diff --git a/themes/lite/wz_tooltip.js b/themes/lite/wz_tooltip.js
index 01f55f2d..2ffa50fe 100644
--- a/themes/lite/wz_tooltip.js
+++ b/themes/lite/wz_tooltip.js
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
+/*jshint bitwise:false, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, evil:true, forin:false, noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, undef:false, strict:false, browser:true */
+ This is rather old JS code that is quite problematic (use of global namespace) and
+ is also likely full of bugs. I would really like to remove this from the Shimmie
+ imageboard if possible.
+ - jgen
/* This notice must be untouched at all times.
Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.
-wz_tooltip.js v. 5.31
+wz_tooltip.js v. 5.31
The latest version is available at
@@ -40,13 +47,13 @@ For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License,
see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
-var config = new Object();
+var config = {}; // new Object();
//=================== GLOBAL TOOLTIP CONFIGURATION =========================//
-var tt_Debug = true // false or true - recommended: false once you release your page to the public
-var tt_Enabled = true // Allows to (temporarily) suppress tooltips, e.g. by providing the user with a button that sets this global variable to false
-var TagsToTip = true // false or true - if true, HTML elements to be converted to tooltips via TagToTip() are automatically hidden;
+var tt_Debug = true; // false or true - recommended: false once you release your page to the public
+var tt_Enabled = true; // Allows to (temporarily) suppress tooltips, e.g. by providing the user with a button that sets this global variable to false
+var TagsToTip = true; // false or true - if true, HTML elements to be converted to tooltips via TagToTip() are automatically hidden;
// if false, you should hide those HTML elements yourself
// For each of the following config variables there exists a command, which is
@@ -55,52 +62,52 @@ var TagsToTip = true // false or true - if true, HTML elements to be converted
// configuration. Order of commands is arbitrary.
// Example: onmouseover="Tip('Tooltip text', LEFT, true, BGCOLOR, '#FF9900', FADEIN, 400)"
-config. Above = false // false or true - tooltip above mousepointer
-config. BgColor = '#E2E7FF' // Background colour (HTML colour value, in quotes)
-config. BgImg = '' // Path to background image, none if empty string ''
-config. BorderColor = '#003099'
-config. BorderStyle = 'solid' // Any permitted CSS value, but I recommend 'solid', 'dotted' or 'dashed'
-config. BorderWidth = 1
-config. CenterMouse = false // false or true - center the tip horizontally below (or above) the mousepointer
-config. ClickClose = false // false or true - close tooltip if the user clicks somewhere
-config. ClickSticky = false // false or true - make tooltip sticky if user left-clicks on the hovered element while the tooltip is active
-config. CloseBtn = false // false or true - closebutton in titlebar
-config. CloseBtnColors = ['#990000', '#FFFFFF', '#DD3333', '#FFFFFF'] // [Background, text, hovered background, hovered text] - use empty strings '' to inherit title colours
-config. CloseBtnText = ' X ' // Close button text (may also be an image tag)
-config. CopyContent = true // When converting a HTML element to a tooltip, copy only the element's content, rather than converting the element by its own
-config. Delay = 400 // Time span in ms until tooltip shows up
-config. Duration = 0 // Time span in ms after which the tooltip disappears; 0 for infinite duration, < 0 for delay in ms _after_ the onmouseout until the tooltip disappears
-config. Exclusive = false // false or true - no other tooltip can appear until the current one has actively been closed
-config. FadeIn = 100 // Fade-in duration in ms, e.g. 400; 0 for no animation
-config. FadeOut = 100
-config. FadeInterval = 30 // Duration of each fade step in ms (recommended: 30) - shorter is smoother but causes more CPU-load
-config. Fix = null // Fixated position, two modes. Mode 1: x- an y-coordinates in brackets, e.g. [210, 480]. Mode 2: Show tooltip at a position related to an HTML element: [ID of HTML element, x-offset, y-offset from HTML element], e.g. ['SomeID', 10, 30]. Value null (default) for no fixated positioning.
