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abstract class DatabaseDriver
public const MYSQL = "mysql";
public const PGSQL = "pgsql";
public const SQLITE = "sqlite";
* A class for controlled database access
class Database
2019-06-14 13:17:03 -05:00
* The PDO database connection object, for anyone who wants direct access.
* @var null|PDO
private $db = null;
* @var float
public $dbtime = 0.0;
* Meta info about the database engine.
* @var DBEngine|null
private $engine = null;
* The currently active cache engine.
* @var Cache|null
public $cache = null;
* A boolean flag to track if we already have an active transaction.
* (ie: True if beginTransaction() already called)
* @var bool
public $transaction = false;
* How many queries this DB object has run
public $query_count = 0;
* For now, only connect to the cache, as we will pretty much certainly
* need it. There are some pages where all the data is in cache, so the
* DB connection is on-demand.
public function __construct()
$this->cache = new Cache(CACHE_DSN);
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
private function connect_db(): void
# FIXME: detect ADODB URI, automatically translate PDO DSN
* Why does the abstraction layer act differently depending on the
* back-end? Because PHP is deliberately retarded.
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237367
$matches = [];
if (preg_match("/user=([^;]*)/", DATABASE_DSN, $matches)) {
if (preg_match("/password=([^;]*)/", DATABASE_DSN, $matches)) {
// https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70221
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "6.9.9") == 1 && $this->get_driver_name() == DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
$ka = false;
$db_params = [
$this->db = new PDO(DATABASE_DSN, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_params);
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
private function connect_engine(): void
if (preg_match("/^([^:]*)/", DATABASE_DSN, $matches)) {
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Can't figure out database engine");
if ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
$this->engine = new MySQL();
} elseif ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
$this->engine = new PostgreSQL();
} elseif ($db_proto === DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
$this->engine = new SQLite();
} else {
die('Unknown PDO driver: '.$db_proto);
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
public function beginTransaction(): void
if ($this->transaction === false) {
$this->transaction = true;
public function commit(): bool
if (!is_null($this->db)) {
if ($this->transaction === true) {
$this->transaction = false;
return $this->db->commit();
} else {
throw new SCoreException("<p><b>Database Transaction Error:</b> Unable to call commit() as there is no transaction currently open.");
} else {
throw new SCoreException("<p><b>Database Transaction Error:</b> Unable to call commit() as there is no connection currently open.");
public function rollback(): bool
if (!is_null($this->db)) {
if ($this->transaction === true) {
$this->transaction = false;
return $this->db->rollback();
} else {
throw new SCoreException("<p><b>Database Transaction Error:</b> Unable to call rollback() as there is no transaction currently open.");
} else {
throw new SCoreException("<p><b>Database Transaction Error:</b> Unable to call rollback() as there is no connection currently open.");
public function escape(string $input): string
if (is_null($this->db)) {
return $this->db->Quote($input);
public function scoreql_to_sql(string $input): string
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
return $this->engine->scoreql_to_sql($input);
public function scoresql_value_prepare($input)
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
if($input===true) {
return $this->engine->BOOL_Y;
} else if ($input===false) {
return $this->engine->BOOL_N;
return $input;
public function get_driver_name(): string
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
return $this->engine->name;
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
private function count_execs(string $sql, array $inputarray): void
if ((DEBUG_SQL === true) || (is_null(DEBUG_SQL) && @$_GET['DEBUG_SQL'])) {
$sql = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/msi', ' ', $sql));
if (isset($inputarray) && is_array($inputarray) && !empty($inputarray)) {
$text = $sql." -- ".join(", ", $inputarray)."\n";
} else {
$text = $sql."\n";
file_put_contents("data/sql.log", $text, FILE_APPEND);
if (!is_array($inputarray)) {
# handle 2-dimensional input arrays
elseif (is_array(reset($inputarray))) {
$this->query_count += sizeof($inputarray);
} else {
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
private function count_time(string $method, float $start): void
if ((DEBUG_SQL === true) || (is_null(DEBUG_SQL) && @$_GET['DEBUG_SQL'])) {
$text = $method.":".(microtime(true) - $start)."\n";
file_put_contents("data/sql.log", $text, FILE_APPEND);
$this->dbtime += microtime(true) - $start;
public function execute(string $query, array $args=[]): PDOStatement
try {
if (is_null($this->db)) {
$this->count_execs($query, $args);
$stmt = $this->db->prepare(
"-- " . str_replace("%2F", "/", urlencode(@$_GET['q'])). "\n" .
