<?php declare(strict_types=1); class CustomHtmlHeadersInfo extends ExtensionInfo { public const KEY = "custom_html_headers"; public string $key = self::KEY; public string $name = "Custom HTML Headers"; public string $url = "http://www.drudexsoftware.com"; public array $authors = ["Drudex Software"=>"support@drudexsoftware.com"]; public string $license = self::LICENSE_GPLV2; public string $description = "Allows admins to modify & set custom <head> content"; public ?string $documentation = "When you go to board config you can find a block named Custom HTML Headers. In that block you can simply place any thing you can place within <head></head> This can be useful if you want to add website tracking code or other javascript. NOTE: Only use if you know what you're doing. You can also add your website name as prefix or suffix to the title of each page on your website."; }