-config. FollowMouse = true // false or true - tooltip follows the mouse
-config. FontColor = '#000044'
-config. FontFace = 'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif'
-config. FontSize = '8pt' // E.g. '9pt' or '12px' - unit is mandatory
-config. FontWeight = 'normal' // 'normal' or 'bold';
-config. Height = 0 // Tooltip height; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content, < 0 (e.g. -100) for a maximum for automatic adaption
-config. JumpHorz = false // false or true - jump horizontally to other side of mouse if tooltip would extend past clientarea boundary
-config. JumpVert = true // false or true - jump vertically "
-config. Left = false // false or true - tooltip on the left of the mouse
-config. OffsetX = 14 // Horizontal offset of left-top corner from mousepointer
-config. OffsetY = 8 // Vertical offset
-config. Opacity = 100 // Integer between 0 and 100 - opacity of tooltip in percent
-config. Padding = 3 // Spacing between border and content
-config. Shadow = false // false or true
-config. ShadowColor = '#C0C0C0'
-config. ShadowWidth = 5
-config. Sticky = false // false or true - fixate tip, ie. don't follow the mouse and don't hide on mouseout
-config. TextAlign = 'left' // 'left', 'right' or 'justify'
-config. Title = '' // Default title text applied to all tips (no default title: empty string '')
-config. TitleAlign = 'left' // 'left' or 'right' - text alignment inside the title bar
-config. TitleBgColor = '' // If empty string '', BorderColor will be used
-config. TitleFontColor = '#FFFFFF' // Color of title text - if '', BgColor (of tooltip body) will be used
-config. TitleFontFace = '' // If '' use FontFace (boldified)
-config. TitleFontSize = '' // If '' use FontSize
-config. TitlePadding = 2
-config. Width = 0 // Tooltip width; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content; < -1 (e.g. -240) for a maximum width for that automatic adaption;
+config. Above = false; // false or true - tooltip above mousepointer
+config. BgColor = '#E2E7FF'; // Background colour (HTML colour value, in quotes)
+config. BgImg = ''; // Path to background image, none if empty string ''
+config. BorderColor = '#003099';
+config. BorderStyle = 'solid'; // Any permitted CSS value, but I recommend 'solid', 'dotted' or 'dashed'
+config. BorderWidth = 1;
+config. CenterMouse = false; // false or true - center the tip horizontally below (or above) the mousepointer
+config. ClickClose = false; // false or true - close tooltip if the user clicks somewhere
+config. ClickSticky = false; // false or true - make tooltip sticky if user left-clicks on the hovered element while the tooltip is active
+config. CloseBtn = false; // false or true - closebutton in titlebar
+config. CloseBtnColors = ['#990000', '#FFFFFF', '#DD3333', '#FFFFFF']; // [Background, text, hovered background, hovered text] - use empty strings '' to inherit title colours
+config. CloseBtnText = ' X '; // Close button text (may also be an image tag)
+config. CopyContent = true; // When converting a HTML element to a tooltip, copy only the element's content, rather than converting the element by its own
+config. Delay = 400; // Time span in ms until tooltip shows up
+config. Duration = 0; // Time span in ms after which the tooltip disappears; 0 for infinite duration, < 0 for delay in ms _after_ the onmouseout until the tooltip disappears
+config. Exclusive = false; // false or true - no other tooltip can appear until the current one has actively been closed
+config. FadeIn = 100; // Fade-in duration in ms, e.g. 400; 0 for no animation
+config. FadeOut = 100;
+config. FadeInterval = 30; // Duration of each fade step in ms (recommended: 30) - shorter is smoother but causes more CPU-load
+config. Fix = null; // Fixated position, two modes. Mode 1: x- an y-coordinates in brackets, e.g. [210, 480]. Mode 2: Show tooltip at a position related to an HTML element: [ID of HTML element, x-offset, y-offset from HTML element], e.g. ['SomeID', 10, 30]. Value null (default) for no fixated positioning.
+config. FollowMouse = true; // false or true - tooltip follows the mouse
+config. FontColor = '#000044';
+config. FontFace = 'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif';
+config. FontSize = '8pt'; // E.g. '9pt' or '12px' - unit is mandatory
+config. FontWeight = 'normal'; // 'normal' or 'bold';
+config. Height = 0; // Tooltip height; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content, < 0 (e.g. -100) for a maximum for automatic adaption
+config. JumpHorz = false; // false or true - jump horizontally to other side of mouse if tooltip would extend past clientarea boundary
+config. JumpVert = true; // false or true - jump vertically "
+config. Left = false; // false or true - tooltip on the left of the mouse
+config. OffsetX = 14; // Horizontal offset of left-top corner from mousepointer
+config. OffsetY = 8; // Vertical offset
+config. Opacity = 100; // Integer between 0 and 100 - opacity of tooltip in percent
+config. Padding = 3; // Spacing between border and content
+config. Shadow = false; // false or true
+config. ShadowColor = '#C0C0C0';
+config. ShadowWidth = 5;
+config. Sticky = false; // false or true - fixate tip, ie. don't follow the mouse and don't hide on mouseout
+config. TextAlign = 'left'; // 'left', 'right' or 'justify'
+config. Title = ''; // Default title text applied to all tips (no default title: empty string '')
+config. TitleAlign = 'left'; // 'left' or 'right' - text alignment inside the title bar
+config. TitleBgColor = ''; // If empty string '', BorderColor will be used
+config. TitleFontColor = '#FFFFFF'; // Color of title text - if '', BgColor (of tooltip body) will be used
+config. TitleFontFace = ''; // If '' use FontFace (boldified)
