diff --git a/ext/upload/theme.php b/ext/upload/theme.php
index 82deb489..6d0c6eff 100644
--- a/ext/upload/theme.php
+++ b/ext/upload/theme.php
@@ -2,23 +2,38 @@
+use MicroHTML\HTMLElement;
+use function MicroHTML\TABLE;
+use function MicroHTML\TR;
+use function MicroHTML\TD;
+use function MicroHTML\SMALL;
+use function MicroHTML\rawHTML;
+use function MicroHTML\INPUT;
+use function MicroHTML\emptyHTML;
+use function MicroHTML\NOSCRIPT;
+use function MicroHTML\DIV;
+use function MicroHTML\BR;
+use function MicroHTML\A;
+use function MicroHTML\P;
class UploadTheme extends Themelet
protected bool $has_errors = false;
- public function display_block(Page $page)
+ public function display_block(Page $page): void
- $b = new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block(), "left", 20);
+ $b = new Block("Upload", (string)$this->build_upload_block(), "left", 20);
$b->is_content = false;
- public function display_full(Page $page)
+ public function display_full(Page $page): void
$page->add_block(new Block("Upload", "Disk nearly full, uploads disabled", "left", 20));
- public function display_page(Page $page)
+ public function display_page(Page $page): void
global $config, $page;
@@ -26,75 +41,69 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE);
$max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
$upload_list = $this->h_upload_list_1();
- $html = "
- ".make_form(make_link("upload"), "POST", $multipart=true, 'file_upload')."
- (Max file size is $max_kb)
- ";
+ $form = SHM_FORM(make_link("upload"), "POST", true, "file_upload");
+ $form->appendChild(
+ ["id"=>"large_upload_form", "class"=>"vert"],
+ TR(
+ TD(["width"=>"20"], rawHTML("Common Tags")),
+ TD(["colspan"=>"5"], INPUT(["name"=>"tags", "type"=>"text", "placeholder"=>"tagme", "class"=>"autocomplete_tags", "autocomplete"=>"off"]))
+ ),
+ TR(
+ TD(["width"=>"20"], rawHTML("Common Source")),
+ TD(["colspan"=>"5"], INPUT(["name"=>"source", "type"=>"text"]))
+ ),
+ $upload_list,
+ TR(
+ TD(["colspan"=>"6"], INPUT(["id"=>"uploadbutton", "type"=>"submit", "value"=>"Post"]))
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+ $html = emptyHTML(
+ $form,
+ SMALL("(Max file size is $max_kb)")
+ );
$page->add_block(new NavBlock());
- $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $html, "main", 20));
+ $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", (string)$html, "main", 20));
if ($tl_enabled) {
- $page->add_block(new Block("Bookmarklets", $this->h_bookmarklets(), "left", 20));
+ $page->add_block(new Block("Bookmarklets", (string)$this->h_bookmarklets(), "left", 20));
- protected function h_upload_list_1(): string
+ protected function h_upload_list_1(): HTMLElement
global $config;
- $upload_list = "";
+ $upload_list = emptyHTML();
$upload_count = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::COUNT);
$tl_enabled = ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, "none") != "none");
$accept = $this->get_accept();
- if ($tl_enabled) {
- $upload_list .= "
- Files |
- URLs |
- Post-Specific Tags |
- ";
+ $upload_list->appendChild(
+ TR(
+ TD(["colspan"=>$tl_enabled ? 2 : 4], "Files"),
+ $tl_enabled ? TD(["colspan"=>"2"], "URLs") : emptyHTML(),
+ TD(["colspan"=>"2"], "Post-Specific Tags"),
+ )
+ );
- for ($i=0; $i<$upload_count; $i++) {
- $upload_list .= "
- |
- |
- |
- ";
- }
- } else {
- $upload_list .= "
- Files |
- Post-Specific Tags |
- ";
- for ($i=0; $i<$upload_count; $i++) {
- $upload_list .= "
- |
- |
- ";
- }
+ for ($i=0; $i<$upload_count; $i++) {
+ $upload_list->appendChild(
+ TR(
+ TD(["colspan"=>$tl_enabled ? 2 : 4], INPUT(["type"=>"file", "name"=>"data${i}[]", "accept"=>$accept, "multiple"=>true])),
+ $tl_enabled ? TD(["colspan"=>"2"], INPUT(["type"=>"text", "name"=>"url${i}"])) : emptyHTML(),
+ TD(["colspan"=>"2"], INPUT(["type"=>"text", "name"=>"tags${i}", "class"=>"autocomplete_tags", "autocomplete"=>"off"])),
+ )
+ );
return $upload_list;
- protected function h_bookmarklets(): string
+ protected function h_bookmarklets(): HTMLElement
