diff --git a/ext/source_history/main.php b/ext/source_history/main.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68d748de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/source_history/main.php
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+set_default_int("history_limit", -1);
+ // shimmie is being installed so call install to create the table.
+ if($config->get_int("ext_source_history_version") < 3) {
+ $this->install();
+ }
+ }
+ public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event) {
+ $this->theme->display_admin_block();
+ }
+ public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) {
+ global $config, $page, $user;
+ if($event->page_matches("source_history/revert")) {
+ // this is a request to revert to a previous version of the source
+ if($user->can("edit_image_tag")) {
+ if(isset($_POST['revert'])) {
+ $this->process_revert_request($_POST['revert']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($event->page_matches("source_history/bulk_revert")) {
+ if($user->can("bulk_edit_image_tag") && $user->check_auth_token()) {
+ $this->process_bulk_revert_request();
+ }
+ }
+ else if($event->page_matches("source_history/all")) {
+ $page_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
+ $this->theme->display_global_page($page, $this->get_global_source_history($page_id), $page_id);
+ }
+ else if($event->page_matches("source_history") && $event->count_args() == 1) {
+ // must be an attempt to view a source history
+ $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
+ $this->theme->display_history_page($page, $image_id, $this->get_source_history_from_id($image_id));
+ }
+ }
+ public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event) {
+ $event->add_part("
+ ", 20);
+ }
+ /*
+ // disk space is cheaper than manually rebuilding history,
+ // so let's default to -1 and the user can go advanced if
+ // they /really/ want to
+ public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) {
+ $sb = new SetupBlock("Source History");
+ $sb->add_label("Limit to ");
+ $sb->add_int_option("history_limit");
+ $sb->add_label(" entires per image");
+ $sb->add_label(" (-1 for unlimited)");
+ $event->panel->add_block($sb);
+ }
+ */
+ public function onSourceSet(SourceSetEvent $event) {
+ $this->add_source_history($event->image, $event->source);
+ }
+ public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event) {
+ global $user;
+ if($user->can("bulk_edit_image_tag")) {
+ $event->add_link("Source Changes", make_link("source_history/all/1"));
+ }
+ }
+ protected function install() {
+ global $database, $config;
+ if($config->get_int("ext_source_history_version") < 1) {
+ $database->create_table("source_histories", "
+ image_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ source TEXT NOT NULL,
+ INDEX(image_id),
+ ");
+ $config->set_int("ext_source_history_version", 3);
+ }
+ if($config->get_int("ext_source_history_version") == 1) {
+ $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE source_histories ADD COLUMN user_id INTEGER NOT NULL");
+ $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE source_histories ADD COLUMN date_set DATETIME NOT NULL");
+ $config->set_int("ext_source_history_version", 2);
+ }
+ if($config->get_int("ext_source_history_version") == 2) {
+ $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE source_histories ADD COLUMN user_ip CHAR(15) NOT NULL");
+ $config->set_int("ext_source_history_version", 3);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * this function is called when a revert request is received
+ */
+ private function process_revert_request($revert_id) {
+ global $page;
+ $revert_id = int_escape($revert_id);
+ // check for the nothing case
+ if($revert_id < 1) {
+ $page->set_mode("redirect");
+ $page->set_redirect(make_link());
+ return;
+ }
+ // lets get this revert id assuming it exists
+ $result = $this->get_source_history_from_revert($revert_id);
+ if(empty($result)) {
+ // there is no history entry with that id so either the image was deleted
+ // while the user was viewing the history, someone is playing with form
+ // variables or we have messed up in code somewhere.
+ /* calling die() is probably not a good idea, we should throw an Exception */
+ die("Error: No source history with specified id was found.");
+ }
+ // lets get the values out of the result
+ $stored_result_id = $result['id'];
+ $stored_image_id = $result['image_id'];
+ $stored_source = $result['source'];
+ log_debug("source_history", 'Reverting source of Image #'.$stored_image_id.' to ['.$stored_source.']');
+ // all should be ok so we can revert by firing the SetUserSources event.