+config. TitleFontSize = ''; // If '' use FontSize
+config. TitlePadding = 2;
+config. Width = 0; // Tooltip width; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content; < -1 (e.g. -240) for a maximum width for that automatic adaption;
// -1: tooltip width confined to the width required for the titlebar
@@ -115,25 +122,27 @@ function Tip()
function TagToTip()
var t2t = tt_GetElt(arguments[0]);
- if(t2t)
+ if(t2t) {
tt_Tip(arguments, t2t);
+ }
function UnTip()
- if(tt_aV[DURATION] < 0 && (tt_iState & 0x2))
+ if(tt_aV[DURATION] < 0 && (tt_iState & 0x2)) {
tt_tDurt.Timer("tt_HideInit()", -tt_aV[DURATION], true);
- else if(!(tt_aV[STICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x2)))
+ } else if(!(tt_aV[STICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x2))) {
+ }
-//================== PUBLIC PLUGIN API =====================================//
+//================== PUBLIC PLUGIN API =====================================//
// Extension eventhandlers currently supported:
// OnLoadConfig, OnCreateContentString, OnSubDivsCreated, OnShow, OnMoveBefore,
// OnMoveAfter, OnHideInit, OnHide, OnKill
var tt_aElt = new Array(10), // Container DIV, outer title & body DIVs, inner title & body TDs, closebutton SPAN, shadow DIVs, and IFRAME to cover windowed elements in IE
-tt_aV = new Array(), // Caches and enumerates config data for currently active tooltip
+tt_aV = [], // Caches and enumerates config data for currently active tooltip
tt_sContent, // Inner tooltip text or HTML
tt_t2t, tt_t2tDad, // Tag converted to tip, and its DOM parent element
tt_musX, tt_musY,
@@ -202,18 +211,21 @@ function tt_Hide()
tt_bWait = false;
+ if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE] || tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY]) {
tt_RemEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
+ }
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Kill");
// In case of a TagToTip tip, hide converted DOM node and
// re-insert it into DOM
- if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
+ if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT]) {
+ }
tt_iState = 0;
tt_over = null;
- if(tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1])
+ if(tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1]) {
tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1].style.display = "none";
+ }
function tt_GetElt(id)
@@ -248,30 +260,32 @@ function tt_GetClientH()
function tt_GetEvtX(e)
- return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageX) != tt_u) ? e.pageX : (e.clientX + tt_GetScrollX())) : 0);
+ return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageX) !== tt_u) ? e.pageX : (e.clientX + tt_GetScrollX())) : 0);
function tt_GetEvtY(e)
- return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageY) != tt_u) ? e.pageY : (e.clientY + tt_GetScrollY())) : 0);
+ return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageY) !== tt_u) ? e.pageY : (e.clientY + tt_GetScrollY())) : 0);
function tt_AddEvtFnc(el, sEvt, PFnc)
- if(el.addEventListener)
+ if(el.addEventListener) {
el.addEventListener(sEvt, PFnc, false);
- else
+ } else {
el.attachEvent("on" + sEvt, PFnc);
+ }
function tt_RemEvtFnc(el, sEvt, PFnc)
- if(el.removeEventListener)
+ if(el.removeEventListener) {
el.removeEventListener(sEvt, PFnc, false);
- else
+ } else {
el.detachEvent("on" + sEvt, PFnc);
+ }
function tt_GetDad(el)
@@ -280,15 +294,18 @@ function tt_GetDad(el)
function tt_MovDomNode(el, dadFrom, dadTo)
- if(dadFrom)
+ if(dadFrom) {
- if(dadTo)
+ }
+ if(dadTo) {
+ }
//====================== PRIVATE ===========================================//
-var tt_aExt = new Array(), // Array of extension objects
+// JSHint doesn't like the use of "new Number(0)" at all.
+//noinspection JSHint
+var tt_aExt = [], // Array of extension objects
tt_db, tt_op, tt_ie, tt_ie56, tt_bBoxOld, // Browser flags
tt_ovr_, // HTML element the mouse is currently over
@@ -299,8 +316,7 @@ tt_opa, // Currently applied opacity
tt_bJmpVert, tt_bJmpHorz,// Tip temporarily on other side of mouse
tt_elDeHref, // The tag from which we've removed the href attribute
// Timer
-tt_tShow = new Number(0), tt_tHide = new Number(0), tt_tDurt = new Number(0),
-tt_tFade = new Number(0), tt_tWaitMov = new Number(0),
+tt_tShow = new Number(0), tt_tHide = new Number(0), tt_tDurt = new Number(0), tt_tFade = new Number(0), tt_tWaitMov = new Number(0),
tt_bWait = false,
tt_u = "undefined";
@@ -309,15 +325,17 @@ function tt_Init()
// Send old browsers instantly to hell
- if(!tt_Browser() || !tt_MkMainDiv())
+ if(!tt_Browser() || !tt_MkMainDiv()) {
+ }
tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "mousemove", tt_Move);
// In Debug mode we search for TagToTip() calls in order to notify
// the user if they've forgotten to set the TagsToTip config flag
- if(TagsToTip || tt_Debug)
+ if(TagsToTip || tt_Debug) {
+ }
// Ensure the tip be hidden when the page unloads
tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "unload", tt_Hide);
@@ -325,25 +343,27 @@ function tt_Init()
function tt_MkCmdEnum()
var n = 0;
- for(var i in config)
+ for(var i in config) {
eval("window." + i.toString().toUpperCase() + " = " + n++);
+ }
tt_aV.length = n;
function tt_Browser()
var n, nv, n6, w3c;
- n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
+ n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
nv = navigator.appVersion;
- tt_op = (document.defaultView && typeof(eval("w" + "indow" + "." + "o" + "p" + "er" + "a")) != tt_u);
- tt_ie = n.indexOf("msie") != -1 && document.all && !tt_op;
+ tt_op = (document.defaultView && typeof(eval("w" + "indow" + "." + "o" + "p" + "er" + "a")) !== tt_u);
+ tt_ie = n.indexOf("msie") !== -1 && document.all && !tt_op;
- var ieOld = (!document.compatMode || document.compatMode == "BackCompat");
