diff --git a/contrib/amazon_s3/main.php b/contrib/amazon_s3/main.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cfa5a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/amazon_s3/main.php
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * License: GPLv2
+ * Description: Copy uploaded files to S3
+ * Documentation:
+ */
+require_once "lib/S3.php";
+class UploadS3 extends SimpleExtension {
+ public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) {
+ global $config;
+ $config->set_default_string("amazon_s3_access", "");
+ $config->set_default_string("amazon_s3_secret", "");
+ $config->set_default_string("amazon_s3_bucket", "");
+ }
+ public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) {
+ $sb = new SetupBlock("Amazon S3");
+ $sb->add_text_option("amazon_s3_access", "Access key: ");
+ $sb->add_text_option("amazon_s3_secret", "
Secret key: ");
+ $sb->add_text_option("amazon_s3_bucket", "
Bucket: ");
+ $event->panel->add_block($sb);
+ }
+ public function onImageAddition(ImageAdditionEvent $event) {
+ global $config;
+ $access = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_access");
+ $secret = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_secret");
+ $bucket = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_bucket");
+ if(!empty($bucket)) {
+ log_debug("amazon_s3", "Mirroring Image #".$event->image->id." to S3 #$bucket");
+ $s3 = new S3($access, $secret);
+ $s3->putBucket($bucket, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
+ $s3->putObjectFile(
+ warehouse_path("thumbs", $event->image->hash),
+ $bucket,
+ 'thumbs/'.$event->image->hash,
+ array(),
+ array(
+ "Content-Type" => "image/jpeg",
+ "Content-Disposition" => "inline; filename=image-" . $event->image->id . ".jpg",
+ )
+ );
+ $s3->putObjectFile(
+ warehouse_path("images", $event->image->hash),
+ $bucket,
+ 'images/'.$event->image->hash,
+ array(),
+ array(
+ "Content-Type" => "image/" . $event->image->type,
+ "Content-Disposition" => "inline; filename=image-" . $event->image->id . "." . $event->image->type,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public function onImageDeletion(ImageDeletionEvent $event) {
+ global $config;
+ $access = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_access");
+ $secret = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_secret");
+ $bucket = $config->get_string("amazon_s3_bucket");
+ if(!empty($bucket)) {
+ log_debug("amazon_s3", "Deleting Image #".$event->image->id." from S3");
+ $s3 = new S3($access, $secret);
+ $s3->deleteObject($bucket, "images/"+$event->image->hash);
+ $s3->deleteObject($bucket, "thumbs/"+$event->image->hash);
+ }
+ }