class RatingTest extends ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase
    public function testRating()
        $image_id = $this->post_image("tests/pbx_screenshot.jpg", "pbx");

        # test for bug #735: user forced to set rating, can't
        # set tags and leave unrated
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: pbx");


        $this->set_field("tag_edit__tags", "new");
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        # set safe
        $this->set_field("rating", "s");
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        # search for it in various ways
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        # test that search by tag still works
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");

        # searching for a different rating should return nothing
        $this->assert_text("No Images Found");

        # now set explicit, for the next test
        $this->set_field("rating", "e");
        $this->assert_title("Image $image_id: new");


        # the explicit image shouldn't show up in anon's searches
        $this->assert_text("No Images Found");