* Link: http://atravelinggeek.com/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Ban images based on their hash * Based on the ResolutionLimit and IPban extensions by Shish * Version 0.1, October 21, 2007 */ class ImageBanInfo extends ExtensionInfo { public const KEY = "image_hash_ban"; public $key = self::KEY; public $name = "Image Hash Ban"; public $url = "http://atravelinggeek.com/"; public $authors = ["ATravelingGeek"=>"atg@atravelinggeek.com"]; public $license = self::LICENSE_GPLV2; public $description = "Ban images based on their hash"; public $version = "0.1, October 21, 2007"; public $documentation = "Based on the ResolutionLimit and IPban extensions by Shish"; }