
class Themelet {
	public function display_error(/*int*/ $code, /*string*/ $title, /*string*/ $message) {
		global $page;
		$page->add_http_header("HTTP/1.0 $code $title");
		$page->add_block(new NavBlock());
		$page->add_block(new Block("Error", $message));

	public function display_permission_denied() {
		$this->display_error(403, "Permission Denied", "You do not have permission to access this page");

	public function build_thumb_html(Image $image, $query=null) {
		global $config;
		$h_view_link = make_link("post/view/{$image->id}", $query);
		$h_thumb_link = $image->get_thumb_link();

		// Removes the size tag if the file is an mp3 
		if($image->ext == 'mp3'){
			$iitip = $image->get_tooltip();
			$mp3tip = array("0x0");
			$h_tip = str_replace($mp3tip, " ", $iitip);
			// Makes it work with a variation of the default tooltips (I.E $tags // $filesize // $size)
			$justincase = array("   //", "//   ", "  //", "//  ", "  ");
				if(strstr($h_tip, "  ")){
					$h_tip = html_escape(str_replace($justincase, "", $h_tip));
				$h_tip = html_escape($h_tip);
		$h_tip = html_escape($image->get_tooltip());

		// If file is flash or svg then sets thumbnail to max size.
		if($image->ext == 'swf' || $image->ext == 'svg'){
		$tsize = get_thumbnail_size($config->get_int('thumb_width'), $config->get_int('thumb_height')); }
		$tsize = get_thumbnail_size($image->width, $image->height); }

		return "<a href='$h_view_link'><img title='$h_tip' alt='$h_tip' ".
				"width='{$tsize[0]}' height='{$tsize[1]}' src='$h_thumb_link' /></a>";

	public function display_paginator(Page $page, $base, $query, $page_number, $total_pages) {
		if($total_pages == 0) $total_pages = 1;
		$body = $this->build_paginator($page_number, $total_pages, $base, $query);
		$page->add_block(new Block(null, $body, "main", 90));

	private function gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $page, $name) {
		$link = make_link("$base_url/$page", $query);
	    return "<a href='$link'>$name</a>";
	private function gen_page_link_block($base_url, $query, $page, $current_page, $name) {
		$paginator = "";
	    if($page == $current_page) $paginator .= "<b>$page</b>";
	    else $paginator .= $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $page, $name);
	    return $paginator;
	private function build_paginator($current_page, $total_pages, $base_url, $query) {
		$next = $current_page + 1;
		$prev = $current_page - 1;
		$rand = rand(1, $total_pages);

		$at_start = ($current_page <= 3 || $total_pages <= 3);
		$at_end = ($current_page >= $total_pages -2);

		$first_html  = $at_start ? "" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, 1,            "1");
		$prev_html   = $at_start ? "" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $prev,        "&lt;&lt;");
		$next_html   = $at_end   ? "" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $next,        "&gt;&gt;");
		$last_html   = $at_end   ? "" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $total_pages, "$total_pages");

		$start = $current_page-2 > 1 ? $current_page-2 : 1;
		$end   = $current_page+2 <= $total_pages ? $current_page+2 : $total_pages;

		$pages = array();
		foreach(range($start, $end) as $i) {
			$pages[] = $this->gen_page_link_block($base_url, $query, $i, $current_page, $i);
		$pages_html = implode(" ", $pages);

		if(strlen($first_html) > 0) $pdots = "...";
		else $pdots = "";

		if(strlen($last_html) > 0) $ndots = "...";
		else $ndots = "";

		return "<div id='paginator'>$prev_html $first_html $pdots $pages_html $ndots $last_html $next_html</div>";