+ send_event(new SourceSetEvent(Image::by_id($stored_image_id), $stored_source));
+ // all should be done now so redirect the user back to the image
+ $page->set_mode("redirect");
+ $page->set_redirect(make_link('post/view/'.$stored_image_id));
+ }
+ protected function process_bulk_revert_request() {
+ if (isset($_POST['revert_name']) && !empty($_POST['revert_name'])) {
+ $revert_name = $_POST['revert_name'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $revert_name = null;
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['revert_ip']) && !empty($_POST['revert_ip'])) {
+ $revert_ip = filter_var($_POST['revert_ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE);
+ if ($revert_ip === false) {
+ // invalid ip given.
+ $this->theme->display_admin_block('Invalid IP');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $revert_ip = null;
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['revert_date']) && !empty($_POST['revert_date'])) {
+ if (isValidDate($_POST['revert_date']) ){
+ $revert_date = addslashes($_POST['revert_date']); // addslashes is really unnecessary since we just checked if valid, but better safe.
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->theme->display_admin_block('Invalid Date');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $revert_date = null;
+ }
+ set_time_limit(0); // reverting changes can take a long time, disable php's timelimit if possible.
+ // Call the revert function.
+ $this->process_revert_all_changes($revert_name, $revert_ip, $revert_date);
+ // output results
+ $this->theme->display_revert_ip_results();
+ }
+ public function get_source_history_from_revert(/*int*/ $revert_id) {
+ global $database;
+ $row = $database->get_row("
+ SELECT source_histories.*, users.name
+ FROM source_histories
+ JOIN users ON source_histories.user_id = users.id
+ WHERE source_histories.id = ?", array($revert_id));
+ return ($row ? $row : null);
+ }
+ public function get_source_history_from_id(/*int*/ $image_id) {
+ global $database;
+ $row = $database->get_all("
+ SELECT source_histories.*, users.name
+ FROM source_histories
+ JOIN users ON source_histories.user_id = users.id
+ WHERE image_id = ?
+ ORDER BY source_histories.id DESC",
+ array($image_id));
+ return ($row ? $row : array());
+ }
+ public function get_global_source_history($page_id) {
+ global $database;
+ $row = $database->get_all("
+ SELECT source_histories.*, users.name
+ FROM source_histories
+ JOIN users ON source_histories.user_id = users.id
+ ORDER BY source_histories.id DESC
+ LIMIT 100 OFFSET :offset
+ ", array("offset" => ($page_id-1)*100));
+ return ($row ? $row : array());
+ }
+ /*
+ * This function attempts to revert all changes by a given IP within an (optional) timeframe.
+ */
+ public function process_revert_all_changes($name, $ip, $date) {
+ global $database;
+ $select_code = array();
+ $select_args = array();
+ if(!is_null($name)) {
+ $duser = User::by_name($name);
+ if(is_null($duser)) {
+ $this->theme->add_status($name, "user not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $select_code[] = 'user_id = ?';
+ $select_args[] = $duser->id;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!is_null($date)) {
+ $select_code[] = 'date_set >= ?';
+ $select_args[] = $date;
+ }
+ if(!is_null($ip)) {
+ $select_code[] = 'user_ip = ?';
+ $select_args[] = $ip;
+ }
+ if(count($select_code) == 0) {
+ log_error("source_history", "Tried to mass revert without any conditions");
+ return;
+ }
+ log_info("source_history", 'Attempting to revert edits where '.implode(" and ", $select_code)." (".implode(" / ", $select_args).")");
+ // Get all the images that the given IP has changed source on (within the timeframe) that were last editied by the given IP
+ $result = $database->get_col('
+ SELECT t1.image_id
+ FROM source_histories t1
+ LEFT JOIN source_histories t2 ON (t1.image_id = t2.image_id AND t1.date_set < t2.date_set)
+ WHERE t2.image_id IS NULL
+ AND t1.image_id IN ( select image_id from source_histories where '.implode(" AND ", $select_code).')
