diff --git a/core/polyfills.php b/core/polyfills.php
index e82dae7b..4b07aac7 100644
--- a/core/polyfills.php
+++ b/core/polyfills.php
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ const MIME_TYPE_MAP = [
'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'flv' => 'video/x-flv', 'php' => 'text/x-php',
'mp4' => 'video/mp4', 'ogv' => 'video/ogg', 'webm' => 'video/webm',
- 'webp' => 'image/webp'
+ 'webp' => 'image/webp', 'bmp' =>'image/x-ms-bmp'
diff --git a/ext/transcode/main.php b/ext/transcode/main.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f71ce76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/transcode/main.php
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+ * Description: Allows admins to automatically and manually transcode images.
+ * License: MIT
+ * Version: 1.0
+ * Documentation:
+ * Can transcode on-demand and automatically on upload. Config screen allows choosing an output format for each of the supported input formats.
+ * Supports GD and ImageMagick. Both support bmp, gif, jpg, png, and webp as inputs, and jpg, png, and lossy webp as outputs.
+ * ImageMagick additionally supports tiff and psd inputs, and webp lossless output.
+ * If and image is uanble to be transcoded for any reason, the upload will continue unaffected.
+ */
+ /*
+ * This is used by the image transcoding code when there is an error while transcoding
+ */
+class ImageTranscodeException extends SCoreException{ }
+class TranscodeImage extends Extension
+ "GD" => "gd",
+ "ImageMagick" => "convert",
+ ];
+ "gd" => [
+ "bmp",
+ "gif",
+ "jpg",
+ "png",
+ "webp",
+ ],
+ "convert" => [
+ "bmp",
+ "gif",
+ "jpg",
+ "png",
+ "psd",
+ "tiff",
+ "webp",
+ ]
+ ];
+ "gd" => [
+ "jpg",
+ "png",
+ "webp-lossy",
+ ],
+ "convert" => [
+ "jpg",
+ "png",
+ "webp-lossy",
+ "webp-lossless",
+ ]
+ ];
+ "webp-lossless",
+ "png",
+ ];
+ const INPUT_FORMATS = [
+ "BMP" => "bmp",
+ "GIF" => "gif",
+ "JPG" => "jpg",
+ "PNG" => "png",
+ "PSD" => "psd",
+ "TIFF" => "tiff",
+ "WEBP" => "webp",
+ ];
+ const FORMAT_ALIASES = [
+ "tif" => "tiff",
+ "jpeg" => "jpg",
+ ];
+ const OUTPUT_FORMATS = [
+ "" => "",
+ "JPEG (lossy)" => "jpg",
+ "PNG (lossless)" => "png",
+ "WEBP (lossy)" => "webp-lossy",
+ "WEBP (lossless)" => "webp-lossless",
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Need to be after upload, but before the processing extensions
+ */
+ public function get_priority(): int
+ {
+ return 45;
+ }
+ public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $config;
+ $config->set_default_bool('transcode_enabled', true);
+ $config->set_default_bool('transcode_upload', false);
+ $config->set_default_string('transcode_engine', "gd");
+ $config->set_default_int('transcode_quality', 80);
+ foreach(array_values(self::INPUT_FORMATS) as $format) {
+ $config->set_default_string('transcode_upload_'.$format, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $user, $config;
+ if ($user->is_admin() && $config->get_bool("resize_enabled")) {
+ $engine = $config->get_string("transcode_engine");
+ if($this->can_convert_format($engine,$event->image->ext)) {
+ $options = $this->get_supported_output_formats($engine, $event->image->ext);
+ $event->add_part($this->theme->get_transcode_html($event->image, $options));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $config;
+ $engine = $config->get_string("transcode_engine");
+ $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Transcode");
+ $sb->add_bool_option("transcode_enabled", "Allow transcoding images: ");
+ $sb->add_bool_option("transcode_upload", "
Transcode on upload: ");
+ $sb->add_choice_option('transcode_engine',self::CONVERSION_ENGINES,"
Transcode engine: ");
+ foreach(self::INPUT_FORMATS as $display=>$format) {
+ if(in_array($format, self::ENGINE_INPUT_SUPPORT[$engine])) {
+ $outputs = $this->get_supported_output_formats($engine, $format);
+ $sb->add_choice_option('transcode_upload_'.$format,$outputs,"
$display to: ");
+ }
+ }
+ $sb->add_int_option("transcode_quality", "
Lossy format quality: ");
+ $event->panel->add_block($sb);
+ }
+ public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $config, $page;
+ if ($config->get_bool("transcode_upload") == true) {
+ $ext = strtolower($event->type);
+ $ext = $this->clean_format($ext);
+ if($event->type=="gif"&&is_animated_gif($event->tmpname)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(in_array($ext, array_values(self::INPUT_FORMATS))) {
+ $target_format = $config->get_string("transcode_upload_".$ext);
+ if(empty($target_format)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ $new_image = $this->transcode_image($event->tmpname, $ext, $target_format);
+ $event->set_type($this->determine_ext($target_format));
+ $event->set_tmpname($new_image);