global $config;
$link = make_http(make_link("upload"));
@@ -103,45 +112,51 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE);
$max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
$delimiter = $config->get_bool('nice_urls') ? '?' : '&';
- $html = '';
- function() {
- if(typeof window=="undefined" || !window.location || window.location.href=="about:blank") {
- window.location = "'. $main_page .'";
- }
- else if(typeof document=="undefined" || !document.body) {
- window.location = "'. $main_page .'?url="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
- }
- else if(window.location.href.match("\/\/'. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] .'.*")) {
- alert("You are already at '. $title .'!");
- }
- else {
- var tags = prompt("Please enter tags", "tagme");
- if(tags != "" && tags != null) {
- var link = "'. $link . $delimiter .'url="+location.href+"&tags="+tags;
- var w = window.open(link, "_blank");
- }
- }
- }
- )();';
- $html .= 'Upload to '.$title.'';
- $html .= ' (Drag & drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at a post)';
+ function() {
+ if(typeof window=="undefined" || !window.location || window.location.href=="about:blank") {
+ window.location = "'. $main_page .'";
+ }
+ else if(typeof document=="undefined" || !document.body) {
+ window.location = "'. $main_page .'?url="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
+ }
+ else if(window.location.href.match("\/\/'. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] .'.*")) {
+ alert("You are already at '. $title .'!");
+ }
+ else {
+ var tags = prompt("Please enter tags", "tagme");
+ if(tags != "" && tags != null) {
+ var link = "'. $link . $delimiter .'url="+location.href+"&tags="+tags;
+ var w = window.open(link, "_blank");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )();';
+ $html1 = P(
+ A(["href"=>$js], "Upload to $title"),
+ rawHTML(' (Drag & drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at a post)')
+ );
// Bookmarklet checks if shimmie supports ext. If not, won't upload to site/shows alert saying not supported.
$supported_ext = join(" ", DataHandlerExtension::get_all_supported_exts());
$title = "Booru to " . $config->get_string(SetupConfig::TITLE);
// CA=0: Ask to use current or new tags | CA=1: Always use current tags | CA=2: Always use new tags
- $html .= ''. $title . ' (Click when looking at a post page. Works on sites running Shimmie / Danbooru / Gelbooru. (This also grabs the tags / rating / source!))';
+ $js = '
+ javascript:
+ var ste="'. $link . $delimiter .'url=";
+ var supext="'.$supported_ext.'";
+ var maxsize="'.$max_kb.'";
+ var CA=0;
+ void(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src="'.make_http(get_base_href())."/ext/upload/bookmarklet.js".'")
+ ';
+ $html2 = P(
+ A(["href"=>$js], $title),
+ rawHTML("(Click when looking at a post page. Works on sites running Shimmie / Danbooru / Gelbooru. (This also grabs the tags / rating / source!))"),
+ );
- return $html;
+ return emptyHTML($html1, $html2);
@@ -153,19 +168,19 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$tl_enabled = ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, "none") != "none");
$accept = $this->get_accept();
- $upload_list = "
- File |
- |
- ";
+ $upload_list = emptyHTML(
+ TR(
+ TD("File"),
+ TD(INPUT(["name"=>"data[]", "type"=>"file", "accept"=>$accept]))
+ )
+ );
if ($tl_enabled) {
- $upload_list .="
- or URL |
- |
- ";
+ $upload_list->appendChild(
+ TR(
+ TD("or URL"),
+ TD(INPUT(["name"=>"url", "type"=>"text"]))
+ )
+ );
$max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE);
@@ -174,27 +189,36 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$image = Image::by_id($image_id);
$thumbnail = $this->build_thumb_html($image);
- $html = "
- Replacing Post ID ".$image_id."
Please note: You will have to refresh the post page, or empty your browser cache.
- .$thumbnail."
- .make_form(make_link("upload/replace/".$image_id), "POST", $multipart=true)."
