make bookmarklet.js easier to read
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,96 +1,155 @@
/* Imageboard to Shimmie */
// This should work with "most" sites running Danbooru/Gelbooru/Shimmie
//TODO: Make this use jQuery!
// TODO: Make this use jQuery! (if we can be sure that jquery is loaded)
// maxsize, supext, CA are set inside the bookmarklet (see theme.php)
var maxsze = (maxsze.match("(?:\.*[0-9])")) * 1024; //This assumes we are only working with MB.
var maxsize = (maxsize.match("(?:\.*[0-9])")) * 1024; // This assumes we are only working with MB.
var toobig = "The file you are trying to upload is too big to upload!";
var notsup = "The file you are trying to upload is not supported!";
if (CA === 0 || CA > 2){ //Default
if (confirm("OK = Use Current tags.\nCancel = Use new tags.")==true){
//Do nothing
var tag=prompt("Enter Tags","");
var chk=1; //This makes sure it doesn't use current tags.
if(CA === 0 || CA > 2) { // Default
if(confirm("Keep existing tags?\n(Cancel will prompt for new tags)")) {
// Do nothing
}else if (CA === 1){ //Current Tags
//Do nothing
}else if (CA === 2){ //New Tags
var tag=prompt("Enter Tags","");
var chk=1;
else {
var tag = prompt("Enter Tags", "");
var chk = 1; // This makes sure it doesn't use current tags.
else if(CA === 1) { // Current Tags
// Do nothing
else if(CA === 2) { // New Tags
var tag = prompt("Enter Tags", "");
var chk = 1;
// Danbooru | oreno.imouto | konachan | sankakucomplex
if(document.getElementById("post_tags") !== null){
if (typeof tag !=="ftp://ftp." && chk !==1){var tag=document.getElementById("post_tags").value;}
tag = tag.replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); //This should stop + not showing in tags :x
var srx="http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/post\/show\/[0-9]+");
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0 ||"konachan\\.com") >= 0){
var rtg=document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*) <span")[1];
var rtg=document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>")[1];
* Danbooru (oreno.imouto | konachan | sankakucomplex)
if(document.getElementById("post_tags") !== null) {
if (typeof tag !== "ftp://ftp." && chk !==1) {
var tag = document.getElementById("post_tags").value;
tag = tag.replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); // This should stop + not showing in tags :x
var source = "http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/post\/show\/[0-9]+");
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0 ||"konachan\\.com") >= 0) {
var rating = document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*) <span")[1];
else {
var rating = document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>")[1];
var hrs=document.getElementById("highres").href;
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0 ||"konachan\\.com") >= 0){ //oreno's theme seems to have moved the filesize
var filesze = document.getElementById("highres").innerHTML.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]+ \\(+([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z]+)");
var highres_url = document.getElementById("highres").href;
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0 ||"konachan\\.com") >= 0){ // oreno's theme seems to have moved the filesize
var filesize = document.getElementById("highres").innerHTML.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]+ \\(+([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z]+)");
var filesze=document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("[0-9] \\(((?:\.*[0-9])) ([a-zA-Z]+)");
var filesize = document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("[0-9] \\(((?:\.*[0-9])) ([a-zA-Z]+)");
if(filesize[2] == "MB") {
var filesize = filesize[1] * 1024;
else {
var filesize = filesize[2].match("[0-9]+");
if(filesze[2] == "MB"){var filesze = filesze[1] * 1024;}else{var filesze = filesze[2].match("[0-9]+");}
if("http\:\/\/.*\\.([a-z0-9]+)")[1]) !== -1){
if(filesze <= maxsze){
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0){
//this regex tends to be a bit picky with tags -_-;;
var hrs=hrs.match("(http\:\/\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]\/[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+)\/[a-z0-9A-Z%_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)");
var hrs=hrs[1]+hrs[2]; //this should bypass hotlink protection
}else if("konachan\\.com") >= 0){
//konachan affixs to the start of the tags, this requires different regex
var hrs=hrs.match("(http\:\/\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]\/[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+)\/[a-z0-9A-Z%_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9%_-]+(\.[a-z0-9A-Z]+)")
var hrs=hrs[1]+hrs[2];
if("http\:\/\/.*\\.([a-z0-9]+)")[1]) !== -1) {
if(filesize <= maxsize) {
if("oreno\\.imouto") >= 0) {
// this regex tends to be a bit picky with tags -_-;;
var highres_url = highres_url.match("(http\:\/\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]\/[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+)\/[a-z0-9A-Z%_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)");
var highres_url = highres_url[1]+highres_url[2]; // this should bypass hotlink protection
else if("konachan\\.com") >= 0) {
// konachan affixs to the start of the tags, this requires different regex
var highres_url = highres_url.match("(http\:\/\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]\/[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+)\/[a-z0-9A-Z%_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9%_-]+(\.[a-z0-9A-Z]+)")
var highres_url = highres_url[1]+highres_url[2];
location.href = ste+highres_url+"&tags="+tag+"&rating="+rating+"&source="+source;
else {
if("swf") !== -1) {
location.href = ste+document.getElementsByName("movie")[0].value+"&tags="+tag+"&rating="+rating+"&source="+source;
if("swf") !== -1){
/* Shimmie
One problem with shimmie is each theme does not show the same info as other themes (I.E only the danbooru & lite themes show statistics)
Shimmie doesn't seem to have any way to grab tags via id unless you have the ability to edit tags.
