/** * util.ts * Common helper functions */ import { Collection, GuildManager, GuildTextBasedChannel, Message, MessageReaction, MessageType, User } from 'discord.js'; import { get as getEmojiName } from 'emoji-unicode-map'; import { createWriteStream, existsSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs'; import { get as httpGet } from 'https'; import { Database, open } from 'sqlite'; import { Database as Database3 } from 'sqlite3'; import 'dotenv/config'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { logError, logInfo, logWarn } from '../logging'; import { ScoreboardMessageRow } from '../models'; import { LLMDiscordMessage } from './provider/provider'; const reactionEmojis: string[] = process.env.REACTIONS.split(','); let db: Database = null; const REAL_NAMES = { // username to real name mapping 'vinso1445': 'Vincent Iannelli', 'scoliono': 'James Shiffer', 'gnuwu': 'David Zheng', 'f0oby': 'Myles Linden', 'bapazheng': 'Myles Linden', 'bapabakshi': 'Myles Linden', 'keliande27': 'Myles Linden', '1thinker': 'Samuel Habib', 'adam28405': 'Adam Kazerounian', 'shibe.mp4': 'Jake Wong' }; async function openDb() { db = await open({ filename: 'db.sqlite', driver: Database3 }) } function clearDb() { unlinkSync('db.sqlite'); } function messageLink(message: ScoreboardMessageRow) { return `https://discord.com/channels/${message.guild}/${message.channel}/${message.id}`; } function userAvatarPath(user: User) { return `../public/avatars/${user.id}.webp`; } async function downloadUserAvatar(user: User) { logInfo(`[bot] Downloading ${user.id}'s avatar...`); const file = createWriteStream(userAvatarPath(user)); return new Promise(resolve => { httpGet(user.displayAvatarURL(), res => { res.pipe(file); file.on('finish', () => { file.close(); logInfo(`[bot] Finished downloading ${user.id}'s avatar.`); resolve(); }); }); }); } async function refreshUserReactionTotalCount(user: User, emoji_idx: number) { const result = await db.get<{sum: number}>( `SELECT sum(reaction_${emoji_idx}_count) AS sum FROM messages WHERE author = ?`, user.id ); const emojiTotal = result.sum; await db.run( `INSERT INTO users(id, username, reaction_${emoji_idx}_total) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET reaction_${emoji_idx}_total = ?, username = ? WHERE id = ?`, user.id, user.displayName, emojiTotal, emojiTotal, user.displayName, user.id ); if (!existsSync(userAvatarPath(user))) { await downloadUserAvatar(user); } logInfo(`[bot] Refreshed ${user.id}'s ${reactionEmojis[emoji_idx - 1]} count.`); } async function recordReaction(reaction: MessageReaction) { const emojiIdx = reactionEmojis.indexOf(reaction.emoji.name) + 1; if (emojiIdx === 0) { return; } try { await db.run( `INSERT INTO messages(id, guild, channel, author, content, reaction_${emojiIdx}_count) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET reaction_${emojiIdx}_count = ? WHERE id = ?`, reaction.message.id, reaction.message.guildId, reaction.message.channelId, reaction.message.author.id, reaction.message.content, reaction.count, reaction.count, reaction.message.id ); await refreshUserReactionTotalCount(reaction.message.author, emojiIdx); logInfo(`[bot] Recorded ${reaction.emoji.name}x${reaction.count} in database.`); } catch (error) { logError('[bot] Something went wrong when updating the database:', error); return; } } async function serializeMessageHistory(m: Message): Promise { const stringifyReactions = (m: Message): string | undefined => { const reacts = m.reactions.cache; let serialized: string | undefined = undefined; for (const react of reacts.values()) { // "emoji.name" still returns us unicode, we want plaintext name const emojiTextName = getEmojiName(react.emoji.name) || react.emoji.name; if (emojiTextName) { if (serialized === null) { serialized = ''; } else { serialized += ', '; } serialized += `:${emojiTextName}: (${react.count})`; } } return serialized; }; if (!m.cleanContent) { return; } let msgDict: LLMDiscordMessage = { timestamp: m.createdAt.toUTCString(), author: m.author.username, name: REAL_NAMES[m.author.username] || null, content: m.cleanContent, reactions: stringifyReactions(m) }; // fetch replied-to message, if there is one if (m.type == MessageType.Reply && m.reference) { const repliedToMsg = await m.fetchReference(); if (repliedToMsg) { msgDict.context = repliedToMsg.cleanContent; } } return msgDict; }; async function sync(guilds: GuildManager) { const guild = await guilds.fetch(process.env.GUILD); if (!guild) { logError(`[bot] FATAL: guild ${guild.id} not found!`); return 1; } logInfo(`[bot] Entered guild ${guild.id}`); const channels = await guild.channels.fetch(); const textChannels = > channels.filter(c => c && 'messages' in c && c.isTextBased); for (const [id, textChannel] of textChannels) { logInfo(`[bot] Found text channel ${id}`); const oldestMsg = await db.get( 'SELECT * FROM messages WHERE guild = ? AND channel = ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1', guild.id, id ); const newestMsg = await db.get( 'SELECT * FROM messages WHERE guild = ? AND channel = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', guild.id, id ); let before: string = oldestMsg && String(oldestMsg.id); let after: string = newestMsg && String(newestMsg.id); let messagesCount = 0; let reactionsCount = 0; let newMessagesBefore: Collection>; let newMessagesAfter: Collection>; try { do { newMessagesBefore = await textChannel.messages.fetch({ before, limit: 100 }); messagesCount += newMessagesBefore.size; newMessagesAfter = await textChannel.messages.fetch({ after, limit: 100 }); messagesCount += newMessagesAfter.size; logInfo(`[bot] [${id}] Fetched ${messagesCount} messages (+${newMessagesBefore.size} older, ${newMessagesAfter.size} newer)`); const reactions = newMessagesBefore .flatMap(m => m.reactions.cache) .concat(newMessagesAfter.flatMap(m => m.reactions.cache)); for (const [_, reaction] of reactions) { await recordReaction(reaction); } reactionsCount += reactions.size; logInfo(`[bot] [${id}] Recorded ${reactionsCount} reactions (+${reactions.size}).`); if (newMessagesBefore.size > 0) { before = newMessagesBefore.last().id; } if (newMessagesAfter.size > 0) { after = newMessagesAfter.first().id; } } while (newMessagesBefore.size === 100 || newMessagesAfter.size === 100); logInfo(`[bot] [${id}] Done.`); } catch (err) { logWarn(`[bot] [${id}] Failed to fetch messages and reactions: ${err}`); } } } async function requestTTSResponse(txt: string): Promise { const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(); queryParams.append("token", process.env.LLM_TOKEN); queryParams.append("text", txt); const ttsEndpoint = `${process.env.LLM_HOST}/tts?${queryParams.toString()}`; logInfo(`[bot] Requesting TTS response for "${txt}"`); const res = await fetch(ttsEndpoint, { method: 'POST' }); const resContents = await res.blob(); return resContents; } export { db, clearDb, openDb, reactionEmojis, recordReaction, requestTTSResponse, serializeMessageHistory, sync };