+ } catch(Exception $e) {
+ log_error("transcode","Error while performing upload transcode: ".$e->getMessage());
+ // We don't want to interfere with the upload process,
+ // so if something goes wrong the untranscoded image jsut continues
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $page, $user;
+ if ($event->page_matches("transcode") && $user->is_admin()) {
+ $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
+ if (empty($image_id)) {
+ $image_id = isset($_POST['image_id']) ? int_escape($_POST['image_id']) : null;
+ }
+ // Try to get the image ID
+ if (empty($image_id)) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Can not resize Image: No valid Image ID given.");
+ }
+ $image_obj = Image::by_id($image_id);
+ if (is_null($image_obj)) {
+ $this->theme->display_error(404, "Image not found", "No image in the database has the ID #$image_id");
+ } else {
+ if (isset($_POST['transcode_format'])) {
+ try {
+ $this->transcode_and_replace_image($image_obj, $_POST['transcode_format']);
+ $page->set_mode("redirect");
+ $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/".$image_id));
+ } catch (ImageTranscodeException $e) {
+ $this->theme->display_transcode_error($page, "Error Transcoding", $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function onBulkActionBlockBuilding(BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $user, $config;
+ $engine = $config->get_string("transcode_engine");
+ if ($user->is_admin()) {
+ $event->add_action("bulk_transcode","Transcode","",$this->theme->get_transcode_picker_html($this->get_supported_output_formats($engine)));
+ }
+ }
+ public function onBulkAction(BulkActionEvent $event)
+ {
+ global $user, $database;
+ switch($event->action) {
+ case "bulk_transcode":
+ if (!isset($_POST['transcode_format'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($user->is_admin()) {
+ $format = $_POST['transcode_format'];
+ $total = 0;
+ foreach ($event->items as $id) {
+ try {
+ $database->beginTransaction();
+ $image = Image::by_id($id);
+ if($image==null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->transcode_and_replace_image($image, $format);
+ // If a subsequent transcode fails, the database need to have everything about the previous transcodes recorded already,
+ // otherwise the image entries will be stuck pointing to missing image files
+ $database->commit();
+ $total++;
+ } catch(Exception $e) {
+ log_error("transcode", "Error while bulk transcode on item $id to $format: ".$e->getMessage());
+ try {
+ $database->rollback();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ flash_message("Transcoded $total items");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private function clean_format($format): ?string {
+ if(array_key_exists($format, self::FORMAT_ALIASES)) {
+ return self::FORMAT_ALIASES[$format];
+ }
+ return $format;
+ }
+ private function can_convert_format($engine, $format): bool
+ {
+ $format = $this->clean_format($format);
+ if(!in_array($format, self::ENGINE_INPUT_SUPPORT[$engine])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function get_supported_output_formats($engine, ?String $omit_format = null): array
+ {
+ $omit_format = $this->clean_format($omit_format);
+ $output = [];
+ foreach(self::OUTPUT_FORMATS as $key=>$value) {
+ if($value=="") {
+ $output[$key] = $value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(in_array($value, self::ENGINE_OUTPUT_SUPPORT[$engine])
+ &&(empty($omit_format)||$omit_format!=$this->determine_ext($value))) {
+ $output[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ private function determine_ext(String $format): String
+ {
+ switch($format) {
+ case "webp-lossless":
+ case "webp-lossy":
+ return "webp";
+ default:
+ return $format;
+ }
+ }
+ private function transcode_and_replace_image(Image $image_obj, String $target_format)
+ {
+ $target_format = $this->clean_format($target_format);
+ $original_file = warehouse_path("images", $image_obj->hash);
+ $tmp_filename = $this->transcode_image($original_file, $image_obj->ext, $target_format);
+ $new_image = new Image();
+ $new_image->hash = md5_file($tmp_filename);
+ $new_image->filesize = filesize($tmp_filename);
+ $new_image->filename = $image_obj->filename;
+ $new_image->width = $image_obj->width;
+ $new_image->height = $image_obj->height;
+ $new_image->ext = $this->determine_ext($target_format);
+ /* Move the new image into the main storage location */
+ $target = warehouse_path("images", $new_image->hash);
+ if (!@copy($tmp_filename, $target)) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Failed to copy new image file from temporary location ({$tmp_filename}) to archive ($target)");
+ }
+ /* Remove temporary file */
+ @unlink($tmp_filename);