+ var ieOld = (!document.compatMode || document.compatMode === "BackCompat");
tt_db = !ieOld ? document.documentElement : (document.body || null);
- if(tt_db)
- tt_ie56 = parseFloat(nv.substring(nv.indexOf("MSIE") + 5)) >= 5.5
- && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight == tt_u;
+ if(tt_db) {
+ tt_ie56 = parseFloat(nv.substring(nv.indexOf("MSIE") + 5)) >= 5.5 &&
+ typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === tt_u;
+ }
@@ -352,7 +372,7 @@ function tt_Browser()
: null);
- n6 = document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != tt_u;
+ n6 = document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle !== tt_u;
w3c = !n6 && document.getElementById;
@@ -362,12 +382,13 @@ function tt_Browser()
if(tt_body && tt_db)
- if(document.attachEvent || document.addEventListener)
+ if(document.attachEvent || document.addEventListener) {
return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tt_Err("wz_tooltip.js must be included INSIDE the body section, immediately after the opening
tag.", false);
- else
- tt_Err("wz_tooltip.js must be included INSIDE the body section,"
- + " immediately after the opening tag.", false);
tt_db = null;
return false;
@@ -375,12 +396,14 @@ function tt_Browser()
function tt_MkMainDiv()
// Create the tooltip DIV
- if(tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML)
+ if(tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML) {
tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", tt_MkMainDivHtm());
- else if(typeof tt_body.innerHTML != tt_u && document.createElement && tt_body.appendChild)
+ } else if(typeof tt_body.innerHTML !== tt_u && document.createElement && tt_body.appendChild) {
- if(window.tt_GetMainDivRefs /* FireFox Alzheimer */ && tt_GetMainDivRefs())
+ }
+ if(window.tt_GetMainDivRefs /* FireFox Alzheimer */ && tt_GetMainDivRefs()) {
return true;
+ }
tt_db = null;
return false;
@@ -395,8 +418,9 @@ function tt_MkMainDivHtm()
function tt_MkMainDivDom()
var el = document.createElement("div");
- if(el)
+ if(el) {
el.id = "WzTtDiV";
+ }
return el;
function tt_GetMainDivRefs()
@@ -405,8 +429,9 @@ function tt_GetMainDivRefs()
if(tt_ie56 && tt_aElt[0])
tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1] = tt_GetElt("WzTtIfRm");
- if(!tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1])
+ if(!tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1]) {
tt_aElt[0] = null;
+ }
@@ -432,7 +457,7 @@ function tt_IsW3cBox()
css.padding = "10px";
css.width = "40px";
- tt_bBoxOld = (tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[0]) == 40);
+ tt_bBoxOld = (tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[0]) === 40);
css.padding = "0px";
@@ -440,11 +465,11 @@ function tt_OpaSupport()
var css = tt_body.style;
- tt_flagOpa = (typeof(css.KhtmlOpacity) != tt_u) ? 2
- : (typeof(css.KHTMLOpacity) != tt_u) ? 3
- : (typeof(css.MozOpacity) != tt_u) ? 4
- : (typeof(css.opacity) != tt_u) ? 5
- : (typeof(css.filter) != tt_u) ? 1
+ tt_flagOpa = (typeof(css.KhtmlOpacity) !== tt_u) ? 2
+ : (typeof(css.KHTMLOpacity) !== tt_u) ? 3
+ : (typeof(css.MozOpacity) !== tt_u) ? 4
+ : (typeof(css.opacity) !== tt_u) ? 5
+ : (typeof(css.filter) !== tt_u) ? 1
: 0;
// Ported from http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/
@@ -453,12 +478,14 @@ function tt_SetOnloadFnc()
tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "DOMContentLoaded", tt_HideSrcTags);
tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "load", tt_HideSrcTags);
- if(tt_body.attachEvent)
+ if(tt_body.attachEvent) {
function() {
- if(tt_body.readyState == "complete")
+ if(tt_body.readyState === "complete") {
+ }
} );
+ }
var t = setInterval(function() {
@@ -472,14 +499,16 @@ function tt_SetOnloadFnc()
function tt_HideSrcTags()
- if(!window.tt_HideSrcTags || window.tt_HideSrcTags.done)
+ if(!window.tt_HideSrcTags || window.tt_HideSrcTags.done) {
+ }
window.tt_HideSrcTags.done = true;
- if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(tt_body))
- tt_Err("There are HTML elements to be converted to tooltips.\nIf you"
- + " want these HTML elements to be automatically hidden, you"
- + " must edit wz_tooltip.js, and set TagsToTip in the global"
- + " tooltip configuration to true.", true);
+ if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(tt_body)) {
+ tt_Err("There are HTML elements to be converted to tooltips.\nIf you" +
+ " want these HTML elements to be automatically hidden, you" +
+ " must edit wz_tooltip.js, and set TagsToTip in the global" +
+ " tooltip configuration to true.", true);
+ }
function tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(dad)
@@ -491,18 +520,20 @@ function tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(dad)
for(var i = a ? a.length : 0; i;)
- if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(a[i]))
+ if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(a[i])) {
return false;
+ }
ovr = a[i].getAttribute ? (a[i].getAttribute("onmouseover") || a[i].getAttribute("onclick"))
- : (typeof a[i].onmouseover == "function") ? (a[i].onmouseover || a[i].onclick)
+ : (typeof a[i].onmouseover === "function") ? (a[i].onmouseover || a[i].onclick)
: null;
asT2t = ovr.toString().match(/TagToTip\s*\(\s*'[^'.]+'\s*[\),]/);
if(asT2t && asT2t.length)
- if(!tt_HideSrcTag(asT2t[0]))
+ if(!tt_HideSrcTag(asT2t[0])) {
return false;
+ }
@@ -518,27 +549,32 @@ function tt_HideSrcTag(sT2t)
el = tt_GetElt(id);
- if(tt_Debug && !TagsToTip)
+ if(tt_Debug && !TagsToTip) {
return false;
- else
+ } else {
el.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tt_Err("Invalid ID\n'" + id + "'\npassed to TagToTip(). There exists no HTML element with that ID.", true);
- else
- tt_Err("Invalid ID\n'" + id + "'\npassed to TagToTip()."
