splitting up huge functions in ext/comment

This commit is contained in:
Shish 2015-09-26 19:14:11 +01:00
parent 6a94ae4aaf
commit 5a8df90fd9

View File

@ -76,7 +76,11 @@ class Comment {
public static function count_comments_by_user($user) {
global $database;
return $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM comments WHERE owner_id=:owner_id", array("owner_id"=>$user->id));
return $database->get_one("
FROM comments
WHERE owner_id=:owner_id
", array("owner_id"=>$user->id));
@ -89,6 +93,9 @@ class Comment {
class CommentList extends Extension {
/** @var CommentListTheme $theme */
var $theme;
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) {
global $config, $database;
$config->set_default_int('comment_window', 5);
@ -147,78 +154,100 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) {
global $page, $user, $database;
if($event->page_matches("comment")) {
if($event->get_arg(0) === "add") {
if(isset($_POST['image_id']) && isset($_POST['comment'])) {
try {
$i_iid = int_escape($_POST['image_id']);
$cpe = new CommentPostingEvent($_POST['image_id'], $user, $_POST['comment']);
catch(CommentPostingException $ex) {
$this->theme->display_error(403, "Comment Blocked", $ex->getMessage());
else if($event->get_arg(0) === "delete") {
if($user->can("delete_comment")) {
// FIXME: post, not args
if($event->count_args() === 3) {
send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent($event->get_arg(1)));
flash_message("Deleted comment");
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
else {
else {
else if($event->get_arg(0) === "bulk_delete") {
if($user->can("delete_comment") && !empty($_POST["ip"])) {
$ip = $_POST['ip'];
$cids = $database->get_col("SELECT id FROM comments WHERE owner_ip=:ip", array("ip"=>$ip));
$num = count($cids);
log_warning("comment", "Deleting $num comments from $ip");
foreach($cids as $cid) {
send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent($cid));
flash_message("Deleted $num comments");
else {
else if($event->get_arg(0) === "list") {
$page_num = int_escape($event->get_arg(1));
else if($event->get_arg(0) === "beta-search") {
$search = $event->get_arg(1);
$page_num = int_escape($event->get_arg(2));
$duser = User::by_name($search);
$i_comment_count = Comment::count_comments_by_user($duser);
$com_per_page = 50;
$total_pages = ceil($i_comment_count/$com_per_page);
$page_num = $this->sanity_check_pagenumber($page_num, $total_pages);
$comments = $this->get_user_comments($duser->id, $com_per_page, ($page_num-1) * $com_per_page);
$this->theme->display_all_user_comments($comments, $page_num, $total_pages, $duser);
private function onPageRequest_add() {
global $user, $page;
if (isset($_POST['image_id']) && isset($_POST['comment'])) {
try {
$i_iid = int_escape($_POST['image_id']);
$cpe = new CommentPostingEvent($_POST['image_id'], $user, $_POST['comment']);
} catch (CommentPostingException $ex) {
$this->theme->display_error(403, "Comment Blocked", $ex->getMessage());
private function onPageRequest_delete(PageRequestEvent $event) {
global $user, $page;
if ($user->can("delete_comment")) {
// FIXME: post, not args
if ($event->count_args() === 3) {
send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent($event->get_arg(1)));
flash_message("Deleted comment");
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
} else {
$page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/" . $event->get_arg(2)));
} else {
private function onPageRequest_bulk_delete() {
global $user, $database, $page;
if ($user->can("delete_comment") && !empty($_POST["ip"])) {
$ip = $_POST['ip'];
$comment_ids = $database->get_col("
FROM comments
WHERE owner_ip=:ip
", array("ip" => $ip));
$num = count($comment_ids);
log_warning("comment", "Deleting $num comments from $ip");
foreach($comment_ids as $cid) {
send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent($cid));
flash_message("Deleted $num comments");
} else {
private function onPageRequest_list(PageRequestEvent $event) {
$page_num = int_escape($event->get_arg(1));
private function onPageRequest_beta_search(PageRequestEvent $event) {
$search = $event->get_arg(1);
$page_num = int_escape($event->get_arg(2));
$duser = User::by_name($search);
$i_comment_count = Comment::count_comments_by_user($duser);
$com_per_page = 50;
$total_pages = ceil($i_comment_count / $com_per_page);
$page_num = $this->sanity_check_pagenumber($page_num, $total_pages);
$comments = $this->get_user_comments($duser->id, $com_per_page, ($page_num - 1) * $com_per_page);
$this->theme->display_all_user_comments($comments, $page_num, $total_pages, $duser);
public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event) {
@ -264,7 +293,10 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
public function onCommentDeletion(CommentDeletionEvent $event) {
global $database;
$database->Execute("DELETE FROM comments WHERE id=:comment_id", array("comment_id"=>$event->comment_id));
DELETE FROM comments
WHERE id=:comment_id
", array("comment_id"=>$event->comment_id));
log_info("comment", "Deleting Comment #{$event->comment_id}");
@ -329,37 +361,30 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
$database->cache->set("comment_pages", $total_pages, 600);
if(is_null($current_page) || $current_page <= 0) {
$current_page = 1;
$current_page = $this->sanity_check_pagenumber($current_page, $total_pages);
