version 0.2 - 10/24/07 - First public release. ?>