+ + ''
+ + tt_aV[TITLE]
+ + ''
+ + (tt_aV[CLOSEBTN] ?
+ (''
+ + ''
+ + ' | ')
+ : '')
+ + ' ')
+ : '')
+ + ''
+ + (tt_aV[SHADOW]
+ ? (''
+ + '')
+ : '')
+ );
+ tt_GetSubDivRefs();
+ // Convert DOM node to tip
+ if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
+ tt_El2Tip();
+ tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "SubDivsCreated");
+function tt_GetSubDivRefs()
+ var aId = new Array("WzTiTl", "WzTiTlTb", "WzTiTlI", "WzClOsE", "WzBoDy", "WzBoDyI", "WzTtShDwB", "WzTtShDwR");
+ for(var i = aId.length; i; --i)
+ tt_aElt[i] = tt_GetElt(aId[i - 1]);
+function tt_FormatTip()
+ var css, w, h, pad = tt_aV[PADDING], padT, wBrd = tt_aV[BORDERWIDTH],
+ iOffY, iOffSh, iAdd = (pad + wBrd) << 1;
+ //--------- Title DIV ----------
+ if(tt_aV[TITLE].length)
+ {
+ padT = tt_aV[TITLEPADDING];
+ css = tt_aElt[1].style;
+ css.background = tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR];
+ css.paddingTop = css.paddingBottom = padT + "px";
+ css.paddingLeft = css.paddingRight = (padT + 2) + "px";
+ css = tt_aElt[3].style;
+ css.color = tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR];
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1)
+ css.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ css.fontFamily = tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE];
+ css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
+ css.fontWeight = "bold";
+ css.textAlign = tt_aV[TITLEALIGN];
+ // Close button DIV
+ if(tt_aElt[4])
+ {
+ css = tt_aElt[4].style;
+ css.background = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][0];
+ css.color = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][1];
+ css.fontFamily = tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE];
+ css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
+ css.fontWeight = "bold";
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
+ tt_w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ else
+ {
+ tt_w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[3]) + tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[4]);
+ // Some spacing between title DIV and closebutton
+ if(tt_aElt[4])
+ tt_w += pad;
+ // Restrict auto width to max width
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && tt_w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
+ tt_w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ }
+ // Ensure the top border of the body DIV be covered by the title DIV
+ iOffY = -wBrd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tt_w = 0;
+ iOffY = 0;
+ }
+ //-------- Body DIV ------------
+ css = tt_aElt[5].style;
+ css.top = iOffY + "px";
+ if(wBrd)
+ {
+ css.borderColor = tt_aV[BORDERCOLOR];
+ css.borderStyle = tt_aV[BORDERSTYLE];
+ css.borderWidth = wBrd + "px";
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[BGCOLOR].length)
+ css.background = tt_aV[BGCOLOR];
+ if(tt_aV[BGIMG].length)
+ css.backgroundImage = "url(" + tt_aV[BGIMG] + ")";
+ css.padding = pad + "px";
+ css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
+ if(tt_aV[HEIGHT])
+ {
+ css.overflow = "auto";
+ if(tt_aV[HEIGHT] > 0)
+ css.height = (tt_aV[HEIGHT] + iAdd) + "px";
+ else
+ tt_h = iAdd - tt_aV[HEIGHT];
+ }
+ // TD inside body DIV
+ css = tt_aElt[6].style;
+ css.color = tt_aV[FONTCOLOR];
+ css.fontFamily = tt_aV[FONTFACE];
+ css.fontSize = tt_aV[FONTSIZE];
+ css.fontWeight = tt_aV[FONTWEIGHT];
+ css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
+ w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ // Width like title (if existent)
+ else if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1 && tt_w)
+ w = tt_w;
+ else
+ {
+ // Measure width of the body's inner TD, as some browsers would expand
+ // the container and outer body DIV to 100%
+ w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[6]);
+ // Restrict auto width to max width
+ if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
+ w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
+ }
+ if(w > tt_w)
+ tt_w = w;
+ tt_w += iAdd;
+ //--------- Shadow DIVs ------------
+ if(tt_aV[SHADOW])
+ {
+ tt_w += tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH];
+ iOffSh = Math.floor((tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] * 4) / 3);
+ // Bottom shadow
+ css = tt_aElt[7].style;
+ css.top = iOffY + "px";
+ css.left = iOffSh + "px";
+ css.width = (tt_w - iOffSh - tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH]) + "px";
+ css.height = tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] + "px";
+ css.background = tt_aV[SHADOWCOLOR];
+ // Right shadow
+ css = tt_aElt[8].style;
+ css.top = iOffSh + "px";
+ css.left = (tt_w - tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH]) + "px";
+ css.width = tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] + "px";
+ css.background = tt_aV[SHADOWCOLOR];
+ }
+ else
+ iOffSh = 0;
+ //-------- Container DIV -------
+ tt_SetTipOpa(tt_aV[FADEIN] ? 0 : tt_aV[OPACITY]);
+ tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh);
+// Fixate the size so it can't dynamically change while the tooltip is moving.