// $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
if (!array_key_exists(0, $args)) {
foreach ($args as $name=>$value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$stmt->bindValue(':'.$name, $value, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
$stmt->bindValue(':'.$name, $value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
} else {
return $stmt;
} catch (PDOException $pdoe) {
throw new SCoreException($pdoe->getMessage()."<p><b>Query:</b> ".$query);
* Execute an SQL query and return a 2D array.
public function get_all(string $query, array $args=[]): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$data = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetchAll();
$this->count_time("get_all", $_start);
return $data;
* Execute an SQL query and return a single row.
2019-05-29 19:50:12 +01:00
public function get_row(string $query, array $args=[]): ?array
$_start = microtime(true);
$row = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetch();
$this->count_time("get_row", $_start);
return $row ? $row : null;
* Execute an SQL query and return the first column of each row.
public function get_col(string $query, array $args=[]): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$stmt = $this->execute($query, $args);
$res = [];
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
$res[] = $row[0];
$this->count_time("get_col", $_start);
return $res;
* Execute an SQL query and return the the first row => the second row.
public function get_pairs(string $query, array $args=[]): array
$_start = microtime(true);
$stmt = $this->execute($query, $args);
$res = [];
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
$res[$row[0]] = $row[1];
$this->count_time("get_pairs", $_start);
return $res;
* Execute an SQL query and return a single value.
public function get_one(string $query, array $args=[])
$_start = microtime(true);
$row = $this->execute($query, $args)->fetch();
$this->count_time("get_one", $_start);
return $row[0];
* Get the ID of the last inserted row.
public function get_last_insert_id(string $seq): int
if ($this->engine->name == DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
return $this->db->lastInsertId($seq);
} else {
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
* Create a table from pseudo-SQL.
public function create_table(string $name, string $data): void
if (is_null($this->engine)) {
$data = trim($data, ", \t\n\r\0\x0B"); // mysql doesn't like trailing commas
$this->execute($this->engine->create_table_sql($name, $data));
* Returns the number of tables present in the current database.
* @throws SCoreException
public function count_tables(): int
if (is_null($this->db) || is_null($this->engine)) {
if ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SHOW TABLES")
} elseif ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::PGSQL) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'")
} elseif ($this->engine->name === DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
return count(
$this->get_all("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'")
} else {
throw new SCoreException("Can't count tables for database type {$this->engine->name}");
class MockDatabase extends Database
/** @var int */
private $query_id = 0;
/** @var array */
private $responses = [];
2019-05-28 20:27:23 +01:00
/** @var ?NoCache */
public $cache = null;
public function __construct(array $responses = [])
$this->cache = new NoCache();
$this->responses = $responses;
public function execute(string $query, array $params=[]): PDOStatement
"QUERY: " . $query .
"\nARGS: " . var_export($params, true) .
"\nRETURN: " . var_export($this->responses[$this->query_id], true)
return $this->responses[$this->query_id++];
2019-05-28 19:00:23 +01:00
public function _execute(string $query, array $params=[])
"QUERY: " . $query .
"\nARGS: " . var_export($params, true) .
"\nRETURN: " . var_export($this->responses[$this->query_id], true)
return $this->responses[$this->query_id++];
public function get_all(string $query, array $args=[]): array
return $this->_execute($query, $args);
2019-05-29 19:50:12 +01:00
public function get_row(string $query, array $args=[]): ?array
return $this->_execute($query, $args);
public function get_col(string $query, array $args=[]): array
return $this->_execute($query, $args);
public function get_pairs(string $query, array $args=[]): array
return $this->_execute($query, $args);
public function get_one(string $query, array $args=[])
return $this->_execute($query, $args);
public function get_last_insert_id(string $seq): int
return $this->query_id;
public function scoreql_to_sql(string $sql): string
return $sql;
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public function create_table(string $name, string $def): void
2019-05-28 19:00:23 +01:00
2019-05-29 18:23:29 +01:00
public function connect_engine(): void