2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
* Name: StatsD Interface
* Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org>
* License: GPLv2
* Visibility: admin
* Description: Sends Shimmie stats to a StatsD server
* Documentation:
* define('STATSD_HOST', 'my.server.com:8125'); in shimmie.conf.php to set the host
_d("STATSD_HOST", null);
function dstat($name, $val) {
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$name"] = $val;
class StatsDInterface extends Extension {
public static $stats = array();
private function _stats($type) {
2015-08-02 20:39:41 +01:00
global $config, $_shm_event_count, $database, $_shm_execs, $_shm_load_start;
$time = microtime(true) - $_shm_load_start;
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.hits"] = "1|c";
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.time"] = "$time|ms";
2014-11-26 13:09:22 +00:00
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.time-db"] = "{$database->dbtime}|ms";
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.memory"] = memory_get_peak_usage(true)."|c";
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.files"] = count(get_included_files())."|c";
2015-08-02 20:39:41 +01:00
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.queries"] = $_shm_execs."|c";
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.events"] = $_shm_event_count."|c";
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.cache-hits"] = $database->cache->get_hits()."|c";
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.$type.cache-misses"] = $database->cache->get_misses()."|c";
public function onPageRequest($event) {
2013-07-05 22:22:39 +01:00
if($event->page_matches("post/view")) { # 40%
else if($event->page_matches("post/list")) { # 30%
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
2013-07-05 22:22:39 +01:00
else if($event->page_matches("user")) {
else if($event->page_matches("upload")) {
else if($event->page_matches("rss")) {
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
else {
2015-08-02 20:39:41 +01:00
#global $_shm_load_start;
#$time = microtime(true) - $_shm_load_start;
2013-07-05 22:22:39 +01:00
#file_put_contents("data/other.log", "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} $time\n", FILE_APPEND);
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
$this->send(StatsDInterface::$stats, 1.0);
StatsDInterface::$stats = array();
public function onUserCreation($event) {
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.events.user_creations"] = "1|c";
public function onDataUpload($event) {
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.events.uploads"] = "1|c";
public function onCommentPosting($event) {
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.events.comments"] = "1|c";
public function onImageInfoSet($event) {
StatsDInterface::$stats["shimmie.events.info-sets"] = "1|c";
2014-04-29 17:45:13 -04:00
* @return int
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
public function get_priority() {return 99;}
private function send($data, $sampleRate=1) {
if (!STATSD_HOST) { return; }
// sampling
$sampledData = array();
if ($sampleRate < 1) {
foreach ($data as $stat => $value) {
if ((mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()) <= $sampleRate) {
$sampledData[$stat] = "$value|@$sampleRate";
} else {
$sampledData = $data;
if (empty($sampledData)) { return; }
// Wrap this in a try/catch - failures in any of this should be silently ignored
try {
2014-04-19 01:18:49 -04:00
$parts = explode(":", STATSD_HOST);
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00
$host = $parts[0];
$port = $parts[1];
$fp = fsockopen("udp://$host", $port, $errno, $errstr);
if (! $fp) { return; }
foreach ($sampledData as $stat => $value) {
fwrite($fp, "$stat:$value");
} catch (Exception $e) {
2014-04-19 01:18:49 -04:00
// ignore any failures.
2012-06-22 18:34:23 +01:00