remove old

git-svn-id: file:///home/shish/svn/shimmie2/branches/branch_2.1@647 7f39781d-f577-437e-ae19-be835c7a54ca
This commit is contained in:
shish 2007-12-09 04:16:51 +00:00
parent 73a890ff1a
commit 5335aa9418
6 changed files with 0 additions and 456 deletions

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
* This file may not be distributed without its readme.txt
/* * * Link to Image * * */
#Link_to_Image {
/* allows borders to encompass the content; */
#Link_to_Image fieldset {
width: 32%;
#Link_to_Image input, #Link_to_Image label {
#Link_to_Image label {
#Link_to_Image input {
font-family:courier, fixed, monospace;
#Link_to_Image br {
#Link_to_Image label:hover {
border-bottom:1px dashed;

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
class LinkImage extends Extension {
var $theme;
public function receive_event($event) {
if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object("link_image", "LinkImageTheme");
if(is_a($event, 'DisplayingImageEvent')) {
global $config;
$data_href = get_base_href();
$event->page->add_header("<link rel='stylesheet' href='$data_href/ext/link_image/_style.css' type='text/css'>",0);
if(is_a($event, 'SetupBuildingEvent')) {
$sb = new SetupBlock("Link to Image");
$sb->add_text_option("ext_link-img_text-link_format", "Text Link Format: ");
if(is_a($event, 'InitExtEvent')) {
global $config;
//just set default if empty.
'$title - $id ($ext $size $filesize)');
private function data($image) {
global $config;
$text_link = $image->parse_link_template($config->get_string("ext_link-img_text-link_format"));
$text_link = $text_link==" "? null : $text_link; // null blank setting so the url gets filled in on the text links.
return array(
'thumb_src' => $image->get_thumb_link(),
'image_src' => $image->get_image_link(),
'post_link' => $image->get_short_link(),
'text_link' => $text_link);
add_event_listener(new LinkImage());

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
Link to Image adds BBCode and HTML link codes to the image view. Offers code for a customizable text link, thumbnail links, and full image inline.
Author: Erik Youngren <>
License: GPLv2
Submit a Bug Report or Suggestion for Link to Image:
= Use =
There is one option in Board Config: Text Link Format.
It takes the following arguments as well as plain text.
|| arguments || replacement ||
|| $id || The image ID. ||
|| $hash || The MD5 hash of the image. ||
|| $tags || The image's tag list. ||
|| $base || The base HREF as set in Config. ||
|| $ext || The image's extension. ||
|| $size || The image's display size. ||
|| $filesize || The image's size in KB. ||
|| $filename || The image's original filename. ||
|| $title || The site title as set in Config. ||
Link to Image will default this option to '$title - $id ($ext $size $filesize)'.
To reset to the default, simply clear the current setting. Link to Image will then fill in the default value after the save.
To leave the setting blank for any reason, leave a space (' ') in it.
= Install =
1. Copy the folder {{{contrib/link_image/}}} to {{{ext/}}}.
2. In the Config panel, make sure Base URL is set (you may as well set Data URL while you're there, if you haven't already.)
3. Make sure Image Link, Thumb Link, and Short Link all contain the full path ("http://" and onward,) either by using $base or plain text. Link to Image will not be able to retrieve the correct paths without these variables.
= Change Log =
== Version 0.3.0 ==
* Moved Link to Image over to the official theme engine. This functions basically the same as what the prototype was, but it's more thought out and nicer.
* Cleaned up the insides a bit.
== Version 0.2.0 ==
* Changed the HTML generation to use a prototype theme engine. All HTML generation is now contained within {{{link_image.html.php}}}, which may be copied to the current theme folder and edited from there.
== Version 0.1.4 - 20070510 ==
* Style changes.
* Added output containing only the locations of the thumb, image and post.
* Added a link to wikipedia's HTML page, just as BBCode has a wikipedia link.
== Version 0.1.3b - 20070509 ==
* Renamed style.css to _style.css to avoid the auto loader.
== Version 0.1.3 - 20070508 ==
* Created Readme.txt
* Merged 0.1.2 into 0.1.2b
* Removed uneeded documentation from main.php
* Rewrote the css to be unique. Previously used CSS I wrote for elsewhere. Styled to reduce space consumption.
* Added code to insert the CSS import.
* Updated Nice URLs to allow access to the /ext/ folder. (Why is my stylesheet returning HTML instead of CSS?)
* First SVN update.
== Version 0.1.2b - 20070507 ==
(fairly simultaneous with 0.1.2)
* shish:
* Updated to new extension format
* Created folder link_image in trunk/contrib
* Renamed link_image.ext.php to main.php and moved to /link_image/
* Created style.css {{{ /* 404'd :|*/ }}}.
* Documentation (different from mine.)
* Changed add_text_option() and added add_label() in SetupBuildingEvent because I was using an edited version of the function that shish didn't know about. It was a wonder that didn't throw massive errors.
* Published on SVN.
== Version 0.1.2 - 20070506 ==
* Textboxes now select-all when they gain focus.
* Commenting and documentation.
== Version 0.1.1 - 20070506 ==
* Fixed HTML thumbnail link code. (image tag was being html_escaped twice, resulting in "$gt;" and "&lt;" from the first escape becoming "&amp;gt;" and "&amp;lt;") It turns out that html_escape was completely unnecessary, all I had to do was replace the single-quotes around the attributes with escaped double-quotes ('\"'.)
== Version 0.1.0 - 20070506 ==
* Release.
= Links =
* - Home
* - Discussion
* - Shimmie2 Trac SVN

