fixed downloading flash with bookmarklet + added comments

This commit is contained in:
Daku 2011-12-26 21:29:04 +00:00
parent 3b73013d1d
commit c2ad8322ef

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet {
if($i==0){ if($i==0){
$upload_list .= "<div id='hide$i'><img id='wrapper' src='ext/upload/minus.png' />" . $upload_list .= "<div id='hide$i'><img id='wrapper' src='ext/upload/minus.png' />" .
"<a href='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;row$a&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;hide$i&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;hide$a&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;'>". "<a href='javascript:document.getElementById(&quot;row$a&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;hide$i&quot;).style.display = &quot;none&quot;;document.getElementById(&quot;hide$a&quot;).style.display = &quot;&quot;;'>".
"<img src='ext/upload/plus.png'></a></div></td>"; "<img src='ext/upload/plus.png'></a></div></td>";
}else{ }else{
$upload_list .="<div id='hide$i'> $upload_list .="<div id='hide$i'>
@ -113,15 +113,31 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet {
{ {
/* Danbooru > Shimmie Bookmarklet. /* Danbooru > Shimmie Bookmarklet.
This "should" work on any site running danbooru, unless for some odd reason they switched around the id's or aren't using post/list. This "should" work on any site running danbooru, unless for some odd reason they switched around the id's or aren't using post/list.
Most likely this will stop working when Danbooru updates to v2, all depends if they switch the ids or not >_>.
Clicking the link on a danbooru image page should give you something along the lines of:
'""too many tags"&rating="s"&source=""'
TODO: Possibly make the entire/most of the script into a .js file, and just make the bookmarklet load it on click (Something like that?)
*/ */
$title = "Danbooru to " . $config->get_string('title'); $title = "Danbooru to " . $config->get_string('title');
$html .= '<p><a href="javascript:var img=document.getElementById(&quot;highres&quot;).href;var ste=&quot;' . $html .= '<p><a href="javascript:'.
$link . $delimiter . 'url=&quot;;var tag=document.getElementById(&quot;post_old_tags&quot;).value;var doc=document.documentElement.innerHTML;var rtg=doc.match(&quot;<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>&quot;);var srx=&quot;http://&quot; + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match(&quot;\/post\/show\/.*\/&quot;);' . /* This should stop the bookmarklet being insanely long...not that it's already huge or anything. */
'if (confirm(&quot;OK = Use Current tags.\nCancel = Use new tags.&quot;)==true)' . 'var ste=&quot;'. $link . $delimiter .'url=&quot;;var tag=document.getElementById(&quot;post_tags&quot;).value;var rtg=document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(&quot;<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>&quot;);var srx=&quot;http://&quot; + document.location.hostname+document.location.href.match(&quot;\/post\/show\/.*\/&quot;);' .
'{if(\bflash\b/)==-1){location.href=ste+img+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+tag+&quot;&rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}else{location.href=ste+document.getElementsByName(&quot;movie&quot;)[0].value' . //The default confirm sucks, mainly due to being unable to change the text in the Ok/Cancel box (Yes/No would be better.)
'+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+tag+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}}else{var p=prompt(&quot;Enter Tags&quot;,&quot;&quot;);if(\bflash\b/)==-1){location.href=ste+img+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+p+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' . 'if (confirm(&quot;OK = Use Current tags.\nCancel = Use new tags.&quot;)==true){' . //Just incase some people don't want the insane amount of tags danbooru has.
'else{location.href=ste+document.getElementsByName(&quot;movie&quot;)[0].value+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+p+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}}">' . //The flash check is kind of picky, although it should work on "most" images..there will be either some old or extremely new ones that lack the flash tag.
$title . '</a> (As above, Click on a Danbooru-run image page. (This also grabs the tags, rating & source!))'; 'if(\bflash\b/)==-1){'.
//The following is more or less the same as above, instead using the tags on danbooru, should load a prompt box instead.
'var p=prompt(&quot;Enter Tags&quot;,&quot;&quot;);'.
'location.href=ste+document.getElementById(&quot;highres&quot;).href+&quot;&amp;tags=&quot;+p+&quot;&amp;rating=&quot;+rtg[1]+&quot;&amp;source=&quot;+srx;}' .
'}">' .
$title . '</a> (As above, Click on a Danbooru-run image page. (This also grabs the tags/rating/source!))';
} }