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2020-01-26 13:19:35 +00:00
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
class Update extends Extension
2020-02-04 00:46:36 +00:00
/** @var UpdateTheme */
protected $theme;
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
global $config;
$config->set_default_string("update_guserrepo", "shish/shimmie2");
$config->set_default_string("commit_hash", "unknown");
$config->set_default_string("update_time", "01/01/1970");
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
$sb = new SetupBlock("Update");
$sb->add_text_option("update_guserrepo", "User/Repo: ");
public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event)
global $config;
if ($config->get_string('transload_engine') !== "none") {
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
global $user, $page;
2019-09-29 19:00:51 +01:00
if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES) && isset($_GET['sha'])) {
if ($event->page_matches("update/download")) {
$ok = $this->download_shimmie();
2019-06-18 20:58:28 -05:00
if ($ok) {
$page->set_redirect(make_link("update/update", "sha=".$_GET['sha']));
} else {
} //TODO: Show error?
} elseif ($event->page_matches("update/update")) {
$ok = $this->update_shimmie();
2019-06-18 20:58:28 -05:00
if ($ok) {
} //TODO: Show success?
else {
} //TODO: Show error?
private function download_shimmie(): bool
global $config;
$commitSHA = $_GET['sha'];
$g_userrepo = $config->get_string('update_guserrepo');
$url = "https://codeload.github.com/".$g_userrepo."/zip/".$commitSHA;
$filename = "./data/update_{$commitSHA}.zip";
log_info("update", "Attempting to download Shimmie commit: ".$commitSHA);
if ($headers = transload($url, $filename)) {
if (($headers['Content-Type'] !== MIME_TYPE_ZIP) || ((int) $headers['Content-Length'] !== filesize($filename))) {
log_warning("update", "Download failed: not zip / not same size as remote file.");
return false;
return true;
log_warning("update", "Download failed to download.");
return false;
private function update_shimmie(): bool
global $config;
$commitSHA = $_GET['sha'];
log_info("update", "Download succeeded. Attempting to update Shimmie.");
$ok = false;
/** TODO: Backup all folders (except /data, /images, /thumbs) before attempting this?
Either that or point to https://github.com/shish/shimmie2/blob/master/README.txt -> Upgrade from 2.3.X **/
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open("./data/update_$commitSHA.zip") === true) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
$filename = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
if (substr($filename, -1) !== "/") {
copy("zip://".dirname(dirname(__DIR__)).'/'."./data/update_$commitSHA.zip"."#".$filename, substr($filename, 50));
$ok = true; //TODO: Do proper checking to see if everything copied properly
} else {
log_warning("update", "Update failed to open ZIP.");
if ($ok) {
$config->set_string("commit_hash", $commitSHA);
$config->set_string("update_time", date('d-m-Y'));
log_info("update", "Update succeeded?");
return $ok;