- (Max file size is $max_kb)
- ";
+ $form = SHM_FORM(make_link("upload/replace/".$image_id), "POST", true);
+ $form->appendChild(emptyHTML(
+ INPUT(["type"=>"hidden", "name"=>"image_id", "value"=>$image_id]),
+ ["id"=>"large_upload_form", "class"=>"vert"],
+ $upload_list,
+ TR(TD("Source"), TD(["colspan"=>3], INPUT(["name"=>"source", "type"=>"text"]))),
+ TR(TD(["colspan"=>4], INPUT(["id"=>"uploadbutton", "type"=>"submit", "value"=>"Post"]))),
+ )
+ ));
+ $html = emptyHTML(
+ P(
+ "Replacing Post ID $image_id",
+ BR(),
+ "Please note: You will have to refresh the post page, or empty your browser cache."
+ ),
+ $thumbnail,
+ BR(),
+ $form,
+ SMALL("(Max file size is $max_kb)"),
+ );
$page->set_title("Replace Post");
$page->set_heading("Replace Post");
$page->add_block(new NavBlock());
- $page->add_block(new Block("Upload Replacement Post", $html, "main", 20));
+ $page->add_block(new Block("Upload Replacement Post", (string)$html, "main", 20));
- public function display_upload_status(Page $page, array $image_ids)
+ public function display_upload_status(Page $page, array $image_ids): void
global $user;
@@ -217,7 +241,7 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
- public function display_upload_error(Page $page, string $title, string $message)
+ public function display_upload_error(Page $page, string $title, string $message): void
// this message has intentional HTML in it...
$message = str_contains($message, "already has hash") ? $message : html_escape($message);
@@ -225,7 +249,7 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$this->has_errors = true;
- protected function build_upload_block(): string
+ protected function build_upload_block(): HTMLElement
global $config;
@@ -235,17 +259,21 @@ class UploadTheme extends Themelet
$max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
- return "
- ";
+ $form = SHM_FORM(make_link("upload"), "POST", true);
+ $form->appendChild(
+ emptyHTML(
+ INPUT(["id"=>"data[]", "name"=>"data[]", "size"=>"16", "type"=>"file", "accept"=>$accept, "multiple"=>true]),
+ INPUT(["name"=>"tags", "type"=>"text", "placeholder"=>"tagme", "class"=>"autocomplete_tags", "required"=>true, "autocomplete"=>"off"]),
+ INPUT(["type"=>"submit", "value"=>"Post"]),
+ )
+ );
+ return DIV(
+ ["class"=>'mini_upload'],
+ $form,
+ SMALL("(Max file size is $max_kb)"),
+ NOSCRIPT(BR(), A(["href"=>make_link("upload")], "Larger Form"))
+ );
protected function get_accept(): string
diff --git a/themes/danbooru/upload.theme.php b/themes/danbooru/upload.theme.php
index 8a42bdf6..dc40c6b3 100644
--- a/themes/danbooru/upload.theme.php
+++ b/themes/danbooru/upload.theme.php
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
class CustomUploadTheme extends UploadTheme
- public function display_block(Page $page)
+ public function display_block(Page $page): void
// this theme links to /upload
// $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block(), "left", 20));
- public function display_page(Page $page)
+ public function display_page(Page $page): void
diff --git a/themes/danbooru2/upload.theme.php b/themes/danbooru2/upload.theme.php
index 8a42bdf6..dc40c6b3 100644
--- a/themes/danbooru2/upload.theme.php
+++ b/themes/danbooru2/upload.theme.php
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
class CustomUploadTheme extends UploadTheme
- public function display_block(Page $page)
+ public function display_block(Page $page): void
// this theme links to /upload
// $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block(), "left", 20));
- public function display_page(Page $page)
+ public function display_page(Page $page): void
diff --git a/themes/rule34v2/upload.theme.php b/themes/rule34v2/upload.theme.php
index 766ac422..42b2e903 100644
--- a/themes/rule34v2/upload.theme.php
+++ b/themes/rule34v2/upload.theme.php
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
add_block(new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block(), "head", 20));
$page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block(), "left", 20));
- public function display_full(Page $page)
+ public function display_full(Page $page): void
$page->add_block(new Block("Upload", "Disk nearly full, uploads disabled", "head", 20));
- public function display_page(Page $page)
+ public function display_page(Page $page): void
$html = "
@@ -22,9 +25,8 @@ class CustomUploadTheme extends UploadTheme
$page->add_block(new Block(null, $html, "main", 19));
- protected function build_upload_block(): string
+ protected function build_upload_block(): HTMLElement
- $url = make_link("upload");
- return "Upload";
+ return A(["href"=>make_link("upload"), "style"=>'font-size: 2em; display: block;'], "Upload");