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class LinkImageTheme extends Themelet {
public function links_block($page,$data) {
$thumb_src = $data['thumb_src'];
$image_src = $data['image_src'];
$post_link = $data['post_link'];
$text_link = $data['text_link'];
$page->add_block( new Block(
"Link to Image",
"<legend><a href='' target='_blank'>BBCode</a></legend>".
$this->link_code("Text Link",$this->url($post_link, $text_link,"ubb"),"ubb_text-link").
$this->link_code("Thumbnail Link",$this->url($post_link, $this->img($thumb_src,"ubb"),"ubb"),"ubb_thumb-link").
$this->link_code("Inline Image", $this->img($image_src,"ubb"), "ubb_full-img").
"<legend><a href='' target='_blank'>HTML</a></legend>".
$this->link_code("Text Link", $this->url($post_link, $text_link,"html"), "html_text-link").
$this->link_code("Thumbnail Link", $this->url($post_link,$this->img($thumb_src,"html"),"html"), "html_thumb-link").
$this->link_code("Inline Image", $this->img($image_src,"html"), "html_full-image").
"<legend>Plain Text</legend>".
$this->link_code("Post URL",$post_link,"text_post-link").
$this->link_code("Thumbnail URL",$thumb_src,"text_thumb-url").
$this->link_code("Image URL",$image_src,"text_image-src").
protected function url ($url,$content,$type) {
if ($content == NULL) {$content=$url;}
switch ($type) {
case "html":
$text = "<a href=\"".$url."\">".$content."</a>";
case "ubb":
$text = "[url=".$url."]".$content."[/url]";
$text = $link." - ".$content;
return $text;
protected function img ($src,$type) {
switch ($type) {
case "html":
$text = "<img src=\"$src\" />";
case "ubb":
$text = "[img]".$src."[/img]";
$text = $src;
return $text;
protected function link_code($label,$content,$id=NULL) {
return "<label for='".$id."' title='Click to select the textbox'>$label</label>\n".
"<input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='".$id."' name='".$id."' value='".html_escape($content)."' onfocus=';'></input>\n<br/>\n";

