<?php /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Misc functions * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Move a file from PHP's temporary area into shimmie's image storage * hierarchy, or throw an exception trying. * * @param DataUploadEvent $event * @throws UploadException */ function move_upload_to_archive(DataUploadEvent $event): void { $target = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $event->hash); if (!@copy($event->tmpname, $target)) { $errors = error_get_last(); throw new UploadException( "Failed to copy file from uploads ({$event->tmpname}) to archive ($target): ". "{$errors['type']} / {$errors['message']}" ); } } /** * Add a directory full of images * * @param string $base * @return array */ function add_dir(string $base): array { $results = []; foreach (list_files($base) as $full_path) { $short_path = str_replace($base, "", $full_path); $filename = basename($full_path); $tags = path_to_tags($short_path); $result = "$short_path (".str_replace(" ", ", ", $tags).")... "; try { add_image($full_path, $filename, $tags); $result .= "ok"; } catch (UploadException $ex) { $result .= "failed: ".$ex->getMessage(); } $results[] = $result; } return $results; } /** * Sends a DataUploadEvent for a file. * * @param string $tmpname * @param string $filename * @param string $tags * @throws UploadException */ function add_image(string $tmpname, string $filename, string $tags): void { assert(file_exists($tmpname)); $pathinfo = pathinfo($filename); $metadata = []; $metadata['filename'] = $pathinfo['basename']; if (array_key_exists('extension', $pathinfo)) { $metadata['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; } $metadata['tags'] = Tag::explode($tags); $metadata['source'] = null; $event = new DataUploadEvent($tmpname, $metadata); send_event($event); } /** * Gets an the extension defined in MIME_TYPE_MAP for a file. * * @param String $file_path * @return String The extension that was found. * @throws UploadException if the mimetype could not be determined, or if an extension for hte mimetype could not be found. */ function get_extension_from_mime(String $file_path): String { $mime = mime_content_type($file_path); if (!empty($mime)) { $ext = get_extension($mime); if (!empty($ext)) { return $ext; } throw new UploadException("Could not determine extension for mimetype ".$mime); } throw new UploadException("Could not determine file mime type: ".$file_path); } /** * Given a full size pair of dimensions, return a pair scaled down to fit * into the configured thumbnail square, with ratio intact. * Optionally uses the High-DPI scaling setting to adjust the final resolution. * * @param int $orig_width * @param int $orig_height * @param bool $use_dpi_scaling Enables the High-DPI scaling. * @return array */ function get_thumbnail_size(int $orig_width, int $orig_height, bool $use_dpi_scaling = false): array { global $config; if ($orig_width === 0) { $orig_width = 192; } if ($orig_height === 0) { $orig_height = 192; } if ($orig_width > $orig_height * 5) { $orig_width = $orig_height * 5; } if ($orig_height > $orig_width * 5) { $orig_height = $orig_width * 5; } if($use_dpi_scaling) { $max_size = get_thumbnail_max_size_scaled(); $max_width = $max_size[0]; $max_height = $max_size[1]; } else { $max_width = $config->get_int('thumb_width'); $max_height = $config->get_int('thumb_height'); } $xscale = ($max_height / $orig_height); $yscale = ($max_width / $orig_width); $scale = ($xscale < $yscale) ? $xscale : $yscale; if ($scale > 1 && $config->get_bool('thumb_upscale')) { return [(int)$orig_width, (int)$orig_height]; } else { return [(int)($orig_width*$scale), (int)($orig_height*$scale)]; } } /** * Fetches the thumbnails height and width settings and applies the High-DPI scaling setting before returning the dimensions. * * @return array [width, height] */ function get_thumbnail_max_size_scaled(): array { global $config; $scaling = $config->get_int("thumb_scaling"); $max_width = $config->get_int('thumb_width') * ($scaling/100); $max_height = $config->get_int('thumb_height') * ($scaling/100); return [$max_width, $max_height]; } /** * Creates a thumbnail file using ImageMagick's convert command. * * @param $hash * @param string $input_type Optional, allows specifying the input format. Usually not necessary. * @return bool true is successful, false if not. */ function create_thumbnail_convert($hash, $input_type = ""): bool { global $config; $inname = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $hash); $outname = warehouse_path(Image::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $hash); $q = $config->get_int("thumb_quality"); $convert = $config->get_string("thumb_convert_path"); if ($convert==null||$convert=="") { return false; } // ffff imagemagick fails sometimes, not sure why //$format = "'%s' '%s[0]' -format '%%[fx:w] %%[fx:h]' info:"; //$cmd = sprintf($format, $convert, $inname); //$size = shell_exec($cmd); //$size = explode(" ", trim($size)); list($w, $h) = get_thumbnail_max_size_scaled(); // running the call with cmd.exe requires quoting for our paths $type = $config->get_string('thumb_type'); $options = ""; if (!