an event is generated with $args = array("view", * "42"); when an event handler asks $event->page_matches("view"), it returns * true and ignores the matched part, such that $event->count_args() = 1 and * $event->get_arg(0) = "42" */ class PageRequestEvent extends Event { var $args; var $arg_count; var $part_count; public function __construct($args) { $this->args = $args; $this->arg_count = count($args); } /** * Test if the requested path matches a given pattern. * * If it matches, store the remaining path elements in $args * * @retval bool */ public function page_matches(/*string*/ $name) { $parts = explode("/", $name); $this->part_count = count($parts); if($this->part_count > $this->arg_count) { return false; } for($i=0; $i<$this->part_count; $i++) { if($parts[$i] != $this->args[$i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get the n th argument of the page request (if it exists.) * @param $n integer * @retval The argmuent (string) or NULL */ public function get_arg(/*int*/ $n) { $offset = $this->part_count + $n; if($offset >= 0 && $offset < $this->arg_count) { return $this->args[$offset]; } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the number of arguments the page request has. * @retval int */ public function count_args() { return (int)($this->arg_count - $this->part_count); } /* * Many things use these functions */ public function get_search_terms() { $search_terms = array(); if($this->count_args() === 2) { $search_terms = explode(' ', $this->get_arg(0)); } return $search_terms; } public function get_page_number() { $page_number = 1; if($this->count_args() === 1) { $page_number = int_escape($this->get_arg(0)); } else if($this->count_args() === 2) { $page_number = int_escape($this->get_arg(1)); } if($page_number === 0) $page_number = 1; // invalid -> 0 return $page_number; } public function get_page_size() { global $config; return $config->get_int('index_images'); } } /** * Sent when index.php is called from the command line */ class CommandEvent extends Event { public $cmd = "help"; public $args = array(); public function __construct(/*array(string)*/ $args) { global $user; $opts = array(); $log_level = SCORE_LOG_WARNING; for($i=1; $i 0) { $this->cmd = $opts[0]; $this->args = array_slice($opts, 1); } else { print "\nUsage: php index.php [flags] [command]\n\n"; print "Flags:\n"; print " -u [username]\n"; print " Log in as the specified user\n"; print " -q / -v\n"; print " Be quieter / more verbose\n"; print " (scale is debug / info / warning / error / critical)\n"; print " default is to show warnings or above\n"; print " \n"; print "\nCurrently know commands:\n"; } } } /** * A signal that some text needs formatting, the event carries * both the text and the result */ class TextFormattingEvent extends Event { /** * For reference */ var $original; /** * with formatting applied */ var $formatted; /** * with formatting removed */ var $stripped; public function __construct(/*string*/ $text) { $h_text = html_escape(trim($text)); $this->original = $h_text; $this->formatted = $h_text; $this->stripped = $h_text; } } /** * A signal that something needs logging */ class LogEvent extends Event { /** * a category, normally the extension name * * @retval string */ var $section; /** * See python... * * @retval int */ var $priority = 0; /** * Free text to be logged * * @retval text */ var $message; /** * The time that the event was created * * @retval int */ var $time; public function __construct($section, $priority, $message) { $this->section = $section; $this->priority = $priority; $this->message = $message; $this->time = time(); } } ?>