+function tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh)
+ var wIn, wOut, h, add, pad = tt_aV[PADDING], wBrd = tt_aV[BORDERWIDTH], i;
+ tt_aElt[0].style.width = tt_w + "px";
+ tt_aElt[0].style.pixelWidth = tt_w;
+ wOut = tt_w - ((tt_aV[SHADOW]) ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
+ // Body
+ wIn = wOut;
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ wIn -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
+ tt_aElt[5].style.width = wIn + "px";
+ // Title
+ if(tt_aElt[1])
+ {
+ wIn = wOut - ((tt_aV[TITLEPADDING] + 2) << 1);
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ wOut = wIn;
+ tt_aElt[1].style.width = wOut + "px";
+ tt_aElt[2].style.width = wIn + "px";
+ }
+ // Max height specified
+ if(tt_h)
+ {
+ h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[5]);
+ if(h > tt_h)
+ {
+ if(!tt_bBoxOld)
+ tt_h -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
+ tt_aElt[5].style.height = tt_h + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ tt_h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[0]) + iOffY;
+ // Right shadow
+ if(tt_aElt[8])
+ tt_aElt[8].style.height = (tt_h - iOffSh) + "px";
+ i = tt_aElt.length - 1;
+ if(tt_aElt[i])
+ {
+ tt_aElt[i].style.width = tt_w + "px";
+ tt_aElt[i].style.height = tt_h + "px";
+ }
+function tt_DeAlt(el)
+ var aKid;
+ if(el)
+ {
+ if(el.alt)
+ el.alt = "";
+ if(el.title)
+ el.title = "";
+ aKid = el.childNodes || el.children || null;
+ if(aKid)
+ {
+ for(var i = aKid.length; i;)
+ tt_DeAlt(aKid[--i]);
+ }
+ }
+// This hack removes the native tooltips over links in Opera
+function tt_OpDeHref(el)
+ if(!tt_op)
+ return;
+ if(tt_elDeHref)
+ tt_OpReHref();
+ while(el)
+ {
+ if(el.hasAttribute && el.hasAttribute("href"))
+ {
+ el.t_href = el.getAttribute("href");
+ el.t_stats = window.status;
+ el.removeAttribute("href");
+ el.style.cursor = "hand";
+ tt_AddEvtFnc(el, "mousedown", tt_OpReHref);
+ window.status = el.t_href;
+ tt_elDeHref = el;
+ break;
+ }
+ el = tt_GetDad(el);
+ }
+function tt_OpReHref()
+ if(tt_elDeHref)
+ {
+ tt_elDeHref.setAttribute("href", tt_elDeHref.t_href);
+ tt_RemEvtFnc(tt_elDeHref, "mousedown", tt_OpReHref);
+ window.status = tt_elDeHref.t_stats;
+ tt_elDeHref = null;
+ }
+function tt_El2Tip()
+ var css = tt_t2t.style;
+ // Store previous positioning
+ tt_t2t.t_cp = css.position;
+ tt_t2t.t_cl = css.left;
+ tt_t2t.t_ct = css.top;
+ tt_t2t.t_cd = css.display;
+ // Store the tag's parent element so we can restore that DOM branch
+ // when the tooltip is being hidden
+ tt_t2tDad = tt_GetDad(tt_t2t);
+ tt_MovDomNode(tt_t2t, tt_t2tDad, tt_aElt[6]);
+ css.display = "block";
+ css.position = "static";
+ css.left = css.top = css.marginLeft = css.marginTop = "0px";