$config->get_bool('thumb_upscale')) { $options .= "\>"; } $bg = "black"; if ($type=="webp") { $bg = "none"; } if(!empty($input_type)) { $input_type = $input_type.":"; } $format = '"%s" -flatten -strip -thumbnail %ux%u%s -quality %u -background %s %s"%s[0]" %s:"%s" 2>&1'; $cmd = sprintf($format, $convert, $w, $h, $options, $q, $bg,$input_type, $inname, $type, $outname); $cmd = str_replace("\"convert\"", "convert", $cmd); // quotes are only needed if the path to convert contains a space; some other times, quotes break things, see github bug #27 exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if ($ret!=0) { log_warning('imageboard/misc', "Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret, outputting ".implode("\r\n",$output)); } else { log_debug('imageboard/misc', "Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); } if ($config->get_bool("thumb_optim", false)) { exec("jpegoptim $outname", $output, $ret); } return true; } /** * Creates a thumbnail using ffmpeg. * * @param $hash * @return bool true if successful, false if not. */ function create_thumbnail_ffmpeg($hash): bool { global $config; $ffmpeg = $config->get_string("thumb_ffmpeg_path"); if ($ffmpeg==null||$ffmpeg=="") { return false; } $inname = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $hash); $outname = warehouse_path(Image::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $hash); $orig_size = video_size($inname); $scaled_size = get_thumbnail_size($orig_size[0], $orig_size[1], true); $codec = "mjpeg"; $quality = $config->get_int("thumb_quality"); if ($config->get_string("thumb_type")=="webp") { $codec = "libwebp"; } else { // mjpeg quality ranges from 2-31, with 2 being the best quality. $quality = floor(31 - (31 * ($quality/100))); if ($quality<2) { $quality = 2; } } $args = [ escapeshellarg($ffmpeg), "-y", "-i", escapeshellarg($inname), "-vf", "thumbnail,scale={$scaled_size[0]}:{$scaled_size[1]}", "-f", "image2", "-vframes", "1", "-c:v", $codec, "-q:v", $quality, escapeshellarg($outname), ]; $cmd = escapeshellcmd(implode(" ", $args)); exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if ((int)$ret == (int)0) { log_debug('imageboard/misc', "Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); return true; } else { log_error('imageboard/misc', "Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); return false; } } /** * Determines the dimensions of a video file using ffmpeg. * * @param string $filename * @return array [width, height] */ function video_size(string $filename): array { global $config; $ffmpeg = $config->get_string("thumb_ffmpeg_path"); $cmd = escapeshellcmd(implode(" ", [ escapeshellarg($ffmpeg), "-y", "-i", escapeshellarg($filename), "-vstats" ])); $output = shell_exec($cmd . " 2>&1"); // error_log("Getting size with `$cmd`"); $regex_sizes = "/Video: .* ([0-9]{1,4})x([0-9]{1,4})/"; if (preg_match($regex_sizes, $output, $regs)) { if (preg_match("/displaymatrix: rotation of (90|270).00 degrees/", $output)) { $size = [$regs[2], $regs[1]]; } else { $size = [$regs[1], $regs[2]]; } } else { $size = [1, 1]; } log_debug('imageboard/misc', "Getting video size with `$cmd`, returns $output -- $size[0], $size[1]"); return $size; } /** * Check Memory usage limits * * Old check: $memory_use = (filesize($image_filename)*2) + ($width*$height*4) + (4*1024*1024); * New check: $memory_use = $width * $height * ($bits_per_channel) * channels * 2.5 * * It didn't make sense to compute the memory usage based on the NEW size for the image. ($width*$height*4) * We need to consider the size that we are GOING TO instead. * * The factor of 2.5 is simply a rough guideline. * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527532/reasonable-php-memory-limit-for-image-resize * * @param array $info The output of getimagesize() for the source file in question. * @return int The number of bytes an image resize operation is estimated to use. */ function calc_memory_use(array $info): int { if (isset($info['bits']) && isset($info['channels'])) { $memory_use = ($info[0] * $info[1] * ($info['bits'] / 8) * $info['channels'] * 2.5) / 1024; } else { // If we don't have bits and channel info from the image then assume default values // of 8 bits per color and 4 channels (R,G,B,A) -- ie: regular 24-bit color $memory_use = ($info[0] * $info[1] * 1 * 4 * 2.5) / 1024; } return (int)$memory_use; } /** * Performs a resize operation on an image file using GD. * * @param String $image_filename The source file to be resized. * @param array $info The output of getimagesize() for the source file. * @param int $new_width * @param int $new_height * @param string $output_filename * @param string|null $output_type If set to null, the output file type will be automatically determined via the $info parameter. Otherwise an exception will be thrown. * @param int $output_quality Defaults to 80. * @throws ImageResizeException * @throws InsufficientMemoryException if the estimated memory usage