<?php /** @var $user_config Config */ global $user_config; // The user object doesn't exist until after database setup operations and the first wave of InitExtEvents, // so we can't reliably access this data until then. This event is triggered by the system after all of that is done. class InitUserConfigEvent extends Event { public $user; public $user_config; public function __construct(User $user, Config $user_config) { $this->user = $user; $this->user_config = $user_config; } } class UserConfig extends Extension { private const VERSION = "ext_user_config_version"; public function onUserLogin(UserLoginEvent $event) { global $database, $user_config; $user_config = new DatabaseConfig($database, "user_config", "user_id", $event->user->id); send_event(new InitUserConfigEvent($event->user, $user_config)); } public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event): void { global $config, $database; if ($this->get_version(self::VERSION) < 1) { $database->create_table("user_config", " user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, name), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX user_config_user_id_idx ON user_config(user_id)"); $this->set_version(self::VERSION, 1); } } // This needs to happen before any other events, but after db upgrade public function get_priority(): int { return 6; } }