+ send_event(new ImageReplaceEvent($image_obj->id, $new_image));
+ }
+ private function transcode_image(String $source_name, String $source_format, string $target_format): string
+ {
+ global $config;
+ if($source_format==$this->determine_ext($target_format)) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Source and target formats are the same: ".$source_format);
+ }
+ $engine = $config->get_string("transcode_engine");
+ if(!$this->can_convert_format($engine,$source_format)) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Engine $engine does not support input format $source_format");
+ }
+ if(!in_array($target_format, self::ENGINE_OUTPUT_SUPPORT[$engine])) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Engine $engine does not support output format $target_format");
+ }
+ switch($engine) {
+ case "gd":
+ return $this->transcode_image_gd($source_name, $source_format, $target_format);
+ case "convert":
+ return $this->transcode_image_convert($source_name, $source_format, $target_format);
+ }
+ }
+ private function transcode_image_gd(String $source_name, String $source_format, string $target_format): string
+ {
+ global $config;
+ $q = $config->get_int("transcode_quality");
+ $tmp_name = tempnam("/tmp", "shimmie_transcode");
+ $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($source_name));
+ try {
+ $result = false;
+ switch($target_format) {
+ case "webp-lossy":
+ $result = imagewebp($image, $tmp_name, $q);
+ break;
+ case "png":
+ $result = imagepng($image, $tmp_name, 9);
+ break;
+ case "jpg":
+ // In case of alpha channels
+ $width = imagesx($image);
+ $height = imagesy($image);
+ $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
+ if($new_image===false) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not create image with dimensions $width x $height");
+ }
+ try{
+ $black = imagecolorallocate($new_image, 0, 0, 0);
+ if($black===false) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not allocate background color");
+ }
+ if(imagefilledrectangle($new_image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $black)===false) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not fill background color");
+ }
+ if(imagecopy($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height)===false) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not copy source image to new image");
+ }
+ $result = imagejpeg($new_image, $tmp_name, $q);
+ } finally {
+ imagedestroy($new_image);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if($result===false) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Error while transcoding ".$source_name." to ".$target_format);
+ }
+ return $tmp_name;
+ } finally {
+ imagedestroy($image);
+ }
+ }
+ private function transcode_image_convert(String $source_name, String $source_format, string $target_format): string
+ {
+ global $config;
+ $q = $config->get_int("transcode_quality");
+ $convert = $config->get_string("thumb_convert_path");
+ if($convert==null||$convert=="")
+ {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("ImageMagick path not configured");
+ }
+ $ext = $this->determine_ext($target_format);
+ $args = "-flatten";
+ $bg = "none";
+ switch($target_format) {
+ case "webp-lossless":
+ $args = '-define webp:lossless=true';
+ break;
+ case "webp-lossy":
+ $args = '';
+ break;
+ case "png":
+ $args = '-define png:compression-level=9';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $bg = "white";
+ break;
+ }
+ $tmp_name = tempnam("/tmp", "shimmie_transcode");
+ $format = '"%s" %s -quality %u -background %s "%s" %s:"%s"';
+ $cmd = sprintf($format, $convert, $args, $q, $bg, $source_name, $ext, $tmp_name);
+ $cmd = str_replace("\"convert\"", "convert", $cmd); // quotes are only needed if the path to convert contains a space; some other times, quotes break things, see github bug #27
+ exec($cmd, $output, $ret);
+ log_debug('transcode', "Transcoding with command `$cmd`, returns $ret");
+ if($ret!==0) {
+ throw new ImageTranscodeException("Transcoding failed with command ".$cmd);
+ }
+ return $tmp_name;
+ }
diff --git a/ext/transcode/theme.php b/ext/transcode/theme.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24ecc613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/transcode/theme.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+id}"), 'POST')."
+ ".$this->get_transcode_picker_html($options)."
+ ";
+ return $html;
+ }
+ public function get_transcode_picker_html(array $options) {
+ $html = "";
+ }
+ public function display_transcode_error(Page $page, string $title, string $message)
+ {
+ $page->set_title("Transcode Image");
+ $page->set_heading("Transcode Image");
+ $page->add_block(new NavBlock());
+ $page->add_block(new Block($title, $message));
+ }