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@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
class Tag_History extends Extension {
var $theme;
public function receive_event($event) {
if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object("tag_history", "Tag_HistoryTheme");
if(is_a($event, 'InitExtEvent')) {
// shimmie is being installed so call install to create the table.
global $config;
if($config->get_int("ext_tag_history_version") < 1) {
if(is_a($event, 'PageRequestEvent') && ($event->page_name == "tag_history"))
if($event->get_arg(0) == "revert")
// this is a request to revert to a previous version of the tags
$this->process_revert_request($_POST['image_id'], $_POST['revert']);
// must be an attempt to view a tag history
$image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
$this->theme->display_history_page($event->page, $image_id, $this->build_tag_history($image_id));
if(is_a($event, 'DisplayingImageEvent'))
// handle displaying a link on the view page
$this->theme->display_history_link($event->page, $event->image->id);
if(is_a($event, 'ImageDeletionEvent'))
// handle removing of history when an image is deleted
if(is_a($event, 'SetupBuildingEvent')) {
$sb = new SetupBlock("Tag History");
$sb->add_label("Limit to ");
$sb->add_label(" entires per image");
if(is_a($event, 'TagSetEvent')) {
protected function install()
global $database;
global $config;
$database->Execute("CREATE TABLE tag_histories
id integer NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
image_id integer NOT NULL,
tags text NOT NULL
$config->set_int("ext_tag_history_version", 1);
private function process_revert_request($image_id, $revert_id)
// this function is called when a revert request is received
global $page;
// check for the nothing case
// tried to set it too the same thing so ignore it (might be a bot)
// go back to the index page with you
$revert_id = int_escape($revert_id);
$image_id = int_escape($image_id);
// lets get this revert id assuming it exists
$result = $this->get_tag_history_from_revert($revert_id);
// there is no history entry with that id so either the image was deleted
// while the user was viewing the history, someone is playing with form
// variables or we have messed up in code somewhere.
die("Error: No tag history with specified id was found.");
// lets get the values out of the result
$stored_result_id = $result->fields['id'];
$stored_image_id = $result->fields['image_id'];
$stored_tags = $result->fields['tags'];
// wth is going on there ids should be the same otherwise we are trying
// to edit another image... banhammer this user... j/k
die("Error: Mismatch in history image ids.");
// all should be ok so we can revert by firing the SetUserTags event.
send_event(new TagSetEvent($image_id, $stored_tags));
// all should be done now so redirect the user back to the image
private function build_tag_history($image_id)
// this function is called when user tries to view tag history of an image
// check if the image exists
global $database;
$image = $database->get_image($image_id);
if($image==null)return "<strong>No image with the specified id currently exists</strong>";
// get the current images tags
$current_tags = html_escape(implode(' ', $image->get_tag_array()));
//$current_tags = $image->cached_tags;
// get any stored tag histories
$result = $this->get_tag_history_from_id($image_id);
$html = "<div style='text-align: left'>";
$html .= "<br><form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='".make_link("tag_history/revert")."' method='POST'>\n";
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='image_id' value='$image_id'>\n";
$html .= "<ul style='list-style-type:none;'>\n";
$html .= "<li><input type='radio' name='revert' value='nothing' checked>$current_tags (<strong>current</strong>)<br></li>\n";
$end_string = "<input type='submit' value='Revert'></ul></form></div>";
// check for no stored history
if($result==null) return $html.$end_string;
// process each one
$fields = $result->fields;
$current_id = $fields['id'];
$current_tags = $fields['tags'];
$html .= "<li><input type='radio' name='revert' value='$current_id'>$current_tags<br></li>\n";
$html .= $end_string;
// now return the finished html
return $html;
public function get_tag_history_from_revert($revert_id)
global $database;
$row = $database->execute( "SELECT * FROM tag_histories WHERE id = ?", array($revert_id));
return ($row ? $row : null);
public function get_tag_history_from_id($image_id)
global $database;
$row = $database->execute( "SELECT * FROM tag_histories WHERE image_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC", array($image_id));
return ($row ? $row : null);
private function delete_all_tag_history($image_id)
// this function is called when an image has been deleted
global $database;
$database->execute("DELETE FROM tag_histories WHERE image_id = ?", array($image_id));
private function add_tag_history($image_id)
// this function is called just before an images tag are changed
global $database;
global $config;
// get the old tags
$image = $database->get_image($image_id);
$tags = $image->get_tag_array();
$tags = implode(' ',$tags);
// add a history entry
$allowed = $config->get_int("history_limit",10);
$row = $database->execute("INSERT INTO tag_histories(image_id, tags) VALUES (?, ?)", array($image_id, $tags));
$entries = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tag_histories` WHERE image_id = ?", array($image_id));
// if needed remove oldest one
if($entries > $allowed)
// TODO: Make these queries better
$min_id = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT MIN(id) FROM tag_histories WHERE image_id = ?", array($image_id));
$database->execute("DELETE FROM tag_histories WHERE id = ?", array($min_id));
add_event_listener(new Tag_History(), 40); // early, so that old tags can be archived before new ones are set

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class Tag_HistoryTheme extends Themelet {
public function display_history_page($page, $image_id, $history) {
$page_heading = "Tag History: $image_id";
$page->set_title("Image $image_id Tag History");
$page->add_block(new NavBlock());
$page->add_block(new Block("Tag History", $history, "main", 10));
public function display_history_link($page, $image_id) {
$link = "<a href='".make_link("tag_history/$image_id")."'>Tag History</a>\n";
$page->add_block(new Block(null, $link, "main", 5));