Have to go the round about way of checking the title for tags.
This crazy way of checking "should" work with older releases though (Seems to work with 2009~ ver) */
else if(document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]"Image [0-9.-]+\: ")==0){
if (typeof tag !=="ftp://ftp." && chk !==1){var tag=document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML.match("Image [0-9.-]+\: (.*)")[1];}
//TODO: Make rating show in statistics.
var srx="http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/post\/view\/[0-9]+");
/*TODO: Make file size show on all themes (Only seems to show in lite/Danbooru themes.)*/
* Shimmie
* One problem with shimmie is each theme does not show the same info
* as other themes (I.E only the danbooru & lite themes show statistics)
* Shimmie doesn't seem to have any way to grab tags via id unless you
* have the ability to edit tags.
* Have to go the round about way of checking the title for tags.
* This crazy way of checking "should" work with older releases though
* (Seems to work with 2009~ ver)
else if(document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]"Image [0-9.-]+\: ") == 0) {
if(typeof tag !=="ftp://ftp." && chk !==1) {
var tag = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML.match("Image [0-9.-]+\: (.*)")[1];
// TODO: Make rating show in statistics.
var source = "http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/post\/view\/[0-9]+");
// TODO: Make file size show on all themes
// (Only seems to show in lite/Danbooru themes.)
if(\bflash\b/) == -1) {
var img = document.getElementById("main_image").src;
if(".*\\.([a-z0-9]+)")[1]) !== -1){
if(".*\\.([a-z0-9]+)")[1]) !== -1) {
location.href = ste+img+"&tags="+tag+"&source="+source;
var mov = document.location.hostname+document.getElementsByName("movie")[0].value;
if("swf") !== -1){
if("swf") !== -1) {
location.href = ste+mov+"&tags="+tag+"&source="+source;
// Gelbooru
else if(document.getElementById("tags") !== null){
if (typeof tag !=="ftp://ftp." && chk !==1){var tag=document.getElementById("tags").value;}
var rtg=document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>")[1];
//Can't seem to grab source due to url containing a &
//var srx="http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/index\.php?page=post&s=view\\&id=.*");
var gmi=document.getElementById("image").src.match(".*img[0-9]+\.gelbooru\.com\/\/images\/[0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+")[0];
//Since Gelbooru does not allow flash, no need to search for flash tag.
//Gelbooru doesn't show file size in statistics either...
* Gelbooru
else if(document.getElementById("tags") !== null) {
if (typeof tag !=="ftp://ftp." && chk !==1) {
var tag = document.getElementById("tags").value;
var rating = document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML.match("<li>Rating: (.*)<\/li>")[1];
// Can't seem to grab source due to url containing a &
// var source="http://" + document.location.hostname + document.location.href.match("\/index\.php?page=post&s=view\\&id=.*");
var gmi = document.getElementById("image").src.match(".*img[0-9]+\.gelbooru\.com\/\/images\/[0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+")[0];
// Since Gelbooru does not allow flash, no need to search for flash tag.
// Gelbooru doesn't show file size in statistics either...
if("http\:\/\/.*\\.([a-z0-9]+)")[1]) !== -1){
location.href = ste+gmi+"&tags="+tag+"&rating="+rating;//+"&source="+source;
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet {
if(file_exists("ext/handle_svg")){$supported_ext .= " svg";}
$title = "Booru to " . $config->get_string('title');
//CA=0: Ask to use current or new tags | CA=1: Always use current tags | CA=2: Always use new tags
$html .= '<p><a href="javascript:var ste="'. $link . $delimiter .'url="; var supext="'.$supported_ext.'"; var maxsze="'.$max_kb.'"; var CA=0; void(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src="'.make_http(get_base_href())."/ext/upload/bookmarklet.js".'")">'.
$html .= '<p><a href="javascript:var ste="'. $link . $delimiter .'url="; var supext="'.$supported_ext.'"; var maxsize="'.$max_kb.'"; var CA=0; void(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src="'.make_http(get_base_href())."/ext/upload/bookmarklet.js".'")">'.
$title . '</a> (Click when looking at an image page. Works on sites running Shimmie/Danbooru/Gelbooru. (This also grabs the tags/rating/source!))';
Reference in New Issue
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