$threads_per_page = 10;
$start = $threads_per_page * ($current_page - 1);
$get_threads = "
$result = $database->Execute("
SELECT image_id,MAX(posted) AS latest
FROM comments
GROUP BY image_id
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
$result = $database->Execute($get_threads, array("limit"=>$threads_per_page, "offset"=>$start));
", array("limit"=>$threads_per_page, "offset"=>$start));
if(ext_is_live("Ratings")) {
$user_ratings = Ratings::get_user_privs($user);
} else {
$user_ratings = "";
$user_ratings = ext_is_live("Ratings") ? Ratings::get_user_privs($user) : "";
$images = array();
while($row = $result->fetch()) {
$image = Image::by_id($row["image_id"]);
if(ext_is_live("Ratings") && !is_null($image)) {
if(strpos($user_ratings, $image->rating) === FALSE) {
$image = null; // this is "clever", I may live to regret it
ext_is_live("Ratings") && !is_null($image) &&
strpos($user_ratings, $image->rating) === FALSE
) {
$image = null; // this is "clever", I may live to regret it
if(!is_null($image)) {
$comments = $this->get_comments($image->id);
@ -373,22 +398,13 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
// get comments {{{
* @param int $count
* @param string $query
* @param array $args
* @return array
private function get_recent_comments($count) {
private function get_generic_comments($query, $args) {
global $database;
$rows = $database->get_all("
users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
comments.posted as posted
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
ORDER BY comments.id DESC
LIMIT :limit
", array("limit"=>$count));
$rows = $database->get_all($query, $args);
$comments = array();
foreach($rows as $row) {
$comments[] = new Comment($row);
@ -396,6 +412,24 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
return $comments;
* @param int $count
* @return array
private function get_recent_comments($count) {
return $this->get_generic_comments("
users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
comments.posted as posted
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
ORDER BY comments.id DESC
LIMIT :limit
", array("limit"=>$count));
* @param int $user_id
* @param int $count
@ -403,24 +437,18 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
* @return array
private function get_user_comments(/*int*/ $user_id, /*int*/ $count, /*int*/ $offset=0) {
global $database;
$rows = $database->get_all("
return $this->get_generic_comments("
users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
comments.posted as posted
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
WHERE users.id = :user_id
ORDER BY comments.id DESC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
", array("user_id"=>$user_id, "offset"=>$offset, "limit"=>$count));
$comments = array();
foreach($rows as $row) {
$comments[] = new Comment($row);
return $comments;
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
WHERE users.id = :user_id
ORDER BY comments.id DESC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
", array("user_id"=>$user_id, "offset"=>$offset, "limit"=>$count));
@ -428,24 +456,17 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
* @return array
private function get_comments(/*int*/ $image_id) {
global $database;
$i_image_id = int_escape($image_id);
$rows = $database->get_all("
return $this->get_generic_comments("
users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
comments.posted as posted
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
WHERE comments.image_id=:image_id
ORDER BY comments.id ASC
", array("image_id"=>$i_image_id));
$comments = array();
foreach($rows as $row) {
$comments[] = new Comment($row);
return $comments;
FROM comments
LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
WHERE comments.image_id=:image_id
ORDER BY comments.id ASC
", array("image_id"=>$image_id));
// }}}
@ -463,9 +484,11 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
else $window_sql = "interval '$window minute'";
// window doesn't work as an SQL param because it's inside quotes >_<
$result = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE owner_ip = :remote_ip ".
"AND posted > now() - $window_sql",
$result = $database->get_all("
FROM comments
WHERE owner_ip = :remote_ip AND posted > now() - $window_sql
", array("remote_ip"=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
return (count($result) >= $max);
@ -537,7 +560,11 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
private function is_dupe(/*int*/ $image_id, /*string*/ $comment) {
global $database;
return ($database->get_row("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE image_id=:image_id AND comment=:comment", array("image_id"=>$image_id, "comment"=>$comment)));
return $database->get_row("
FROM comments
WHERE image_id=:image_id AND comment=:comment
", array("image_id"=>$image_id, "comment"=>$comment));
// do some checks
@ -546,15 +573,12 @@ class CommentList extends Extension {
* @param int $maxpage
* @return int
private function sanity_check_pagenumber(/*int*/ $pagenum, /*int*/ $maxpage){
if (!is_numeric($pagenum)){
private function sanity_check_pagenumber(/*int*/ $pagenum, /*int*/ $maxpage) {
if(!is_numeric($pagenum) || $pagenum <= 0) {
$pagenum = 1;
if ($pagenum>$maxpage){
if ($pagenum<=0){
if($pagenum > $maxpage) {
$pagenum = $maxpage;
return $pagenum;