- + " There exists no HTML element with that ID.", true);
return true;
function tt_Tip(arg, t2t)
- if(!tt_db || (tt_iState & 0x8))
+ if(!tt_db || (tt_iState & 0x8)) {
- if(tt_iState)
+ }
+ if(tt_iState) {
- if(!tt_Enabled)
+ }
+ if(!tt_Enabled) {
+ }
tt_t2t = t2t;
- if(!tt_ReadCmds(arg))
+ if(!tt_ReadCmds(arg)) {
+ }
tt_iState = 0x1 | 0x4;
@@ -561,52 +597,62 @@ function tt_ReadCmds(a)
// First load the global config values, to initialize also values
// for which no command is passed
i = 0;
- for(var j in config)
+ for(var j in config) {
tt_aV[i++] = config[j];
+ }
// Then replace each cached config value for which a command is
// passed (ensure the # of command args plus value args be even)
if(a.length & 1)
- for(i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2)
+ for(i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2) {
tt_aV[a[i - 1]] = a[i];
+ }
return true;
- tt_Err("Incorrect call of Tip() or TagToTip().\n"
- + "Each command must be followed by a value.", true);
+ tt_Err("Incorrect call of Tip() or TagToTip().\n Each command must be followed by a value.", true);
return false;
function tt_AdaptConfig1()
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "LoadConfig");
// Inherit unspecified title formattings from body
- if(!tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR].length)
+ if(!tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR].length) {
- if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR].length)
+ }
+ if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR].length) {
- if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE].length)
+ }
+ if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE].length) {
- if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE].length)
+ }
+ if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE].length) {
+ }
// Use title colours for non-specified closebutton colours
+ if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS]) {
tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS] = new Array("", "", "", "");
+ }
for(var i = 4; i;)
- if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i].length)
+ if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i].length) {
+ }
// Enforce titlebar be shown
- if(!tt_aV[TITLE].length)
+ if(!tt_aV[TITLE].length) {
tt_aV[TITLE] = " ";
+ }
// Circumvents broken display of images and fade-in flicker in Geckos < 1.8
- if(tt_aV[OPACITY] == 100 && typeof tt_aElt[0].style.MozOpacity != tt_u && !Array.every)
+ if(tt_aV[OPACITY] === 100 && typeof tt_aElt[0].style.MozOpacity !== tt_u && !Array.every) {
tt_aV[OPACITY] = 99;
+ }
// Smartly shorten the delay for fade-in tooltips
- if(tt_aV[FADEIN] && tt_flagOpa && tt_aV[DELAY] > 100)
+ if(tt_aV[FADEIN] && tt_flagOpa && tt_aV[DELAY] > 100) {
tt_aV[DELAY] = Math.max(tt_aV[DELAY] - tt_aV[FADEIN], 100);
+ }
function tt_AdaptConfig2()
@@ -621,13 +667,15 @@ function tt_MkTipContent(a)
- if(tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
+ if(tt_aV[COPYCONTENT]) {
tt_sContent = tt_t2t.innerHTML;
- else
+ } else {
tt_sContent = "";
+ }
- else
+ else {
tt_sContent = a[0];
+ }
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "CreateContentString");
function tt_MkTipSubDivs()
@@ -637,44 +685,45 @@ function tt_MkTipSubDivs()
tt_aElt[0].style.width = tt_GetClientW() + "px";
tt_aElt[0].innerHTML =
- (''
- + (tt_aV[TITLE].length ?
- (''
- + '
- + tt_aV[TITLE]
- + ''
- + (tt_aV[CLOSEBTN] ?
- (''
- + ''
- + ' | ')
+ ('' +
+ (tt_aV[TITLE].length ?
+ ('' +
+ '
' +
+ tt_aV[TITLE] +
+ '' +
+ (tt_aV[CLOSEBTN] ?
+ ('' +
+ '' +
+ ' | ')
+ : '') +
+ '
+ : '') +
+ '' +
+ (tt_aV[SHADOW] ?