+function tt_UnEl2Tip()
+ // Restore positioning and display
+ var css = tt_t2t.style;
+ css.display = tt_t2t.t_cd;
+ tt_MovDomNode(tt_t2t, tt_GetDad(tt_t2t), tt_t2tDad);
+ css.position = tt_t2t.t_cp;
+ css.left = tt_t2t.t_cl;
+ css.top = tt_t2t.t_ct;
+ tt_t2tDad = null;
+function tt_OverInit()
+ if(window.event)
+ tt_over = window.event.target || window.event.srcElement;
+ else
+ tt_over = tt_ovr_;
+ tt_DeAlt(tt_over);
+ tt_OpDeHref(tt_over);
+function tt_ShowInit()
+ tt_tShow.Timer("tt_Show()", tt_aV[DELAY], true);
+ tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
+function tt_Show()
+ var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
+ // Override the z-index of the topmost wz_dragdrop.js D&D item
+ css.zIndex = Math.max((window.dd && dd.z) ? (dd.z + 2) : 0, 1010);
+ if(tt_aV[STICKY] || !tt_aV[FOLLOWMOUSE])
+ tt_iState &= ~0x4;
+ if(tt_aV[EXCLUSIVE])
+ tt_iState |= 0x8;
+ if(tt_aV[DURATION] > 0)
+ tt_tDurt.Timer("tt_HideInit()", tt_aV[DURATION], true);
+ tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Show")
+ css.visibility = "visible";
+ tt_iState |= 0x2;
+ if(tt_aV[FADEIN])
+ tt_Fade(0, 0, tt_aV[OPACITY], Math.round(tt_aV[FADEIN] / tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL]));
+ tt_ShowIfrm();
+function tt_ShowIfrm()
+ if(tt_ie56)
+ {
+ var ifrm = tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1];
+ if(ifrm)
+ {
+ var css = ifrm.style;
+ css.zIndex = tt_aElt[0].style.zIndex - 1;
+ css.display = "block";
+ }
+ }
+function tt_Move(e)
+ if(e)
+ tt_ovr_ = e.target || e.srcElement;
+ e = e || window.event;
+ if(e)
+ {
+ tt_musX = tt_GetEvtX(e);
+ tt_musY = tt_GetEvtY(e);
+ }
+ if(tt_iState & 0x4)
+ {
+ // Prevent jam of mousemove events
+ if(!tt_op && !tt_ie)
+ {
+ if(tt_bWait)
+ return;
+ tt_bWait = true;
+ tt_tWaitMov.Timer("tt_bWait = false;", 1, true);
+ }
+ if(tt_aV[FIX])
+ {
+ tt_iState &= ~0x4;
+ tt_PosFix();
+ }
+ else if(!tt_ExtCallFncs(e, "MoveBefore"))
+ tt_SetTipPos(tt_Pos(0), tt_Pos(1));
+ tt_ExtCallFncs([tt_musX, tt_musY], "MoveAfter")
+ }
+function tt_Pos(iDim)
+ var iX, bJmpMod, cmdAlt, cmdOff, cx, iMax, iScrl, iMus, bJmp;
+ // Map values according to dimension to calculate
+ if(iDim)
+ {
+ bJmpMod = tt_aV[JUMPVERT];
+ cmdAlt = ABOVE;
+ cmdOff = OFFSETY;
+ cx = tt_h;
+ iMax = tt_maxPosY;
+ iScrl = tt_GetScrollY();
+ iMus = tt_musY;
+ bJmp = tt_bJmpVert;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bJmpMod = tt_aV[JUMPHORZ];
+ cmdAlt = LEFT;
+ cmdOff = OFFSETX;
+ cx = tt_w;
+ iMax = tt_maxPosX;
+ iScrl = tt_GetScrollX();
+ iMus = tt_musX;
+ bJmp = tt_bJmpHorz;
+ }
+ if(bJmpMod)
+ {
+ if(tt_aV[cmdAlt] && (!bJmp || tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim) >= iScrl + 16))
+ iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