exceeds the memory limit. */ function image_resize_gd( String $image_filename, array $info, int $new_width, int $new_height, string $output_filename, string $output_type=null, int $output_quality = 80 ) { $width = $info[0]; $height = $info[1]; if ($output_type==null) { /* If not specified, output to the same format as the original image */ switch ($info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $output_type = "gif"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $output_type = "jpeg"; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $output_type = "png"; break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: $output_type = "webp"; break; case IMAGETYPE_BMP: $output_type = "bmp"; break; default: throw new ImageResizeException("Failed to save the new image - Unsupported image type."); } } $memory_use = calc_memory_use($info); $memory_limit = get_memory_limit(); if ($memory_use > $memory_limit) { throw new InsufficientMemoryException("The image is too large to resize given the memory limits. ($memory_use > $memory_limit)"); } $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($image_filename)); $image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); try { if ($image===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Could not load image: ".$image_filename); } if ($image_resized===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Could not create output image with dimensions $new_width c $new_height "); } // Handle transparent images switch ($info[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $transparency = imagecolortransparent($image); $palletsize = imagecolorstotal($image); // If we have a specific transparent color if ($transparency >= 0 && $transparency < $palletsize) { // Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values $transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($image, $transparency); // Allocate the same color in the new image resource $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_resized, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']); if ($transparency===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to allocate transparent color"); } // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. if (imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $transparency)===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to fill new image with transparent color"); } // Set the background color for new image to transparent imagecolortransparent($image_resized, $transparency); } break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: // // More info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279236/how-do-i-resize-pngs-with-transparency-in-php // if (imagealphablending($image_resized, false)===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to disable image alpha blending"); } if (imagesavealpha($image_resized, true)===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to enable image save alpha"); } $transparent_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_resized, 255, 255, 255, 127); if ($transparent_color===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to allocate transparent color"); } if (imagefilledrectangle($image_resized, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $transparent_color)===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to fill new image with transparent color"); } break; } // Actually resize the image. if (imagecopyresampled( $image_resized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height )===false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to copy resized image data to new image"); } switch ($output_type) { case "bmp": $result = imagebmp($image_resized, $output_filename, true); break; case "webp": $result = imagewebp($image_resized, $output_filename, $output_quality); break; case "jpg": case "jpeg": $result = imagejpeg($image_resized, $output_filename, $output_quality); break; case "png": $result = imagepng($image_resized, $output_filename, 9); break; case "gif": $result = imagegif($image_resized, $output_filename); break; default: throw new ImageResizeException("Failed to save the new image - Unsupported image type: $output_type"); } if ($result==false) { throw new ImageResizeException("Failed to save the new image, function returned false when saving type: $output_type"); } } finally { imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($image_resized); } } /** * Determines if a file is an animated gif. * * @param String $image_filename The path of the file to check. * @return bool true if the file is an animated gif, false if it is not. */ function is_animated_gif(String $image_filename) { $is_anim_gif = 0; if (($fh = @fopen($image_filename, 'rb'))) { //check if gif is animated (via http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromgif.php#104473) while (!feof($fh) && $is_anim_gif < 2) { $chunk = fread($fh, 1024 * 100); $is_anim_gif += preg_match_all('#\x00\x21\xF9\x04.{4}\x00(\x2C|\x21)#s', $chunk, $matches); } } return ($is_anim_gif == 0); }