+ ORDER BY t1.image_id
+ ', $select_args);
+ foreach($result as $image_id) {
+ // Get the first source history that was done before the given IP edit
+ $row = $database->get_row('
+ SELECT id, source
+ FROM source_histories
+ WHERE image_id='.$image_id.'
+ AND NOT ('.implode(" AND ", $select_code).')
+ ORDER BY date_set DESC LIMIT 1
+ ', $select_args);
+ if (empty($row)) {
+ // we can not revert this image based on the date restriction.
+ // Output a message perhaps?
+ }
+ else {
+ $revert_id = $row['id'];
+ $result = $this->get_source_history_from_revert($revert_id);
+ if(empty($result)) {
+ // there is no history entry with that id so either the image was deleted
+ // while the user was viewing the history, or something messed up
+ /* calling die() is probably not a good idea, we should throw an Exception */
+ die('Error: No source history with specified id ('.$revert_id.') was found in the database.'."\n\n".
+ 'Perhaps the image was deleted while processing this request.');
+ }
+ // lets get the values out of the result
+ $stored_result_id = $result['id'];
+ $stored_image_id = $result['image_id'];
+ $stored_source = $result['source'];
+ log_debug("source_history", 'Reverting source of Image #'.$stored_image_id.' to ['.$stored_source.']');
+ // all should be ok so we can revert by firing the SetSources event.
+ send_event(new SourceSetEvent(Image::by_id($stored_image_id), $stored_source));
+ $this->theme->add_status('Reverted Change','Reverted Image #'.$image_id.' to Source History #'.$stored_result_id.' ('.$row['source'].')');
+ }
+ }
+ log_info("source_history", 'Reverted '.count($result).' edits.');
+ }
+ /*
+ * this function is called just before an images source is changed
+ */
+ private function add_source_history($image, $source) {
+ global $database, $config, $user;
+ $new_source = $source;
+ $old_source = $image->source;
+ if($new_source == $old_source) return;
+ if(empty($old_source)) {
+ /* no old source, so we are probably adding the image for the first time */
+ log_debug("source_history", "adding new source history: [$new_source]");
+ }
+ else {
+ log_debug("source_history", "adding source history: [$old_source] -> [$new_source]");
+ }
+ $allowed = $config->get_int("history_limit");
+ if($allowed == 0) return;
+ // if the image has no history, make one with the old source
+ $entries = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_histories WHERE image_id = ?", array($image->id));
+ if($entries == 0 && !empty($old_source)) {
+ $database->execute("
+ INSERT INTO source_histories(image_id, source, user_id, user_ip, date_set)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, now())",
+ array($image->id, $old_source, $config->get_int('anon_id'), ''));
+ $entries++;
+ }
+ // add a history entry
+ $row = $database->execute("
+ INSERT INTO source_histories(image_id, source, user_id, user_ip, date_set)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, now())",
+ array($image->id, $new_source, $user->id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
+ $entries++;
+ // if needed remove oldest one
+ if($allowed == -1) return;
+ if($entries > $allowed) {
+ // TODO: Make these queries better
+ /*
+ MySQL does NOT allow you to modify the same table which you use in the SELECT part.
+ Which means that these will probably have to stay as TWO separate queries...
+ http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/subquery-restrictions.html
+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45494/mysql-error-1093-cant-specify-target-table-for-update-in-from-clause
+ */
+ $min_id = $database->get_one("SELECT MIN(id) FROM source_histories WHERE image_id = ?", array($image->id));
+ $database->execute("DELETE FROM source_histories WHERE id = ?", array($min_id));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ext/source_history/theme.php b/ext/source_history/theme.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29bcc019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/source_history/theme.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ ".make_form(make_link("source_history/revert"))."
+ ";
+ $page->add_block(new Block("Mass Source Revert", $html));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Show a standard page for results to be put into
+ */
+ public function display_revert_ip_results() {
+ global $page;
+ $html = implode($this->messages, "\n");
+ $page->add_block(new Block("Bulk Revert Results", $html));
+ }
+ public function add_status(/*string*/ $title, /*string*/ $body) {
+ $this->messages[] = '