* Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Various things to make admins' lives easier * Documentation: *

Lowercase all tags: *
Set all tags to lowercase for consistency *

Recount tag use: *
If the counts of images per tag get messed up somehow, this will reset them *

Purge unused tags: *
Get rid of all the tags that don't have any images associated with * them (normally they were created as typos or spam); this is mostly for * neatness, the performance gain is tiny... *

Convert to InnoDB: *
Convert your database tables to InnoDB, thus allowing shimmie to * take advantage of useful InnoDB-only features (this should be done * automatically, this button only exists as a backup). This only applies * to MySQL -- all other databases come with useful features enabled * as standard. *

Database dump: *
Download the contents of the database in plain text format, useful * for backups. */ /** * Sent when the admin page is ready to be added to */ class AdminBuildingEvent extends Event { var $page; public function AdminBuildingEvent($page) { $this->page = $page; } } class AdminPage extends SimpleExtension { public function onPageRequest($event) { global $page, $user; if($event->page_matches("admin")) { if(!$user->is_admin()) { $this->theme->display_permission_denied($page); } else { send_event(new AdminBuildingEvent($page)); } } if($event->page_matches("admin_utils")) { if($user->is_admin() && $user->check_auth_token()) { log_info("admin", "Util: {$_POST['action']}"); set_time_limit(0); $redirect = false; switch($_POST['action']) { case 'delete by query': $this->delete_by_query($_POST['query']); $redirect = true; break; case 'lowercase all tags': $this->lowercase_all_tags(); $redirect = true; break; case 'recount tag use': $this->recount_tag_use(); $redirect = true; break; case 'purge unused tags': $this->purge_unused_tags(); $redirect = true; break; case 'convert to innodb': $this->convert_to_innodb(); $redirect = true; break; case 'database dump': $this->dbdump($page); break; case 'reset image ids': $this->reset_imageids(); $redirect = true; break; } if($redirect) { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("admin")); } } } } public function onAdminBuilding($event) { global $page; $this->theme->display_page($page); $this->theme->display_form($page); } public function onUserBlockBuilding($event) { global $user; if($user->is_admin()) { $event->add_link("Board Admin", make_link("admin")); } } private function delete_by_query($query) { global $page, $user; assert(strlen($query) > 1); foreach(Image::find_images(0, 1000000, Tag::explode($query)) as $image) { send_event(new ImageDeletionEvent($image)); } } private function lowercase_all_tags() { global $database; $database->execute("UPDATE tags SET tag=lower(tag)"); } private function recount_tag_use() { global $database; $database->Execute(" UPDATE tags SET count = COALESCE( (SELECT COUNT(image_id) FROM image_tags WHERE tag_id=tags.id GROUP BY tag_id), 0 )"); } private function purge_unused_tags() { global $database; $this->recount_tag_use(); $database->Execute("DELETE FROM tags WHERE count=0"); } private function dbdump($page) { $matches = array(); preg_match("#(\w+)://(\w+):(\w+)@([\w\.\-]+)/([\w_]+)(\?.*)?#", DATABASE_DSN, $matches); $software = $matches[1]; $username = $matches[2]; $password = $matches[3]; $hostname = $matches[4]; $database = $matches[5]; switch($software) { case 'mysql': $cmd = "mysqldump -h$hostname -u$username -p$password $database"; break; } $page->set_mode("data"); $page->set_type("application/x-unknown"); $page->set_filename('shimmie-'.date('Ymd').'.sql'); $page->set_data(shell_exec($cmd)); } private function check_for_orphanned_images() { $orphans = array(); foreach(glob("images/*") as $dir) { foreach(glob("$dir/*") as $file) { $hash = str_replace("$dir/", "", $file); if(!$this->db_has_hash($hash)) { $orphans[] = $hash; } } } } /* private function convert_to_innodb() { global $database; if($database->engine->name == "mysql") { $tables = $database->db->MetaTables(); foreach($tables as $table) { log_info("upgrade", "converting $table to innodb"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE $table TYPE=INNODB"); } } } */ private function reset_imageids() { global $database; //This might be a bit laggy on boards with lots of images (?) //Seems to work fine with 1.2k~ images though. $i = 0; $image = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY images.id ASC"); /*$score_log = $database->get_all("SELECT message FROM score_log");*/ foreach($image as $img){ $xid = $img[0]; $i = $i + 1; $table = array( //Might be missing some tables? "image_tags", "tag_histories", "image_reports", "comments", "user_favorites", "tag_histories", "numeric_score_votes", "pool_images", "slext_progress_cache", "notes"); $sql = "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; UPDATE images SET id=".$i. " WHERE id=".$xid.";"; //id for images foreach($table as $tbl){ $sql .= " UPDATE ".$tbl." SET image_id=".$i." WHERE image_id=".$xid.";"; } /*foreach($score_log as $sl){ //This seems like a bad idea. //TODO: Might be better for log_info to have an $id option (which would then affix the id to the table?) preg_replace(".Image \\#[0-9]+.", "Image #".$i, $sl); }*/ $sql .= " SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;"; $database->execute($sql); } $count = (count($image)) + 1; $database->execute("ALTER TABLE images AUTO_INCREMENT=".$count); } } ?>