sql = $sql; $this->variables = $variables; } public function append($querylet) { assert(!is_null($querylet)); $this->sql .= $querylet->sql; $this->variables = array_merge($this->variables, $querylet->variables); } public function append_sql($sql) { $this->sql .= $sql; } public function add_variable($var) { $this->variables[] = $var; } } class TagQuerylet { var $tag; var $positive; public function TagQuerylet($tag, $positive) { $this->tag = $tag; $this->positive = $positive; } } class ImgQuerylet { var $qlet; var $positive; public function ImgQuerylet($qlet, $positive) { $this->qlet = $qlet; $this->positive = $positive; } } // }}} // {{{ db engines class DBEngine { var $name = null; public function init($db) {} public function scoreql_to_sql($scoreql) { return $scoreql; } public function create_table_sql($name, $data) { return "CREATE TABLE $name ($data)"; } } class MySQL extends DBEngine { var $name = "mysql"; public function init($db) { $db->query("SET NAMES utf8;"); } public function scoreql_to_sql($data) { $data = str_replace("SCORE_AIPK", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY auto_increment", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_INET", "CHAR(15)", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_Y", "'Y'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_N", "'N'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL", "ENUM('Y', 'N')", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_DATETIME", "DATETIME", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_NOW", "\"1970-01-01\"", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_STRNORM", "", $data); return $data; } public function create_table_sql($name, $data) { $data = $this->scoreql_to_sql($data); $ctes = "TYPE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET='utf8'"; return "CREATE TABLE $name ($data) $ctes"; } } class PostgreSQL extends DBEngine { var $name = "pgsql"; public function scoreql_to_sql($data) { $data = str_replace("SCORE_AIPK", "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_INET", "INET", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_Y", "'t'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_N", "'f'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL", "BOOL", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_DATETIME", "TIMESTAMP", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_NOW", "current_time", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_STRNORM", "lower", $data); return $data; } public function create_table_sql($name, $data) { $data = $this->scoreql_to_sql($data); return "CREATE TABLE $name ($data)"; } } // shimmie functions for export to sqlite function _unix_timestamp($date) { return strtotime($date); } function _now() { return date("Y-m-d h:i:s"); } function _floor($a) { return floor($a); } function _log($a, $b=null) { if(is_null($b)) return log($a); else return log($a, $b); } function _isnull($a) { return is_null($a); } function _md5($a) { return md5($a); } function _concat($a, $b) { return $a . $b; } function _lower($a) { return strtolower($a); } class SQLite extends DBEngine { var $name = "sqlite"; public function init($db) { ini_set('sqlite.assoc_case', 0); $db->execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', '_unix_timestamp', 1); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'now', '_now', 0); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'floor', '_floor', 1); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'log', '_log'); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'isnull', '_isnull', 1); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'md5', '_md5', 1); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'concat', '_concat', 2); @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'lower', '_lower', 1); } public function create_table_sql($name, $data) { $data = str_replace("SCORE_AIPK", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_INET", "VARCHAR(15)", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_Y", "'Y'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL_N", "'N'", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_BOOL", "CHAR(1)", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_NOW", "\"1970-01-01\"", $data); $data = str_replace("SCORE_STRNORM", "", $data); $cols = array(); $extras = ""; foreach(explode(",", $data) as $bit) { $matches = array(); if(preg_match("/INDEX\s*\((.*)\)/", $bit, $matches)) { $col = $matches[1]; $extras .= "CREATE INDEX {$name}_{$col} on $name($col);"; } else { $cols[] = $bit; } } $cols_redone = implode(", ", $cols); return "CREATE TABLE $name ($cols_redone); $extras"; } } // }}} // {{{ cache engines interface CacheEngine { public function get($key); public function set($key, $val, $time=0); public function delete($key); public function get_hits(); public function get_misses(); } class NoCache implements CacheEngine { public function get($key) {return false;} public function set($key, $val, $time=0) {} public function delete($key) {} public function get_hits() {return 0;} public function get_misses() {return 0;} } class MemcacheCache implements CacheEngine { var $memcache=null, $hits=0, $misses=0; public function __construct($args) { $hp = split(":", $args); if(class_exists("Memcache")) { $this->memcache = new Memcache; @$this->memcache->pconnect($hp[0], $hp[1]); } } public function get($key) { assert(!is_null($key)); $val = $this->memcache->get($key); if($val) { $this->hits++; return $val; } else { $this->misses++; return false; } } public function set($key, $val, $time=0) { assert(!is_null($key)); $this->memcache->set($key, $val, false, $time); } public function delete($key) { assert(!is_null($key)); $this->memcache->delete($key); } public function get_hits() {return $this->hits;} public function get_misses() {return $this->misses;} } class APCCache implements CacheEngine { var $hits=0, $misses=0; public function __construct($args) {} public function get($key) { assert(!is_null($key)); $val = apc_fetch($key); if($val) { $this->hits++; return $val; } else { $this->misses++; return false; } } public function set($key, $val, $time=0) { assert(!is_null($key)); apc_store($key, $val, $time); } public function delete($key) { assert(!is_null($key)); apc_delete($key); } public function get_hits() {return $this->hits;} public function get_misses() {return $this->misses;} } // }}} /** @publicsection */ /** * A class for controlled database access */ class Database { /** * The PDO database connection object, for anyone who wants direct access */ var $db; /** * Meta info about the database engine */ var $engine = null; /** * The currently active cache engine */ var $cache = null; /** * Create a new database object using connection info * stored in config.php in the root shimmie folder */ public function Database() { global $database_dsn, $cache_dsn; # FIXME: translate database URI into something PDO compatible #$db_proto = $database_dsn; #$db_host = $database_dsn; #$db_name = $database_dsn; if($db_proto == "mysql") { $this->engine = new MySQL(); } else if($db_proto == "pgsql") { $this->engine = new PostgreSQL(); } else if($db_proto == "sqlite") { $this->engine = new SQLite(); } $this->db = new PDO("$db_proto:host=$db_host;dbname=$db_name", $db_user, $db_pass); if(isset($cache_dsn) && !empty($cache_dsn)) { $matches = array(); preg_match("#(memcache|apc)://(.*)#", $cache_dsn, $matches); if($matches[1] == "memcache") { $this->cache = new MemcacheCache($matches[2]); } else if($matches[1] == "apc") { $this->cache = new APCCache($matches[2]); } } else { $this->cache = new NoCache(); } if($this->db) { $this->engine->init($this->db); } else { $version = VERSION; print "