+ else if(!tt_aV[cmdAlt] && bJmp && tt_CalcPosDef(iDim) > iMax - 16)
+ iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
+ else
+ iX = tt_PosDef(iDim);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iX = iMus;
+ if(tt_aV[cmdAlt])
+ iX -= cx + tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
+ else
+ iX += tt_aV[cmdOff];
+ }
+ // Prevent tip from extending past clientarea boundary
+ if(iX > iMax)
+ iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosAlt(iDim) : iMax;
+ // In case of insufficient space on both sides, ensure the left/upper part
+ // of the tip be visible
+ if(iX < iScrl)
+ iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosDef(iDim) : iScrl;
+ return iX;
+function tt_PosDef(iDim)
+ if(iDim)
+ tt_bJmpVert = tt_aV[ABOVE];
+ else
+ tt_bJmpHorz = tt_aV[LEFT];
+ return tt_CalcPosDef(iDim);
+function tt_PosAlt(iDim)
+ if(iDim)
+ tt_bJmpVert = !tt_aV[ABOVE];
+ else
+ tt_bJmpHorz = !tt_aV[LEFT];
+ return tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim);
+function tt_CalcPosDef(iDim)
+ return iDim ? (tt_musY + tt_aV[OFFSETY]) : (tt_musX + tt_aV[OFFSETX]);
+function tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim)
+ var cmdOff = iDim ? OFFSETY : OFFSETX;
+ var dx = tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
+ if(tt_aV[cmdOff] > 0 && dx <= 0)
+ dx = 1;
+ return((iDim ? (tt_musY - tt_h) : (tt_musX - tt_w)) - dx);
+function tt_PosFix()
+ var iX, iY;
+ if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "number")
+ {
+ iX = tt_aV[FIX][0];
+ iY = tt_aV[FIX][1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "string")
+ el = tt_GetElt(tt_aV[FIX][0]);
+ // First slot in array is direct reference to HTML element
+ else
+ el = tt_aV[FIX][0];
+ iX = tt_aV[FIX][1];
+ iY = tt_aV[FIX][2];
+ // By default, vert pos is related to bottom edge of HTML element
+ if(!tt_aV[ABOVE] && el)
+ iY += tt_GetDivH(el);
+ for(; el; el = el.offsetParent)
+ {
+ iX += el.offsetLeft || 0;
+ iY += el.offsetTop || 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // For a fixed tip positioned above the mouse, use the bottom edge as anchor
+ // (recommended by Christophe Rebeschini, 31.1.2008)
+ if(tt_aV[ABOVE])
+ iY -= tt_h;
+ tt_SetTipPos(iX, iY);
+function tt_Fade(a, now, z, n)
+ if(n)
+ {
+ now += Math.round((z - now) / n);
+ if((z > a) ? (now >= z) : (now <= z))
+ now = z;
+ else
+ tt_tFade.Timer(
+ "tt_Fade("
+ + a + "," + now + "," + z + "," + (n - 1)
+ + ")",
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ now ? tt_SetTipOpa(now) : tt_Hide();
+function tt_SetTipOpa(opa)
+ // To circumvent the opacity nesting flaws of IE, we set the opacity
+ // for each sub-DIV separately, rather than for the container DIV.
+ tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[5], opa);
+ if(tt_aElt[1])
+ tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[1], opa);
+ if(tt_aV[SHADOW])
+ {
+ opa = Math.round(opa * 0.8);
+ tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[7], opa);
+ tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[8], opa);
+ }
+function tt_OnCloseBtnOver(iOver)
+ var css = tt_aElt[4].style;
+ iOver <<= 1;
+ css.background = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][iOver];
+ css.color = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][iOver + 1];
+function tt_OnLClick(e)
+ // Ignore right-clicks
+ e = e || window.event;
+ if(!((e.button && e.button & 2) || (e.which && e.which == 3)))
+ {
+ if(tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x4))
+ {
+ tt_aV[STICKY] = true;
+ tt_iState &= ~0x4;
+ }
+ else if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE])
+ tt_HideInit();
+ }
+function tt_Int(x)
+ var y;
+ return(isNaN(y = parseInt(x)) ? 0 : y);
+Number.prototype.Timer = function(s, iT, bUrge)
+ if(!this.value || bUrge)
+ this.value = window.setTimeout(s, iT);
+Number.prototype.EndTimer = function()
+ if(this.value)
+ {
+ window.clearTimeout(this.value);
+ this.value = 0;
+ }
+function tt_GetWndCliSiz(s)
+ var db, y = window["inner" + s], sC = "client" + s, sN = "number";
+ if(typeof y == sN)
+ {
+ var y2;
+ return(
+ // Gecko or Opera with scrollbar
+ // ... quirks mode
+ ((db = document.body) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
+ // ... strict mode
+ : ((db = document.documentElement) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
+ // No scrollbar, or clientarea size == 0, or other browser (KHTML etc.)
+ : y
+ );
+ }
+ // IE
+ return(
+ // document.documentElement.client+s functional, returns > 0
+ ((db = document.documentElement) && (y = db[sC])) ? y
+ // ... not functional, in which case document.body.client+s
+ // is the clientarea size, fortunately
+ : document.body[sC]
+ );
+function tt_SetOpa(el, opa)
+ var css = el.style;
+ tt_opa = opa;
+ if(tt_flagOpa == 1)
+ {
+ if(opa < 100)
+ {
+ // Hacks for bugs of IE:
+ // 1.) Once a CSS filter has been applied, fonts are no longer
+ // anti-aliased, so we store the previous 'non-filter' to be
+ // able to restore it
+ if(typeof(el.filtNo) == tt_u)
+ el.filtNo = css.filter;
+ // 2.) A DIV cannot be made visible in a single step if an
+ // opacity < 100 has been applied while the DIV was hidden
+ var bVis = css.visibility != "hidden";
+ // 3.) In IE6, applying an opacity < 100 has no effect if the
+ // element has no layout (position, size, zoom, ...)
+ css.zoom = "100%";
+ if(!bVis)
+ css.visibility = "visible";
+ css.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opa + ")";
+ if(!bVis)
+ css.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ else if(typeof(el.filtNo) != tt_u)
+ // Restore 'non-filter'
+ css.filter = el.filtNo;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ opa /= 100.0;
+ switch(tt_flagOpa)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ css.KhtmlOpacity = opa; break;
+ case 3:
+ css.KHTMLOpacity = opa; break;
+ case 4:
+ css.MozOpacity = opa; break;
+ case 5:
+ css.opacity = opa; break;
+ }
+ }
+function tt_Err(sErr, bIfDebug)
+ if(tt_Debug || !bIfDebug)
+ alert("Tooltip Script Error Message:\n\n" + sErr);
+//============ EXTENSION (PLUGIN) MANAGER ===============//
+function tt_ExtCmdEnum()
+ var s;
+ // Add new command(s) to the commands enum
+ for(var i in config)
+ {
+ s = "window." + i.toString().toUpperCase();
+ if(eval("typeof(" + s + ") == tt_u"))
+ {
+ eval(s + " = " + tt_aV.length);
+ tt_aV[tt_aV.length] = null;
+ }
+ }
+function tt_ExtCallFncs(arg, sFnc)
+ var b = false;
+ for(var i = tt_aExt.length; i;)
+ {--i;
+ var fnc = tt_aExt[i]["On" + sFnc];
+ // Call the method the extension has defined for this event
+ if(fnc && fnc(arg))
+ b = true;
+ }
+ return b;