+ ('' +
+ '')
: '')
- + '
- : '')
- + ''
- + (tt_aV[SHADOW]
- ? (''
- + '')
- : '')
// Convert DOM node to tip
- if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
+ if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT]) {
+ }
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "SubDivsCreated");
function tt_GetSubDivRefs()
var aId = new Array("WzTiTl", "WzTiTlTb", "WzTiTlI", "WzClOsE", "WzBoDy", "WzBoDyI", "WzTtShDwB", "WzTtShDwR");
- for(var i = aId.length; i; --i)
+ for(var i = aId.length; i; --i) {
tt_aElt[i] = tt_GetElt(aId[i - 1]);
+ }
function tt_FormatTip()
@@ -691,8 +740,9 @@ function tt_FormatTip()
css.paddingLeft = css.paddingRight = (padT + 2) + "px";
css = tt_aElt[3].style;
css.color = tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR];
- if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1)
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] === -1) {
css.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ }
css.fontFamily = tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE];
css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
css.fontWeight = "bold";
@@ -707,17 +757,20 @@ function tt_FormatTip()
css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
css.fontWeight = "bold";
- if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0) {
tt_w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ }
tt_w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[3]) + tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[4]);
// Some spacing between title DIV and closebutton
- if(tt_aElt[4])
+ if(tt_aElt[4]) {
tt_w += pad;
+ }
// Restrict auto width to max width
- if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && tt_w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && tt_w > -tt_aV[WIDTH]) {
tt_w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ }
// Ensure the top border of the body DIV be covered by the title DIV
iOffY = -wBrd;
@@ -737,19 +790,22 @@ function tt_FormatTip()
css.borderStyle = tt_aV[BORDERSTYLE];
css.borderWidth = wBrd + "px";
- if(tt_aV[BGCOLOR].length)
+ if(tt_aV[BGCOLOR].length) {
css.background = tt_aV[BGCOLOR];
- if(tt_aV[BGIMG].length)
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[BGIMG].length) {
css.backgroundImage = "url(" + tt_aV[BGIMG] + ")";
+ }
css.padding = pad + "px";
css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
css.overflow = "auto";
- if(tt_aV[HEIGHT] > 0)
+ if(tt_aV[HEIGHT] > 0) {
css.height = (tt_aV[HEIGHT] + iAdd) + "px";
- else
+ } else {
tt_h = iAdd - tt_aV[HEIGHT];
+ }
// TD inside body DIV
css = tt_aElt[6].style;
@@ -758,22 +814,25 @@ function tt_FormatTip()
css.fontSize = tt_aV[FONTSIZE];
css.fontWeight = tt_aV[FONTWEIGHT];
css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
- if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0) {
w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
// Width like title (if existent)
- else if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1 && tt_w)
+ } else if(tt_aV[WIDTH] === -1 && tt_w) {
w = tt_w;
+ }
// Measure width of the body's inner TD, as some browsers would expand
// the container and outer body DIV to 100%
w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[6]);
// Restrict auto width to max width
- if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && w > -tt_aV[WIDTH]) {
w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ }
- if(w > tt_w)
+ if(w > tt_w) {
tt_w = w;
+ }
tt_w += iAdd;
//--------- Shadow DIVs ------------
@@ -795,8 +854,9 @@ function tt_FormatTip()
css.width = tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] + "px";
css.background = tt_aV[SHADOWCOLOR];
- else
+ else {
iOffSh = 0;
+ }
//-------- Container DIV -------
tt_SetTipOpa(tt_aV[FADEIN] ? 0 : tt_aV[OPACITY]);
@@ -812,15 +872,17 @@ function tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh)
wOut = tt_w - ((tt_aV[SHADOW]) ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
// Body
wIn = wOut;
- if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld) {
wIn -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
+ }
tt_aElt[5].style.width = wIn + "px";
// Title
wIn = wOut - ((tt_aV[TITLEPADDING] + 2) << 1);
- if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld) {
wOut = wIn;
+ }
tt_aElt[1].style.width = wOut + "px";
tt_aElt[2].style.width = wIn + "px";
@@ -830,15 +892,17 @@ function tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh)
h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[5]);
if(h > tt_h)
- if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld) {
tt_h -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
+ }
tt_aElt[5].style.height = tt_h + "px";
tt_h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[0]) + iOffY;
// Right shadow
- if(tt_aElt[8])
+ if(tt_aElt[8]) {
tt_aElt[8].style.height = (tt_h - iOffSh) + "px";
+ }
i = tt_aElt.length - 1;
@@ -852,25 +916,30 @@ function tt_DeAlt(el)
- if(el.alt)
+ if(el.alt) {
el.alt = "";
- if(el.title)
+ }
+ if(el.title) {
el.title = "";
+ }
aKid = el.childNodes || el.children || null;
- for(var i = aKid.length; i;)
+ for(var i = aKid.length; i;) {
+ }
// This hack removes the native tooltips over links in Opera
function tt_OpDeHref(el)
- if(!tt_op)
+ if(!tt_op) {
- if(tt_elDeHref)
+ }
+ if(tt_elDeHref) {
+ }
if(el.hasAttribute && el.hasAttribute("href"))
@@ -928,18 +997,20 @@ function tt_UnEl2Tip()
function tt_OverInit()
- if(window.event)
+ if(window.event) {
tt_over = window.event.target || window.event.srcElement;
- else
+ } else {
tt_over = tt_ovr_;
+ }
function tt_ShowInit()
tt_tShow.Timer("tt_Show()", tt_aV[DELAY], true);
+ if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE] || tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY]) {
tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
+ }
function tt_Show()
@@ -947,17 +1018,21 @@ function tt_Show()
// Override the z-index of the topmost wz_dragdrop.js D&D item
css.zIndex = Math.max((window.dd && dd.z) ? (dd.z + 2) : 0, 1010);
- if(tt_aV[STICKY] || !tt_aV[FOLLOWMOUSE])
+ if(tt_aV[STICKY] || !tt_aV[FOLLOWMOUSE]) {
tt_iState &= ~0x4;
- if(tt_aV[EXCLUSIVE])
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[EXCLUSIVE]) {
tt_iState |= 0x8;
- if(tt_aV[DURATION] > 0)
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[DURATION] > 0) {
tt_tDurt.Timer("tt_HideInit()", tt_aV[DURATION], true);
- tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Show")
+ }
+ tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Show");
css.visibility = "visible";
tt_iState |= 0x2;
- if(tt_aV[FADEIN])
+ if(tt_aV[FADEIN]) {
tt_Fade(0, 0, tt_aV[OPACITY], Math.round(tt_aV[FADEIN] / tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL]));
+ }
function tt_ShowIfrm()
@@ -975,8 +1050,9 @@ function tt_ShowIfrm()
function tt_Move(e)
- if(e)
+ if(e) {
tt_ovr_ = e.target || e.srcElement;
+ }
e = e || window.event;
@@ -988,8 +1064,9 @@ function tt_Move(e)
// Prevent jam of mousemove events
if(!tt_op && !tt_ie)
- if(tt_bWait)
+ if(tt_bWait) {
+ }
tt_bWait = true;
tt_tWaitMov.Timer("tt_bWait = false;", 1, true);
@@ -998,9 +1075,10 @@ function tt_Move(e)
tt_iState &= ~0x4;
- else if(!tt_ExtCallFncs(e, "MoveBefore"))
+ else if(!tt_ExtCallFncs(e, "MoveBefore")) {
tt_SetTipPos(tt_Pos(0), tt_Pos(1));
- tt_ExtCallFncs([tt_musX, tt_musY], "MoveAfter")
+ }
+ tt_ExtCallFncs([tt_musX, tt_musY], "MoveAfter");
function tt_Pos(iDim)
@@ -1032,44 +1110,54 @@ function tt_Pos(iDim)
- if(tt_aV[cmdAlt] && (!bJmp || tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim) >= iScrl + 16))
+ if(tt_aV[cmdAlt] && (!bJmp || tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim) >= iScrl + 16)) {
iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
- else if(!tt_aV[cmdAlt] && bJmp && tt_CalcPosDef(iDim) > iMax - 16)
+ }
+ else if(!tt_aV[cmdAlt] && bJmp && tt_CalcPosDef(iDim) > iMax - 16) {
iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
- else
+ } else {
iX = tt_PosDef(iDim);
+ }
iX = iMus;
- if(tt_aV[cmdAlt])
+ if(tt_aV[cmdAlt]) {
iX -= cx + tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
- else
+ }
+ else {
iX += tt_aV[cmdOff];
+ }
// Prevent tip from extending past clientarea boundary
- if(iX > iMax)
+ if(iX > iMax) {
iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosAlt(iDim) : iMax;
+ }
// In case of insufficient space on both sides, ensure the left/upper part
// of the tip be visible
- if(iX < iScrl)
+ if(iX < iScrl) {
iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosDef(iDim) : iScrl;
+ }
return iX;
function tt_PosDef(iDim)
- if(iDim)
+ if(iDim) {
tt_bJmpVert = tt_aV[ABOVE];
- else
+ }
+ else {
tt_bJmpHorz = tt_aV[LEFT];
+ }
return tt_CalcPosDef(iDim);
function tt_PosAlt(iDim)
- if(iDim)
+ if(iDim) {
tt_bJmpVert = !tt_aV[ABOVE];
- else
+ }
+ else {
tt_bJmpHorz = !tt_aV[LEFT];
+ }
return tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim);
function tt_CalcPosDef(iDim)
@@ -1080,31 +1168,34 @@ function tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim)
var cmdOff = iDim ? OFFSETY : OFFSETX;
var dx = tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
- if(tt_aV[cmdOff] > 0 && dx <= 0)
+ if(tt_aV[cmdOff] > 0 && dx <= 0) {
dx = 1;
+ }
return((iDim ? (tt_musY - tt_h) : (tt_musX - tt_w)) - dx);
function tt_PosFix()
var iX, iY;
- if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "number")
+ if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) === "number")
iX = tt_aV[FIX][0];
iY = tt_aV[FIX][1];
- if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "string")
+ if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) === "string") {
el = tt_GetElt(tt_aV[FIX][0]);
// First slot in array is direct reference to HTML element
- else
+ } else {
el = tt_aV[FIX][0];
+ }
iX = tt_aV[FIX][1];
iY = tt_aV[FIX][2];
// By default, vert pos is related to bottom edge of HTML element
- if(!tt_aV[ABOVE] && el)
+ if(!tt_aV[ABOVE] && el) {
iY += tt_GetDivH(el);
+ }
for(; el; el = el.offsetParent)
iX += el.offsetLeft || 0;
@@ -1113,8 +1204,9 @@ function tt_PosFix()
// For a fixed tip positioned above the mouse, use the bottom edge as anchor
// (recommended by Christophe Rebeschini, 31.1.2008)
- if(tt_aV[ABOVE])
+ if(tt_aV[ABOVE]) {
iY -= tt_h;
+ }
tt_SetTipPos(iX, iY);
function tt_Fade(a, now, z, n)
@@ -1122,26 +1214,26 @@ function tt_Fade(a, now, z, n)
now += Math.round((z - now) / n);
- if((z > a) ? (now >= z) : (now <= z))
+ if((z > a) ? (now >= z) : (now <= z)) {
now = z;
- else
- tt_tFade.Timer(
- "tt_Fade("
- + a + "," + now + "," + z + "," + (n - 1)
- + ")",
- true
- );
+ } else {
+ tt_tFade.Timer( "tt_Fade(" + a + "," + now + "," + z + "," + (n - 1) + ")", tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL], true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (now) {
+ tt_SetTipOpa(now);
+ } else {
+ tt_Hide();
- now ? tt_SetTipOpa(now) : tt_Hide();
function tt_SetTipOpa(opa)
// To circumvent the opacity nesting flaws of IE, we set the opacity
// for each sub-DIV separately, rather than for the container DIV.
tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[5], opa);
- if(tt_aElt[1])
+ if(tt_aElt[1]) {
tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[1], opa);
+ }
opa = Math.round(opa * 0.8);
@@ -1161,15 +1253,16 @@ function tt_OnLClick(e)
// Ignore right-clicks
e = e || window.event;
- if(!((e.button && e.button & 2) || (e.which && e.which == 3)))
+ if(!((e.button && e.button & 2) || (e.which && e.which === 3)))
if(tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x4))
tt_aV[STICKY] = true;
tt_iState &= ~0x4;
- else if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE])
+ else if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE]) {
+ }
function tt_Int(x)
@@ -1180,9 +1273,10 @@ function tt_Int(x)
Number.prototype.Timer = function(s, iT, bUrge)
- if(!this.value || bUrge)
+ if(!this.value || bUrge) {
this.value = window.setTimeout(s, iT);
+ }
Number.prototype.EndTimer = function()
@@ -1190,19 +1284,19 @@ Number.prototype.EndTimer = function()
this.value = 0;
function tt_GetWndCliSiz(s)
var db, y = window["inner" + s], sC = "client" + s, sN = "number";
- if(typeof y == sN)
+ if(typeof y === sN)
var y2;
// Gecko or Opera with scrollbar
// ... quirks mode
- ((db = document.body) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
+ ((db = document.body) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) === sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
// ... strict mode
- : ((db = document.documentElement) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
+ : ((db = document.documentElement) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) === sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
// No scrollbar, or clientarea size == 0, or other browser (KHTML etc.)
: y
@@ -1221,7 +1315,7 @@ function tt_SetOpa(el, opa)
var css = el.style;
tt_opa = opa;
- if(tt_flagOpa == 1)
+ if(tt_flagOpa === 1)
if(opa < 100)
@@ -1229,23 +1323,27 @@ function tt_SetOpa(el, opa)
// 1.) Once a CSS filter has been applied, fonts are no longer
// anti-aliased, so we store the previous 'non-filter' to be
// able to restore it
- if(typeof(el.filtNo) == tt_u)
+ if(typeof(el.filtNo) === tt_u) {
el.filtNo = css.filter;
+ }
// 2.) A DIV cannot be made visible in a single step if an
// opacity < 100 has been applied while the DIV was hidden
- var bVis = css.visibility != "hidden";
+ var bVis = css.visibility !== "hidden";
// 3.) In IE6, applying an opacity < 100 has no effect if the
- // element has no layout (position, size, zoom, ...)
+ // element has no layout (position, size, zoom, ...)
css.zoom = "100%";
- if(!bVis)
+ if(!bVis) {
css.visibility = "visible";
+ }
css.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opa + ")";
- if(!bVis)
+ if(!bVis) {
css.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
- else if(typeof(el.filtNo) != tt_u)
+ else if(typeof(el.filtNo) !== tt_u) {
// Restore 'non-filter'
css.filter = el.filtNo;
+ }
@@ -1265,8 +1363,9 @@ function tt_SetOpa(el, opa)
function tt_Err(sErr, bIfDebug)
- if(tt_Debug || !bIfDebug)
+ if(tt_Debug || !bIfDebug) {
alert("Tooltip Script Error Message:\n\n" + sErr);
+ }
//============ EXTENSION (PLUGIN) MANAGER ===============//
@@ -1292,8 +1391,9 @@ function tt_ExtCallFncs(arg, sFnc)
var fnc = tt_aExt[i]["On" + sFnc];
// Call the method the extension has defined for this event
- if(fnc && fnc(arg))
+ if(fnc && fnc(arg)) {
b = true;
+ }
return b;